AstroMommy’s Newsletter
Podcast of the AstroMommy Newsletter
Episode #158: Ripping The Bandage Off! First Quarter Moon Opposite Pluto

Episode #158: Ripping The Bandage Off! First Quarter Moon Opposite Pluto


Show Notes:      

Here are the timestamps for today's horoscope:

0:00 Welcome to the AstroMommy Newsletter Introduction

0:45 Title and Date

0:54 Good morning, friends!  

2:57 Daily Horoscope for Wednesday and Thursday, April 26-27, 2023

10:22 The card for the day

14:10 End Remarks        

14:18 quick links, and resources, and “side effects.”


You’re listening to the AstroMommy daily horoscope,  a forecast that hopes to shine a light in the dark, helping us all see where we’ve been, where we are, and where we’re going.  Whether you’re a first-time listener or a long-time subscriber, thanks for being here! I truly appreciate you being in the AstroMommy community. I hope you enjoy today’s horoscope and card reading.

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Without further ado, here is the daily horoscope.

Good morning, friends!

The planets in astrology show us the hand of fate as it works to weave the tapestry of our lives, laying down thread after thread.  With the knowledge of this weaving, we are given the chance to think before we act and find meaning in the mundane.  This is probably one of my favorite parts of studying astrology so far: having the knowledge a little bit ahead of the manifestation so that I can execute my free will in a way that helps me grow as a soul.

As we go over today's and tomorrow’s astrology, keep in mind that we are in the middle of eclipse season, this is when pictures in the tapestry of our lives start to take shape and form.  The last eclipse, the Hybrid Solar Eclipse at the last degree, the anoretic degree, of Aries was a big one.  If you missed the posts I wrote about this eclipse and the Sun or Rising sign horoscopes, please go back and read or listen to them! 

Remember after the eclipse, the Sun ingressed into Taurus and immediately perfected a square to Pluto, so this eclipse season is one that is bringing massive change!  Then, just two days after that, Mercury stationed retrograde, was joined by the Moon, and almost conjoined Uranus!  This means that this eclipse and this Mercury retrograde are bringing in shocking, unexpected changes that will be felt on a personal level.  These could be good changes or uncomfortable ones.  How the pictures will take form depend on your natal chart and your own personal karma.

Eclipses come in pairs.  We have had one, and we still have one to go.  We are just getting started.

So, be aware that it’s like we are in labor, but we still have hours to go before the baby starts crowning, right?  It’s important to pace yourself and not try to push these fated events along, let nature, the Universe do what it’s supposed to do and surrender to the process.  That’s my best advice, having naturally birthed five babies.  Drink water, do the things that help and not hinder progress, and ride the waves of each rush of changes as best you can.

Okay, let’s get into… the astrology

On Wednesday the Moon will be in Cancer and then she will ingress into the sign of Leo on Thursday.  So, for the next two days, we are in transition from one energy to the next.

Once in Leo, she will enter the First Quarter Phase of her cycle when she squares the Sun in Taurus at 5:19 pm ET on Thursday.   The First Quarter phase is a crisis point, a pivot point, where the energy can shift dramatically.  It’s like our labor will be picking up, increasing in intensity on Thursday, so let’s break it down into individual threads and see if we can visualize the scene on the tapestry…

On Wednesday the Moon will move from 16° to 28° Cancer.  The Moon is at home in Cancer and loves being here.  She feels secure, comfortable, and able to take care of things the way she wants.  She is driven by her emotional desire to create her home, nurture her family, and begin whatever projects she feels are necessary.

Last night, she met up with Mars, who is in fall in Cancer and does not like it here, so there could have been some testy moments or it could’ve been harder than normal to sleep last night!  You could’ve literally been fighting someone or something in your dreams, or felt like getting up in the middle of the night to work on some project!  I know, for myself, that I was just laying there thinking about my life; going over the experiences I have had that have fit the archetypes, the Mercury retrograde, and the eclipse energy. 

After the Moon met up with Mars, she then formed a square to Chiron in Aries, further aggravating areas where we feel vulnerable and wounded.  This transit represents an opportunity, to be honest, direct, and upfront about your feelings.  Focus on building bridges not burning them, though, and stay away from the blame game.

After that, the Moon in Cancer perfects a sextile to Uranus in Taurus and there may be new ideas for your home, garden, the food you like to eat, your hair, your wardrobe, or fashion sense that comes up!  This is a positive energy that brings about fun shifts, so feel free to explore!

In the evening the Moon in Cancer forms a square to Jupiter in Aries, so the desire to do what you want, buy what you want, or go where you want that will make you feel better is very strong!  Resist the urge to be excessive and try to have some self-control where appropriate.  This energy is also a good reminder to stay optimistic, look at the bigger picture, and focus on what you are creating and building that’s positive in your life.  Jupiter is a beneficial energy that helps, benefits and brings positive blessings, so all in all, this could be a turning point in your fortune!  But, it will come with initiatory actions to get things done.  It’s not an energy to sit on the couch and eat Bon-Bons, but rather get on your horse and take a ride to the top of the mountain to get a better view and refuel your enthusiasm for the journey ahead!  Look what amazing terrain you get to travel through!  Isn’t life exciting, unpredictable, and fascinating?  Look at the amazing scenes in your tapestry!

At 7:40 pm ET, the Moon in Cancer perfects a trine to Neptune in Pisces and this is a great energy where we may feel more imaginative, dreamy, artistic, or musically inclined!  It’s a very pleasant way to end the night that may be very relaxing, like a nice warm bath surrounded by candlelight.

On Thursday, the Moon ingresses into Leo and immediately opposes Pluto in Aquarius at 2:29 am ET. 

The Leo Moon is a very different energy than the Cancer Moon.  It’s fixed/fire and therefore it’s an enduring heat that for some, is intolerable, for others is a welcome intensity after the watery Cancer energy.  The Leo Moon is loud, exuberant, and dramatic.  And with a square to Pluto punctuating this transition, I would be surprised if we didn’t personally feel the shift in energy from Wednesday to Thursday in a vivid, maybe even painful way, ourselves!  This is like adding a bold, bright new color to our tapestry! It pops, draws the eye, and creates a whole new scene.  It can feel jolting, rapid, and abrupt!  Like tearing a bandage off!

The opposition aspect represents coming to a point in the situation where a choice has to be made; there is a stand-off between energies, a dilemma, and a duality that makes itself known!  Unfortunately, with the opposition, you can’t have it both ways—it’s one way or the other.

This opposition, as I said before is between Pluto and the Moon.  Pluto is the planet of death, rebirth, regeneration, transmutation, and power, and the Moon is the planet of emotions, mothering, and that which comes to be and passes away; the fluctuating things in life like love, money, feelings, and gardens.  Everything has a life cycle and Thursday is an important critical moment in this current cycle.

By 9:34 am ET on Thursday, Mars will perfect his square to Chiron.  We’ve been talking about this energy building up for the last few days.  This transit represents a moment where our vulnerabilities, wounds, and fears that we have been feeling in life come to a turning point and have to shift.  We have to forgive and learn to trust again.

Then the Moon forms squares to the North and South Node, a further building up of the energy before her first quarter square to the Sun.  If you are in the northern hemisphere you may actually be able to see the half-moon begin her climb in the sky in the afternoon!

Building upon that, the Moon in Leo creates a quincunx, a 150° angle, to Saturn in Pisces, which means: change, separation, and letting go of something, but in a rather stubborn way--could this be the “tower” moment of this eclipse cycle forming? 

At 5:19 pm ET, the Moon finally perfects her First Quarter square to the Sun--so as the Sun is setting, the half-moon will be high in the sky, reminding us to be authentic and true to who we are. 

The First Quarter Phase of the lunar cycle marks a crisis point where decisions need to be made and actions need to be taken.  It’s a point in the cycle when the Moon is individuating from the Sun, showing more of her true form and breaking away from whatever restraints she’s been feeling.  It’s a time for making and executing plans and finally making some progress! 

If the Moon quincunx Saturn represents a “tower” moment in our lives, then this First Quarter Moon is our response to it.  How will we react?  What steps will we need to take?    

Saturn represents structures, limits, and boundaries, like time, the ocean, and our skin, to name a few.  It could also be beliefs that limit us or strive to keep us safe.  The quincunx aspect is a test of those boundaries; which ones are serving us and which ones need to be torn down, destroyed, and dismantled.  There’s an air of stubbornness, reluctance, and arrogance with the quincunx energy like we are being forced to deal with something that we’d really rather not. 

Often the “tower” moments in our lives are extremely necessary, but excruciatingly painful, changes that have to happen in order for our souls to grow.  It’s like a cosmic bandage being ripped off!  And you may not want to remove the dressing at all!  It’s through this stubbornness to change that the Universe tears it off for you, and with a swiftness that can send you into shock. 

But, now you know it may be coming, so you can brace yourself or tear the band-aid off ahead of time!  When you tear off a bandage quickly, it actually doesn’t hurt as much as it could, right?  But, it still hurts. 

This, to me, is one of the most helpful things about astrology.  You are able to see what’s coming so you can prepare for it rather than being caught unaware.  If you haven’t done so yet, please go to this post and read your personal horoscope for this eclipse cycle so that you can arm yourself with the knowledge of where in your personal life change is about to occur.  It’s not always “bad” change, right?  Sometimes it’s just what we need and it’s really, really “good!”  So, go and check out that horoscope! 

Let’s move on to the card for the day:

What is the guidance for today?

IX of Swords—Reversed

On this card, we see a woman sitting up in bed, maybe having woken up from a nightmare, and holding her face in her hands.  Nine swords hang horizontally on the dark wall behind her, symbolizing negative thinking.  Her bedspread has roses and astrological symbols on it and the bed frame shows two people fighting, with one of them clearly being defeated.

In the upright position or the reversed position, the Nine of Swords represents worry, anxiety, negative thinking, and feeling depressed.  The swords on the wall look really heavy, indicating that the thoughts are not only negative but immensely powerful.

We pulled this card last Friday and it was reversed then as well, so obviously, we need to hear this message again, or we need to explore the deeper meanings of this card. 

First, stop beating yourself up!  Whatever negative emotions and worries you have that are weighing heavily on your mind, bless them and let them go!  Send them off to the Universe to deal with.  It’s time to lighten your heart and open up fearlessly to all the new possibilities that are about to happen in your life! 

Second, the Nines in the Tarot have to do with coming to the end of a cycle before starting over and thus contain all the numbers before it.  It marks a state of completion before a state of initiation.  We must complete those things that we have started and tie up any loose ends so we are free to proceed forward—this fits very nicely with the Mercury retrograde in Taurus, wouldn’t ya say?

Third, the Major Arcana card associated with the number Nine is: IX The HermitThe Hermit is the “way-shower” and represents someone who lights the path with their lantern for others.  It is someone who teaches about the Universal truths and guides souls through the trials, processes, and thresholds in life. So, anytime any of the Nine cards show up, it’s an invitation to consult your inner “way-shower” and light your own path with wise reflection, contemplation, and guidance. It’s the divine message, “Trust your intuition, remember YOU instinctively know the way!”

Fourth, the Nine of Swords reversed may be saying that it is time to confide in someone for support.  You may be carrying very heavy burdens and need a “lantern-bearer” to help you see the light at the end of the tunnel of self-doubt.   Sometimes all we need is a caring ear to vent to and the load we are carrying loses some of its pressure.

Fifth, on a positive note, the Nine of Swords reversed could symbolize that you have already let go of the negative emotions of fear, worry, and self-doubt and you are feeling better, less impeded, and more empowered! You have done the hard work of reflecting and contemplating your limiting beliefs.  You took a scrutinizing look at yourself or your situation and decided what was true and what was a made-up, self-defeating story and you are now ready to walk over that threshold and begin the new journey.  If this is you, give yourself a pat on the back!  It is not easy to stare fear in its face and walk through the doorways of life with no real knowledge of what lies beyond.  It’s easier to stay put where we are comfortable, even if it’s not for our highest good.  It takes real courage to keep growing, living, and learning in life, so good on you!

The Astrology is further corroborating the messages of this card and is saying that you may be afraid and that’s normal, but it’s time to step into your true power, your true light, and let go of the negative emotions, the negative self-talk, and stop feeding the fears within you.  What we dwell upon grows, so dwell on the good!  Think about what is going on in your life right now that is awesome and feels right and focus more on that.  Embrace the Leo Moon energy that is coming tomorrow and be courageous, loving, and generous!  Face the changes in your life, the detailed embroidery that innervates the wall-hanging, with an open heart and mind, and be ready for the cosmic reveal!  Isn’t that what makes the tapestry of life beautiful?

Let me know if this reading resonates with you, in the comments! 

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I hope this is helpful!

Until Friday,


Thank you for reading or listening to the daily horoscope!

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Today’s card was pulled from The Universal Waite Tarot Deck available on Amazon.

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AstroMommy’s Newsletter
Podcast of the AstroMommy Newsletter
A read-aloud version of the daily horoscope newsletter that often incorporates motherhood, dreams, tarot cards, inspirational quotes, movies, and sometimes a story or two. Updates and news about AstroMommy and Metaphysical Flamingo, her family art studio on Etsy, as well. Enjoy!