AstroMommy’s Newsletter
Podcast of the AstroMommy Newsletter
Episode #230: Throw It Out And Start Fresh--New Moon In Virgo On Thursday!

Episode #230: Throw It Out And Start Fresh--New Moon In Virgo On Thursday!

Daily Horoscope for Wednesday and Thursday, September 13-14, 2023

Show Notes:      

Here are the timestamps for today's horoscope:

0:00 Welcome to the AstroMommy Newsletter Introduction

0:29 Title and Date                            

0:38 Good morning, friends! Reminders & updates 

0:57 Wednesday, September 13, 2023

3:58 Thursday, September 14, 2023

5:50 How to read the table

7:18 The card for the day

8:29 End Remarks          

8:35 quick links, and resources, and “side effects”


You’re listening to the AstroMommy daily horoscope,  a forecast that hopes to shine a light in the dark, helping us all see where we’ve been, where we are, and where we’re going.  Whether you’re a first-time listener or a long-time subscriber, thanks for being here! I truly appreciate you being in the AstroMommy community. I hope you enjoy today’s horoscope and card reading.

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Without further ado, here is the daily horoscope.

Good morning, friends!

I would like to remind everyone before we get into the transits to please submit your question and deck preference for the ‘Fun and for You’ card reading opportunity coming up at the beginning of October, and remember to check out the new Referral program as a way to earn rewards for sharing the AstroMommy Newsletter.

Thank you so much for being here!  I love you guys!

Okay, let’s get into… the astrology

(All times are in Easter Time (ET) unless mentioned otherwise)

So for these two days, the theme is really “throw it out and start fresh!”

On Wednesday…

We are in the Balsamic Moon phase and Thursday is the New Moon in Virgo.  My teacher, David Palmer, the Leo King, said it best, we are in the “Spiritual PMS” time and the new cycle is about to start.

The Moon on Wednesday ingresses into Virgo at 1:12 am, so really early in the morning on the East Coast, or it was really late on Tuesday night if you’re on the West Coast.

Once the Moon is in Virgo the first thing she is going to do at 6:30 am, our first bookend of Wednesday, is oppose Saturn in Pisces retrograde.  The Moon opposite Saturn, especially during a Balsamic Moon phase, could be harsh and symbolize some sort of reality check.  It’s time to get serious and throw out the trash that has accumulated and I mean this figuratively and literally.  Are there places in your psyche that could use some cleansing?  Is there a chakra that needs some clearing?  Are there trash cans in your house that need to be emptied? 

Wednesday is a great day to utilize this transit to our advantage and clear out emotional blocks and mental and physical clutter and garbage.  Saturn represents refuse, death, decay, things withering and dying, getting dried out to the point of dust—so, it’s a great time to be like a decomposer in the garden and get to work clearing the gunk out of your life.

Then at 9:08 am on Wednesday, the Moon forms a sesquiquadrate to Chiron in Aries retrograde, indicating how uncomfortable some of this clearing may be, but it’s okay, just take it one step at a time.

There are no aspects that perfect in the afternoon on Wednesday, and I feel this is because we may need a lot of time to do this clearing, cleansing, and clarifying in our lives.

In the evening, the Moon perfects her conjunction to Mercury in Virgo retrograde and this is about our hearts and emotions getting on the same page with our minds and thoughts—this could also symbolize aligning better with your environment.  This is a lot of hard work to get rid of things that are no longer serving you anymore and we may need to talk about it on Wednesday evening, as well, just be cautious as emotions could be really easily triggered with all of the combining energies of the day—Moon opposite Saturn, then conjoining Mercury who is still retrograde in Virgo, which can be very self-critical and critical of others, and all during the darkest day of the Moon’s cycle—so, it has the potential to be a very emotional day!

Mercurial things like writing, journaling, and listening to music may help ease the tension as you work through whatever comes up.  Also, doing things with the hands, like crafting, cooking, crocheting, etc…because Mercury rules the hands, may help as well.

Late on Wednesday night at 9:58 pm the Moon forms frustrating aspects to the Nodes.  Are you tired or pooped out from the day’s work?  Probably.  It’s okay, you’ve done a great job and you deserve some R&R, so take it easy on Wednesday night and do something that regenerates your spirit; tomorrow is the beginning of a new cycle. 

This is the final bookend of Tuesday—so we’ve gone from an opposition to Saturn to a sesquiquadrate and semisquare to the Nodes—not an easy day, but possibly extremely productive and healing.

On Thursday…

The Moon is in Virgo all day.   The opening scene on Thursday is the moon in sesquiquadrate to Pluto in Capricorn, retrograde.  Oh, Joy! *sarcastic voice*  This could represent tension and inner turmoil coming to the surface like bubbles that were trapped under a rock, beneath some sand, on the floor of the ocean—they were carefully buried but now they have risen and popped into the open air for all to smell, hear, touch, and see.  It could be uncomfortable and there’s no way to put the bubbles back down—you just have to accept that they are out now and move forward with love and humility.

At 8:27 am the Moon perfects a trine to Jupiter in Taurus retrograde and this is a positive and harmonious aspect that represents some sort of redemption, forgiveness, or benefit.  This feels like a hug from the Universe, especially after yesterday’s clearing and cleansing—and today’s opening transit to Pluto bringing feelings up that really have nowhere to go right now. 

The Moon and Jupiter in a trine symbolizes good feelings, happy experiences with the family, and more abundance in your daily life.  You may feel very accomplished and like luck is on your side with this transit, especially since Jupiter is in Taurus, which is the exaltation sign of the Moon—meaning that he likes the Moon and wants to care for her right now—this may be felt in your own life from someone or something that exudes the Jupitarian archetype of justice, joy, and joviality and wants to lend a hand or offer support.

In the afternoon on Thursday, the Moon makes a quincunx to Chiron in Aries retrograde.  This is an opportunity to edit the character you are playing in the play of your life.  Constructive criticism could be beneficial right now as you shape and mold your identity.

In the evening on Thursday, the Moon in Virgo conjoins the Sun at 21° Virgo 58’ for the New Moon on at 9:39 pm ET.

Below is the New Moon in Virgo chart, cast for Washington D.C. using Whole Sign houses.

New Moon at 21° Virgo 58’ at 9:39 pm ET on September 14, 2023. Chart generated using Solar Fire.

I put together a simple table below, for you to see which house topics this New Moon will be activating, according to your rising sign. 

How to Read the Table

Find your rising sign in the left column of the table and you’ll see the topics associated with the house that Virgo rules in your chart, based on the Whole Sign house system, in the right column of the table. 

This is not an exhaustive list of house topics, but just something to get you started.

So, there are six interesting things about this New Moon chart that I want to talk about in more depth. I made a separate post taking a deeper dive into this New Moon, if you are a subscriber, that post already hit your inbox, or you can access it by clicking here.

But, briefly, the New Moon in Virgo represents a new beginning and a fresh start.  It also represents finally getting to work on something with the industriousness of the Virgo energy and carrying that intention on through to the next New Moon which will be the first eclipse of the season, the Solar Eclipse in Libra on October 14, 2023.

The final scene for Wednesday night is the Moon in Virgo forming a trine to Uranus representing unexpected things happening that may bring about positive disruptions to your evening routine.  The Moon in Virgo is methodical and systematic, but also flexible and able to adjust and adapt.  Uranus in Taurus creates unstable ground, like tremors after an earthquake, but because they are in a trine with each other and Uranus is in the exalted sign of the Moon, this symbolizes a positive change, or shake-up!  Plus, let’s not forget that Uranus is co-present with Jupiter, the Greater Benefic, and the Moon and Jupiter just had their trine this morning, so I feel that this symbolizes something unexpected swooping in but it is welcomed with open arms!

Let’s move on to the card for the day:

What is the guidance for today?

XX Judgment

On this card, we see the Angel Gabriel playing his trumpet.  There is a man and a woman on the card, clutching their hands in prayer, eyes on the angel.  Behind the Angel Gabriel is a staircase that leads to a golden sun.

When the Judgment card comes up it is asking us to wake up to the calling of our highest selves.  This can represent a spiritual awakening or a feeling of the evolution of the soul.  It represents letting go of our old selves and stepping into our new selves.  We hear the call of the trumpet and we are ready to rise up and embrace the change!

As the card for the day, I feel this is symbolizing that a major shift is occurring in our lives.  We may feel as if we are at a crossroads and the direction we choose to go will have a long-lasting impact.  This card is saying to tune into your higher self and trust your judgment.  We have learned from our past and are ready to move forward.  We have cleared out any regrets or negative feelings and we stand without fear, absolved.  We have been purged and cleansed and we are ready to start a new chapter in our lives.

This card also symbolizes sharing your struggles with others who have overcome the same things in life and that a supportive group environment may be comforting and helpful along your journey.

Let me know if this reading resonates with you, in the comments! 

Leave a comment

I hope this is helpful!

Until Friday,


“astro-prepper” t-shirts, stickers, and mugs are available in the family Etsy shop, Metaphysical Flamingo!

Thank you for reading or listening to the daily horoscope!

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Today’s card was pulled from The Celtic Tarot by Helena Paterson available on Amazon.

If you seek knowledge and enlightenment, the AstroMommy Newsletter may be right for you!
Side effects of reading or listening to the AstroMommy Newsletter are common, and include joy, jubilation, delight, happiness, gratitude, love, triumph, feeling in tune with the Universe, experiencing deep insights, reflections, and contemplations, a lightened soul, a lighter step, feeling awake when others are asleep, illuminated, enlightened, having spiritual experiences, noticing repeating numbers, animals in nature, or songs on the radio that “speak” to you, getting “vibes,” clairvoyance, clairaudience, and clairsmellience, feeling like you know a secret language, biophilia, crying tears of joy, emotional literacy, feeling lively, stable, exalted, having an auric glow, or feeling like you woke up on the right side of the bed, have all been reported.
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AstroMommy’s Newsletter
Podcast of the AstroMommy Newsletter
A read-aloud version of the daily horoscope newsletter that often incorporates motherhood, dreams, tarot cards, inspirational quotes, movies, and sometimes a story or two. Updates and news about AstroMommy and Metaphysical Flamingo, her family art studio on Etsy, as well. Enjoy!