AstroMommy’s Newsletter
AstroMommy’s Newsletter
Sun Trine Uranus & The Seven of Swords-Reversed--Twists to the Storyline Challenge Our Integrity

Sun Trine Uranus & The Seven of Swords-Reversed--Twists to the Storyline Challenge Our Integrity

Daily Horoscope Check-In for Thursday, September 19, 2024


You’re reading/listening to the AstroMommy daily horoscope,  a forecast that hopes to shine a light in the dark, helping us all see where we’ve been, where we are, and where we’re going; whether you’re a first-time reader/listener or a long-time subscriber, thanks for being here! I truly appreciate you being in the AstroMommy community. I hope you enjoy today’s horoscope and card reading.

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Without further ado, here is the daily horoscope.

Good Morning, friends!

Well yesterday was funny because right after I published the newsletter, my husband texted me and said we were not going to Virginia after all! So we ended up having a pretty normal day. How about you? Have any Uranian twists manifested yet?

Okay, let’s get into….the astrology

(all times are in Eastern time unless mentioned otherwise)

Early in the morning at 12:33 am  the Moon in Aries formed a semisquare to Uranus in Taurus retrograde indicating that whatever crazy pants thing came up yesterday, actually fell flat and didn’t pan out.  The semisquare is an aspect that means trying to push for something but getting nowhere, there’s just too much friction and too many things that have to happen first before the thing desired can manifest fully.

Then at 8:56 am the Aries Moon made a quincunx to Mercury in Virgo and that means that you may not feel like doing what is on your to-do list today.  The quincunx means change and separation and the two energies not wanting to work together but being forced to and in this case I feel like the Aries Moon has desires, destinations, and a destiny that she really wants to focus on, but Mercury in Virgo is holding her back and saying, “Moon, you have to pay attention to the details, you must track and record the data, you need to write this down,” and “What about the chores and what’s going on in your immediate environment?  You can’t drop the ball, you have to cross this stuff off the list, first!” This could be aggravating for the Aries Moon who really just wants to get up and go and do what she wants to do, what she feels drawn to, like a moth to a flame.  Being held back by the details and the mundane chores is excruciating for the Aries Moon energy.  But this transit means that we will do our tasks, at least for a little while today, even if they are not what we want to focus on, because we do see the value in them.

By midmorning at 10:04 am the Sun in Virgo will perfect his trine to Uranus in Taurus retrograde biringing in sudden unexpected twists and turns to the storylines of our lives.  You may experience this transit before, during, or after the moment of exactitude, so if you haven’t seen this archetypal combo show up in your life yet, there’s still time, as the two planets will be within range of each other until the Sun leaves the sign of Virgo and enters Libra on Sunday, September 22, 2024.

According to astrologer Renn Butler in his book The Archetypal Universe, the Sun and Uranus in trine may increase a “sense of freedom and autonomy, individuation and independence, unique opportunities for creative self-expression, [and] unexpected breakthroughs” (2018).

Since the Sun is also applying to a trine to Pluto in Capricorn retrograde, which will perfect just a few hours before the Sun moves into Libra this coming Sunday, adding the Plutonian energy to this combination we get, “Driving urges toward freedom and transformation, powerful opportunities for renewal and regeneration, [and] profound evolutionary breakthroughs,” Butler says.  So, this energy can feel exciting and fast and you may have the feeling that something really profoudn is happening, but it may be very hard to pinpoint or see because the Sun is also in the opposition to Neptune which will perfect tomorrow, right?  It’s like trying to watch a baby grow…we know it is happening, we feel it in our very existence and we catch little glimpses of it, but it happens so slowly and so imperceptibly on a day to day basis that we can’t actually “see” it in the here and now, we can only compare the past to today and see how much the baby has grown. 

So, if you are feeling a little forlorn like you are not experiencing any movement toward yoru goals or you are doubting that you are taking the right steps forward, this is because your growth and your movement along the path in your life is imperceptible in the here and now.  It's clouded by the slowness of it, the evolution is too hard to see because it is part of a much longer cycle, so if you need some clarity or some confirmation, take a step back and look at where you were before and where you are now.  Only through retrospect and comparison can you see the change and personal growth.  And…be kind to yourself in the way in which you speak to yourself, in your head.  Our self-talk is so important.

Deepak Chopra said in one of his talks that I listened to recently, and I apologize because I can’t remember which one, but he said something like, what you are experiencing now, is a culmination of what you told yourself in the past. 

Let that sink in…

What you are experiencing now, is a culmination of what you told yourself in the past. 

So, speak kindly to yourself and have compassion for where you are because these thoughts will manifest your reality in the future!! 

Okay, back to the timeline of transits.

In the afternoon at 2:11 pm the Moon in Aries will form a harmonious sextile to Jupiter in Gemini and I love this because it means that there are positive, supportive, and helpful opportunities available today.  Jupiter in Gemini, even though he is in his detriment, is still  positive and supportive and this means blessings, aid, help and joy.  So we could have positive encounters with friends and family today, maybe we feel emotionally supported by a teacher or a wise friend, or perhaps some good fortune comes to you. 

At 4:43 pm the Aries Moon conjoins Chiron in Aries retrograde and thank goodness the Moon is also in sextile to Jupiter because sometimes when the Moon meets up with Chiron it feels painful because we have to look at our failures, vulnerabilities, and wounds more closely.  So on the one hand we may feel like we are failing or that we are dealing with a lot of painful ego-issues, but on the other hand, we are not actually getting the response from the Universe that we are failures.  

Late tonight, at 11:13 pm the Moon in Aries will oppose Venus in Libra.  This could spell trouble in our relationships and something may come to a head and need to be discussed or decided on.  Emotionally we may feel very confident and entitled to our feelings but at the same time this attitude is not bringing the love that we seek or desire right now and this discrepancy can create conflicts and disaggreements in love. 

Besides love and relationships, Venus also signifies our finances and money and this opposition, following the Mercury/Saturn opposition we had yesterday could mean another development in a deal, contract, or commitment we are in the middle of.  Perhaps you closed the deal but you are still waiting on the final installment or the payout and here it is.  It is common to see deals in real estate or personal property show up as oppositions, so this is not bad, it just means that the decision will be final. 

Venus is getting closer to making a YOD with Uranus and Pluto, both retrograde, tomorrow and on Saturday, and this means that something unexpected and transformational, is on the table right now.  The Moon opposite Venus today could be a big piece to this puzzle, so jot down what happens today in your journal because you may want to refer to it later. 

The Tarot Card

Let’s see what the cards have to say…

What is the guidance for today?

Seven of Swords-Reversed

On this card we see a man stealing five swords with two stuck in the snow behind him. He is smiling corruptly and looking behind him as he creeps forward.

In the upright position this card suggests that either you or someone you encounter is doing something shady that lacks integrity and honor.  It could mean you are trying to get away with something or someone is trying to get away with something by lying, cheating, or stealing from you.

In the reversed position this could mean that you are doing yourself harm by lying to yourself.  Or it could mean you’ve recently done a deed that you regret.  Perhaps one of your belongings goes missing and you suspect someone of thievery. 

So, watch your back for people lying to you and make sure that you are being honest with yourself!  With the Sun opposing Neptune tomorrow, there could be a lot of wishful thinking and looking at life with rose-colored glasses going on right now, but those are about to come off and then we will see the truth of the matter, so do your best to act with integrity and honor.  Tell yourself the honest truth even if it is not what you want to hear, but do it kindly and with compassion. 

We have support today from Jupiter, so, in the big picture, things are gonna be okay, even if today feels challenging. 

What do you think?  Does this reading resonate with you?  I know for me, I have had a lot of scammers texting me and sending me emails as of late and I think this sort of thing may happen more acutely when planets oppose Neptune, so be diligent and don’t fall for any of these nefarious traps!

I would love to hear from you in the comments.

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I hope this is helpful!

Until tomorrow,


Thank you for reading or listening to the daily horoscope!

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Today’s card was pulled from The Hanson-Roberts Tarot Deck available on Amazon.

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AstroMommy’s Newsletter
AstroMommy’s Newsletter
Horoscope newsletter that often incorporates motherhood, dreams, tarot cards, inspirational quotes, movies, and sometimes a story or two. Updates and news about AstroMommy and Metaphysical Flamingo, her family art studio on Etsy, as well. Enjoy!