AstroMommy’s Newsletter
Podcast of the AstroMommy Newsletter
Episode #60: Moon in Virgo; Mercury’s Ingress Into Sagittarius, and The Maiden of Blades—Reversed. Plus, A Holiday Schedule Update

Episode #60: Moon in Virgo; Mercury’s Ingress Into Sagittarius, and The Maiden of Blades—Reversed. Plus, A Holiday Schedule Update

Daily Horoscope for Thursday, November 17, 2022

Show Notes:

Here are the timestamps for today's horoscope:

0:00 Welcome to the AstroMommy Newsletter Introduction

0:45 Daily Horoscope Title and Date

0:56 Good morning, friends!  Updates

3:49 Daily Horoscope for Thursday, November 17, 2022

8:55 The card for the day

10:15 Question for you & End Remarks

10:24 Astrology, quick links, and resources


You’re listening to the AstroMommy daily horoscope,  a forecast that hopes to shine a light in the dark, helping us all see where we’ve been, where we are, and where we’re going.  Whether you’re a first-time listener or a long-time subscriber, thanks for being here! I truly appreciate you being in the AstroMommy community. I hope you enjoy today’s horoscope and card reading.

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Without further ado, here is the daily horoscope.

Good morning, friends!

Well, I’ve been thinking a lot lately about my writing schedule and what is working and I love, and what feels stressful and I’d rather not do—and I’ve come to a few very honest conclusions that I’d like to share with you all: 

1)      I love writing the daily horoscopes

2)      Writing every day is really hard and stresses me out

3)      I really enjoyed my alternative writing schedule when I was getting ready for the homeschool year of writing every other day

4)      My newsletter has not grown enough to push myself this hard

5)      My Ascendant ruler is in the sixth house and thus I unconsciously make myself a slave for no reason at all!

6)      Mars is retrograde in my first house and thus, change is due…

7)      I want to produce an inspirational, uplifting, and accurate daily horoscope

8)      My daily practice should first and foremost, support me and fill me up so I can give soulfully to my family and my readers.

Reflecting on all of these things has led me to decide that for the holidays I will be scaling back my writing schedule from every day to every other day again.  This new schedule will start next week on Monday, November 21, 2022, and continue until after New Year’s Day.  My plan is to resume writing daily on January 9th, when we will be starting homeschooling again after our winter break.

I know that this may upset some of you and if you would be really sad, I would be happy to write you a personal daily horoscope during the holidays--but only for a very large fee, LOL! Please feel free to email me and we can set this up. *wink *wink

The general daily horoscopes take me anywhere from 2-4 hours to study, write, edit, record, and publish. I fear that I am just doing the sixth house thing of enslaving myself to something that isn’t compensating my time in any real way.  If writing the daily horoscope is just a labor of love and a way to practice my skills, then I need to do it in a way that I can continue to love it and not feel drained by it.

I love writing the daily horoscope, so I am not going to stop, but I do need to be honest with how much I can actually do.  I know that a few of you have paid subscriptions and I am so grateful for you, please do not think that I am complaining.  But, my newsletter has not grown in any substantial way which means I can’t count on anything to pay even a monthly Netflix bill.  That being said…

I have to be honest and scale some things back.  I have to allow more time to work on the book I am writing and also my studies of astrology so that I can have more time to study natal charts and do readings for compensation so that I can support my 1,000 kids. I know I only have five, but it feels like more sometimes!

That is my update.  I love and appreciate you all!  I write this daily horoscope for the seven of you who actually open, read, or listen to my emails and I am so very grateful for this little community that is forming, I really really am. I feel that this is another family and I love, love, love you all!

This update has been very Virgo-moon of me, LOL!  Real, raw, and matter-of-fact.

I would love to hear your thoughts in regard to this, so feel free to reach out to me by email or leave a comment.

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Okay, let’s get into… the astrology

Well, you know the Moon is in Virgo when you wake up wanting to clean your toilet and kitchen counters.  There was peanut sauce on my counter in the kitchen from the night before that was missed in the kitchen clean-up last night.  How can we miss a big glob of peanut sauce you ask?  I don’t know.  But, I do know that Wednesday nights are my youngest children’s nights to clean up after dinner, and well, I guess seven and eleven-year-olds just have a blind spot for sauce on the counter!  They were so adorable though, working together to wash, dry, and put away the dinner dishes; wipe down the counters, and sweep the floor. 

One of the best things my mother ever suggested was assigning a certain day to each child where they were my exclusive helper, which means a couple of things:  on their helper days (each child has two per week) they help me with the baby and are not allowed to play any video/computer game that they cannot pause if I need such help, and they clean up after dinner.  This arrangement started after the birth of my fifth child and I realized I really needed help making sure that my toddler, at the time, didn’t get into anything when I was nursing the newborn. 

My mother suggested that I assign each child a specific day to be my designated helper (thanks, Mom!).  Because there were three children who were old enough and capable enough at the time, I divided the week into two days for each child with all the kids having Sunday off because my husband was home to help me.  So, Sunday officially became his day even though I never told him, LOL! 

Anyway, now there are four children who are old enough and capable, so the fourth child is my second helper on my oldest child’s days since he is now an adult and is choosing to stay up all night and sleep all day. She covers for him during the day when he’s sleeping and he helps me at night when he wakes up.  Anyway, my point is that all three of my youngest children were cleaning the kitchen last night after dinner—my three-year-old was even helping! She always wants to help (she has four planets in Virgo) and so her job was to put the dishes in the soapy water for my son to wash—it was so cute to watch them all work together, laughing, joking, and getting the work done.

What is interesting to me is that two of these children have Virgo risings and the third has a Capricorn rising.  All earth signs; all willing to work.  Actually, all of my children, except the first, have earth sign ascendants, and I would say that those four are willing to do their chores without complaint.

My oldest, who has a Scorpio ascendant, doesn’t mind helping and doing his assigned chores, but it’s very much on his own time schedule. 

It’s interesting to look at my children through astrological eyes and see the similarities and differences.

Anyway, the Virgo Moon is a great time to get stuff done.  I absolutely love it when the Moon is in Virgo, but that is because of how it interacts with my natal chart: activating my Mars—so I take action and clean, organize, and check things off my to-do list.  I feel productive during this time of the month.

For others, this may not be the case.  If the Virgo Moon rubs you the wrong way, that will show up in your chart and this time of the month may feel very different to you than me.

I have been thinking about putting together a sort of personalized moon calendar where you can track the moon through the signs and journal how you are feeling or what you are experiencing. Each calendar would be personalized to the user, so that they would know ahead of time the potential tender, challenging, and auspicious times of the month, for them.  Let me know if that is something that you would be interested in and I will put you on the list to be a beta tester! 

The other transit that has perfected today, that is newsletter-worthy, is Mercury’s ingress into Sagittarius, which happened in the middle of the night at 4:41 am ET.

Mercury is the planet of what we think, say, and do with our minds and our hands.  Mercury rules the hands, tongue, and mental processes.  Mercury has to do with our communication styles and writing abilities. Author and astrologer, Christopher Renstrom says that “The messenger of the gods, Mercury was the only one who could travel from heaven to earth to hell and back again.  He knew all the ins and outs, all the names and passwords.  He knew who to coax, who to butter up, who to threaten, and who to bribe.  Mercury helps you find your way in life.  It’s the planet responsible for getting you from here to there.” (Renstrom, 2020)

Mercury is also the closest planet to the Sun and because of this, he can only be in one of three signs: either the same sign as the Sun, the one before it, or the one after it.  You’ll never see the Sun in Cancer and transiting Mercury in the opposite sign of the zodiac: Capricorn—it’s impossible. 

So, Mercury is in Sagittarius, which is actually a debilitated placement for Mercury being in his detriment, which means that it is an opposite sign to one Mercury is the domicile ruler of, in this case, Gemini, which is the opposite sign in the zodiac to Sagittarius.  This doesn’t mean that Mercury in Sagittarius inherently sucks, it just means that Mercury has a few challenges in this placement. 

This is a very colorful Mercury, where tales and stories abound!  Mercury is usually all about the details, the nitty gritty, and the data that he has collected, but in expansive Sagittarius, it’s all about the embellishments to these things that make a good--no, a great story!  Mercury is a warrior for justice and the truth in Sagittarius, but the nitty gritty facts may be a little obscured here and need some citations, but the story will be an adventure worth retelling! Because of this natural ability to weave a good tale, people love to listen when Mercury in Sagittarius speaks. If you have this natally then you can attest to this, I’m sure.

With the sun still in Scorpio, I wouldn’t be surprised if we heard some fantastic tales in the news that were delivered with a sting!  They may end up being stories that need to be fact-checked, though as these stories could be a bit exaggerated. It doesn’t mean they will all be false, it just means that sources may need to be verified.

Let’s move on to the card for the day:

What is the guidance for today?

Maiden of Blades—Reversed

The description for this card from the little instruction booklet reads:

“One of the normal tasks for a woman among the Plains tribes was the butchering of a carcass.  Our Maiden of Blades is dressed in a style favored by the Cheyanne, a proud and handsome people.  Her dress is decorated with elk or buffalo teeth and she grips a skinning knife in her hand.  Three scavengers fly high under mystic clouds in a prairie sky.” (Gonzalez, 1982)

In the upright position, this card would indicate someone who is stern, vengeful, and aggressive.

In the reversed position it represents someone who is slow, anxious, and doesn’t do what they say they are going to do. 

I feel that this card as the guidance for the day could indicate a situation in which one may feel the heavy burden of responsibilities that in some way are hindering one’s ability to speak up and stand their ground.  It could indicate a situation in which you feel obligated, like performing the skinning of a carcass for the tribe.  So, with this feeling of duty (that is not fueled by one’s own desires), procrastination, flakiness, and a loss of integrity could result.

I think that this card is a reminder to check in with yourself and see if there is anything you are doing out of obligation and ask yourself if you indeed have to be the one to carry this out or if there is another way.  If we do things that are not from the heart it is easy to do them in a half-assed way, so I feel that this card is a bit of a warning to be aware of that.

I would love to hear your thoughts, so please leave a comment!  Or join the new chat and let us know what you think there!

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I hope this is helpful!

Until tomorrow,


This joke appears on the Dad Joke’s mug available in the family Etsy shop! Click on the image to see the rest of the jokes…

Today’s horoscope was brought to you by:  The Moon in Virgo and Mercury’s ingress into Sagittarius.

Quick Links and Resources

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Today’s card was pulled from the Native American Tarot Deck by Magda Weck Gonzalez.

Full Disclosure announcement:  If you purchase anything through the affiliate links that I provide in the newsletters, I will make a small commission, but there are no additional costs to you.  I don’t share or recommend things that I don’t 100% believe in and use myself.  Thanks!  

Renstrom, C. (2020). The Cosmic Calendar: Using Astrology to Get in Sync with Your Best Life. In C. Renstrom, The Cosmic Calendar: Using Astrology to Get in Sync with Your Best Life. Tarcher Perigee and imprint of Penguin Random House, LLC.

Gonzalez, M. a. (1982). Native American Tarot Deck Instructions. In M. a. Gonzalez, Native American Tarot Deck Instructions. U.S. Game Systems. Inc.

AstroMommy’s Newsletter
Podcast of the AstroMommy Newsletter
A read-aloud version of the daily horoscope newsletter that often incorporates motherhood, dreams, tarot cards, inspirational quotes, movies, and sometimes a story or two. Updates and news about AstroMommy and Metaphysical Flamingo, her family art studio on Etsy, as well. Enjoy!