AstroMommy’s Newsletter
Podcast of the AstroMommy Newsletter
Episode #197: The Full Moon In Capricorn, Happy July 4th, And The Page Of Wands-Reversed

Episode #197: The Full Moon In Capricorn, Happy July 4th, And The Page Of Wands-Reversed

Daily Horoscope for Monday and Tuesday, July 3-4, 2023

Show Notes:      

Here are the timestamps for today's horoscope:

0:00 Welcome to the AstroMommy Newsletter Introduction

0:45 Title and Date                            

0:54 Good morning, friends!  

1:32 Monday, July 3, 2023

5:18 Tuesday, July 4, 2023

9:57 The card for the day

11:26 End Remarks        

11:32 quick links, and resources, and “side effects.”


You’re listening to the AstroMommy daily horoscope,  a forecast that hopes to shine a light in the dark, helping us all see where we’ve been, where we are, and where we’re going.  Whether you’re a first-time listener or a long-time subscriber, thanks for being here! I truly appreciate you being in the AstroMommy community. I hope you enjoy today’s horoscope and card reading.

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Without further ado, here is the daily horoscope.

Good morning, friends!

Today is the day to post your poems!  I will post mine and you may either post yours in the comments section of that post or send it to me in an email by either replying to the newsletter or writing to

I love reading your poems and look forward to them every month!  Watch for the Lunar Poetry Ritual post coming soon!

Last night we saw the beautiful Super Buck Moon.  It revealed itself from behind the clouds as a large orange-glowing orb!  It was magnificent and surprised me!  We got a picture, but it doesn’t do the sight in person justice.  Did you see the moon last night?  It will be another beautiful scene tonight, but won’t appear as large.

Okay, let’s get into… the astrology

On Monday, the Moon is in Capricorn and won’t move into Aquarius until Tuesday.

Before the Full Moon at 7:38 am ET, the Moon in Capricorn makes several aspects.  First, she forms a sesquiquadrate to Uranus in Taurus, a sextile to Saturn in Pisces, another sesquiquadrate to Venus and Mars in Leo, and finally a trine to Jupiter in Taurus! 

This is a cosmic dance that represents a major build-up to the Full Moon energy!  It could symbolize, unexpected blocks and delays, especially when it comes to our relationships, our drives, and ambitions and what we are trying to accomplish, and at the same time there are serious opportunities for growth and expansion of our responsibilities and commitments!  The Moon is going through a lot!

Then at 7:38 am ET, the Moon opposes the Sun in Cancer at 11°Capricorn 18’.  She is also in opposition to Mercury, who just had his cazimi with the Sun over the weekend.  So, we are trying to figure out how to feel comfortable, secure, and at home when it comes to what we are doing in our lives and how we are communicating and processing all the mental chatter that is in our heads. 

The Moon in Capricorn wants us to be the adult in the situation and make long-term plans that aren’t going to ruin everything we’ve achieved and built.  The Opposition is the hardest aspect in astrology and is said to be the nature of Saturn, so it’s harsh, austere, serious, and represents a stand-off between the energies.  The planets involved have come to a place where a major decision has to be made and it usually is hard, very challenging, and oftentimes requires a sacrifice, a debt to be paid, or some sort of extreme compromise by one or both parties. 

In the case of the Full Moon, this is also an energy of completion in that the intentions you set at the New Moon, two weeks ago, are now coming to bear fruit—we’ve reached the top, the peak, the culminating point of our efforts and we are ready to show off what we’ve done, or we are at the end of something and we are celebrating the closure, ending, or finalization of a project. 

You can see the Full Moon in the chart below:

Full Moon in Capricorn at 11°18’, at 7:38 am ET. Chart generated using Solar Fire.

The Moon is in Capricorn on the lower right-hand side and the Sun and Mercury are on the middle left in Cancer.  The Moon is in a trine to, and the Sun and Mercury are still in their sextile to, Jupiter during this Full Moon which is positive and helpful and means that whatever commencement or project that you are showcasing is supported and blessed by beneficial energy.  If you are experiencing an ending of some sort that feels challenging, these harmonious aspects to Jupiter mean that there is a silver lining to it all.  The trick is to continue to make choices that are in alignment with your values, your morals, and of the highest quality.  Look at the bigger picture of what you already have that is meeting those requirements.

Saturn in Pisces retrograde is also supporting the Sun and Mercury by a whole sign trine from Pisces to Cancer—even though this aspect is no longer in effect by degree, this energy is still there and it means that things are changing and old patterns that may be coming back or revealing themselves are being restructured and let go, which may feel uncomfortable at the moment, but ultimately will be better in time.

Venus is still in her square to Uranus from Leo to Taurus, which perfected on Sunday, so there could be some extreme relationship situations alongside this Full Moon.  This is the first of three squares to Uranus that Venus will make, the second will be during her retrograde on August 9, and the third will be after she has stationed direct again and moved forward in Leo on September 29, 2023.  So, whatever surprising or shocking thing that has happened or will happen--from June 27 until July 7 (the period in which Venus is within the 3-degree engagement range with Uranus)—will give you clues as to a major theme for you during her retrograde.  If you personally are not having a profound relationship event, you will no doubt witness them happening around you! 

On Tuesday…

We have July 4th, Independence Day in America!  So, Happy Fourth of July, everyone!

The Moon will be in Capricorn for the first half of the day and then she will ingress into Aquarius at 1:29 pm ET.

The first order of business for our “boss” Moon is a trine to Uranus in Taurus which will be perfecting right after midnight on Monday night, technically Tuesday, so we may feel this transit building up late Monday night.  The Moon in a favorable aspect to Uranus can bring about sudden, yet exciting changes in circumstances that feel fortunate and spontaneous.  We could feel a sense of freedom, liberation, and excitement!  This is great energy to start the day with for the Holiday!

Then at 12:44 am ET, the Moon forms a semisquare to Saturn in Pisces reminding us to be patient and methodical in our plans and approach.

At 1:55 am ET the Moon forms her first quincunx of the day to Venus in Leo and then 6 hours later she forms another one to Mars in Leo—symbolizing a letting go or a big change in regard to relationships, drive, and motivation—things are shifting in our emotional landscapes as we figure out what we desire, what we attract, and what we ultimately want to take action on.  Our values, morals, and judgments are being tested.

In the morning on Tuesday, the Moon in Capricorn forms a harmonious sextile to Neptune in Pisces.  This transit could represent having good dreams or at least pleasant ones.  It could also indicate a feeling of being in the right place at the right time and a sense of spiritual belonging.  It’s subtle but there, and can be accessed further through art, dance, nature, dreams, and music.

By the afternoon, the Moon reaches Pluto in Capricorn and together they symbolize deep, truthful feelings bubbling to the surface like an upwelling of earth being excavated by a mole.  Once the dirt is out in the open it is for everyone to see and it’s up to you how to handle these true feelings.  The Capricorn Moon, although a more serious moon, isn’t without feeling, it’s just a bit more pragmatic about it.  The challenge here is to not get too heavy, which the Moon in Capricorn can naturally become, and when in contact with Pluto that’s like attaching another anchor to the already weighted down emotional ship.  Capricorn is an earth sign and the earth signs like to sail across the “emotion ocean” in their ships, and the Capricorn ship is well-made, durable, and long-lasting.  The problem is that the Capricorn moon is always choosing work over people and this may backfire in the end.

When the Moon conjoins Pluto there is always a small death of something emotional, a small release, or a big one depending on what is needed, but it’s a monthly cleansing, washing away of something we don’t need to hang onto anymore. This contact coming right after a Full Moon represents letting go of whatever just hit its peak and then taking the next steps forward on our journey—this is like throwing away some garbage you’ve been carrying in your car, while on the epic road trip of life, at a rest stop.  It may be a bit bittersweet as you remember the memories of eating that taco or drinking that energy drink, but it’s impractical to hold onto the nostalgic containers and wrappers, they aren’t useful anymore and need to be tossed out.  Let go and move on.

At 1:29 pm ET on Tuesday the Moon ingresses into the airy sign of Aquarius so we are over all that deep, internal emotional crap that just came up, let us embrace and celebrate detachment!!  It is always easier to deal with life’s ups and downs from far far away emotionally and Aquarius is high above the “emotion ocean” in the clouds looking all around for the thing that will set them apart from everyone else and maintain their aloof, knowledgeable, detached status.  The Aquarian Moon does want to make sure that everyone is having their most basic essential needs met and isn’t being discriminated against or left out, so they will go out of their way to stand up and fight for the underdog.  They are not without feeling or compassion, but they don’t get pulled down into the watery depths, like the water sign Moons, no, they stay in the clouds, high above the murkiness, and oversee the relationships. They are great at philosophizing, sharing their knowledge and wisdom, and listening to the feelings of others, and they do sympathize, but they don’t empathize. Their emotions are theirs and your emotions are yours and there is no intermingling or getting confused. They know where their energy stops and yours begins—it’s as stark a difference as the demarcation of air and water.

The Aquarian Moon will square the Nodes in the afternoon at 3:27 pm ET, when she is at the Southern Bending, manifesting events that have to do with our fate.  Whatever deep truths came up and needed to be dealt with, have been acknowledged.  There is no sugar-coating or softening the blow with the Moon in Aquarius--it’s all about truth, equality, and egalitarianism. Trash is trash and needs to go; there is no sentimental attachment going on, and there are trash receptacles available for everyone!

Let’s move on to the card for the day:

What is the guidance for today?

Page of Wands—Reversed

On this card, we see a young man embarking on a journey.  He has youthful, spontaneous, and pioneering energy which gives him the courage to move forward, and by doing so he inspires others.

The Page of Wands represents the element of fire, which gives us courage, inspiration, and a desire for freedom. In the upright position, the Page of Wands represents taking the spark of inspiration and moving in new directions without fear, obstacles, or internal blocks. 

In the reversed position, this card is telling us that we do not have all the information we need to take action and move forward with our new idea.  We may feel something new moving within, but there may be internal blocks, fears, or obstacles that we need to explore first.  What are we afraid of?  What information do we still need to make a decision?  Today is not a day to take action in an outward sense but in an inward sense.  It’s time to look within for answers and inspiration. 

On another note, the Page of Wands reversed could describe a situation in which you started a new project and it didn’t go the way you had hoped and now you are going back to the drawing board and need to try a new approach, medium, or tactic.  Maybe it ended up being too complicated and riddled with obstacles or maybe you were met with great opposition to your idea and now you are doubting yourself and feel indecisive and unmotivated. 

As the card for the day, the Page of Wands is inviting us to look within for spiritual guidance.  This may be a very private exploration as you work on inspiring yourself instead of inspiring others.

Let me know if this reading resonates with you, in the comments! 

Leave a comment

I hope this is helpful!

Until Wednesday,


Thank you for reading or listening to the daily horoscope!

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Today’s card was pulled from The Rolla Nordic Tarot Deck available on Amazon.

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AstroMommy’s Newsletter
Podcast of the AstroMommy Newsletter
A read-aloud version of the daily horoscope newsletter that often incorporates motherhood, dreams, tarot cards, inspirational quotes, movies, and sometimes a story or two. Updates and news about AstroMommy and Metaphysical Flamingo, her family art studio on Etsy, as well. Enjoy!