AstroMommy’s Newsletter
Podcast of the AstroMommy Newsletter
Episode #84: Lily Pads and Lightning Strikes! Venus Sextile Jupiter and Sun Trine Uranus

Episode #84: Lily Pads and Lightning Strikes! Venus Sextile Jupiter and Sun Trine Uranus

Daily Horoscope for Wednesday and Thursday, January 4-5, 2023

Show Notes:

Here are the timestamps for today's horoscope:

0:00 Welcome to the AstroMommy Newsletter Introduction

0:45 Daily Horoscope Title and Date

0:57 Good morning, friends!  Updates

1:14 Daily Horoscope for Wednesday, January 4, 2023

3:16 The card for the Wednesday

4:44 Daily Horoscope for Thursday, January 5, 2023

6:47 The card for the Thursday

9:03 End Remarks

9:20 Thank you, quick links, and resources


You’re listening to the AstroMommy daily horoscope,  a forecast that hopes to shine a light in the dark, helping us all see where we’ve been, where we are, and where we’re going.  Whether you’re a first-time listener or a long-time subscriber, thanks for being here! I truly appreciate you being in the AstroMommy community. I hope you enjoy today’s horoscope and card reading.

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Without further ado, here is the daily horoscope.

Good morning, friends!

Well, my headache has subsided! Yay! And it is raining cats and dogs here! We are having thunder and lighting as well. It’s so dark in the house because of the clouds outside that my children are all still asleep even though it’s after 9 am! I’m having to pinch myself to make sure I’m awake and not dreaming!

Okay, let’s get into… the astrology

Wednesday, January 4, 2023

You know the Moon is in Gemini when you go to bed thinking, you toss around thinking, and you wake up thinking.  It’s like the off button for your brain is jammed and there’s no way to turn that sucker off!  This is what it has been like for me for the last couple of days.  This morning I woke up ready to write, without my coffee first.  That is an amazing thing! 

We also have Mars in Gemini retrograde hanging out at 8 degrees, the Moon having just conjoined him yesterday, so the mind is thoroughly amped up.  It’s like the energy that’s going through the circuit is almost too much for the wiring.

But, today the Moon will make a quincunx to Mercury in Capricorn and then a trine to Saturn in Aquarius, so there’s something that the Moon does not want to think about or talk about and then there’s serious Saturn that comes in and inspires the Moon to be more responsible and look at whatever it was that Mercury wanted.  It’s like getting an email about something that you’re like, “I don’t even want to deal with this today,” but then you come around later in the day and decide to tackle it and get it done.  And with Mercury being retrograde this could be about something from the past that you have to go back over or review and make changes—or maybe it’s about something that you were procrastinating doing and now you have to do it—it has gone from a “c-list” priority to an “a-list” priority.

While we were sleeping, Venus, now in Aquarius, made a sextile to Jupiter in Aries.  This feels like a bit of fun mental acrobatics that made something aesthetically beautiful, original, and innovative.  I think I was grabbed by this transit last night when I was working on my Google Slides presentation for my upcoming Horary exam.  I had to pick a beautiful theme with colors and a font that captured both my own personality and my partners, and then I had to add text that was both accurate and hopefully, interesting.  I was pleased with what I came up with and I emailed my partner the link.  She was also pleased and so we have the first draft of our presentation done and now we can put the final touches on it before our exam on Sunday.  So, Venus sextile Jupiter, a harmonious aspect of friendship and collaboration that both satisfies the needs of the group and also the needs of the individuals in the group: Aquarius and Aries working together!

Let’s move on to the card for the day:

What is the guidance for Wednesday?

VII of Pentacles

On this card, we see a man leaning on his garden hoe and looking down at his abundant crop.  Seven pentacles adorn the vegetation.  He looks tired and exhausted for he has worked hard.

The Seven of Pentacles is about investing in something for the long term and working hard to make your plans happen.  It requires diligence, perseverance, and often sweat and tears.  When this card comes up it is a reminder to not over-work yourself into exhaustion and instead keep a steady pace that is sustainable.  By having a long-term plan, vision, or goal one can pace themselves to guarantee one crosses the finish line. 

As the guidance for today, I feel this card is reminding us to keep the bigger picture in mind as we complete the minute tasks that seem tedious, laborious, and boring.  A beautiful and abundant garden does not grow overnight—it requires months to come to harvest time and those months are full of attention and care.  Keep on keeping on toward your goal. 

This card really ties in with the North Node in Taurus for me—we are building long-lasting things right now, often putting in long hours and physical labor, and we can’t see the returns of our efforts yet, but they are growing right there under the surface and like lily-pads on a lily pond, doubling their size every day, will suddenly just be there one day covering the whole pond like magic, and we will be so happy we didn’t give up on our dream or vision.  Slow but steady wins the race, as the old Aesop’s fable teaches us.  That is the motto of the North Node in Taurus; Slow but steady wins the race!

Thursday, January 5, 2023

Today is a transition day where the Moon moves from the airy sign of Gemini to the watery sign of her home: Cancer.  The Moon loves being in cancer and I’d have to say, I love it when the Moon is in Cancer too!  I always feel like spending a little bit more time tidying up my home, cooking in the kitchen, and reading to my kids.  It seems to be a time when I want to show love and nurturance for the things in my home and the people in my life that I care about.  The Cancer Moon is a great time to do this, so spend some time today and tomorrow taking care of, and mothering, your house, your bedroom, your loved ones, and yourself!  It’s the perfect time to give everything you love a metaphorical hug, or a real one! 

The Moon makes her ingress into Cancer at 9:14 am ET, so this transition from mental, talkative Gemini will happen in the early morning.  Depending upon when you wake up in the morning, you may notice this shift in your desires, from talking, analyzing, and collecting data, to fluffing the pillows, baking some homemade bread, and cuddling up with your kids to watch a movie.  Going from something more mentally stimulating to something more emotionally driven.   The Cancer energy is also initiatory, so you could find yourself starting things like home projects, meal plans, or something you’ve been meaning to start, but hadn’t yet.  The Moon is waxing full tomorrow in Cancer, so this energy is culminating to a peak point.

The Sun in Capricorn today will form a trine to Uranus in Taurus, both in earth signs.  The trine is of the nature of Jupiter and thus is harmonious and easy.  This could indicate something suddenly coming about that aligns with your soul purpose and supports the long-term vision that you are building.  I feel that this transit is very positive and represents innovative ideas, insights that make sense, and groundbreaking advances that create strength, durability, and resilience for our long-term plans.  The constancy of the Sun and the unpredictability of Uranus, like a flash of lightning, reminds me of the scene in Back to the Future when Dr. Emmit Brown is explaining to Marty how he came up with the Flux Capacitor that ultimately made time travel possible.   It feels like today could have one of those moments, so be open to the possibility of having a stroke of genius today, or witnessing one!

Let’s move on to the card for the day:

What is the guidance for Thursday?

II of Pentacles

On this card, we see a juggler, dancing and juggling two pentacles that are linked by the infinity symbol.  In the background, there are two ships sailing on large waves in the ocean. One ship goes up and one ship travels down, symbolizing life’s ups and downs. 

The Two of Pentacles is about balancing your priorities, the hats you wear, and the responsibilities you have.  It represents a very busy time in your life where you are going from one thing to the next, working, cooking dinner, bathing the baby, driving someone to an appointment, balancing the bank account, etc…and right now you’re doing a great job! 

This card coming up as the guidance for the day is a reminder that although you are doing a fantastic job of juggling everything right now, remember to check in with yourself and schedule some downtime so you can recharge.  It’s hard to keep up a juggling act forever—the juggler needs to take breaks! 

This card is also an indication that our time management skills are really important right now.  Staying on top of things and not procrastinating is crucial to our success.  Staying flexible and adaptable to life’s ups and downs at the same time as keeping all those balls in the air is an amazing feat and one that you can do, just remember to take breaks, don’t procrastinate, manage your resources, and prioritize.  It seems like a very fitting card for Mercury in Capricorn retrograde during the final week of Mars in Gemini retrograde!  So much to do and manage!  It may be a great time to break out ye old faithful “to-do list” to keep everything straight!  One of the best books I ever read was the Checklist Manifesto: How To Get Things Right, by Atul Gawande where he, “shows what the simple idea of the checklist reveals about the complexity of our lives and how we can deal with it.” (Gawande, 2011).

Now, would be the perfect time to make a list of all the things you need to get done and in order of priority.  There are lots of resources for how to effectively make to-do lists, but one of my favorites is by Tim Ferris in his book, The Four-Hour Work Week, where he says to make a short list for each day of the things you can actually get done so you feel productive.  Sometimes we make really long lists that would be impossible to complete in a day—we don’t want to do that and get overwhelmed!  Instead, jot down the most important things you need to do that day and keep it small.  It’s more satisfying to get a few important things done rather than a bunch of little things that don’t really add up to anything, or worse not finishing your list at all because it’s too long!

Okay, those are my suggestions, I’m sure you all have your own!  I would love to hear about your to-do list-making strategies in the comments or books you’ve read that have really helped you stay organized, so leave a comment and share them with the AstroMommy community!  I’m sure we would all love to know!

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I hope this is helpful!

Until Friday,


Thanks for reading or listening to the daily horoscope.

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Today’s card was pulled from the A.E. Waite Holographic Tarot available on Amazon.

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AstroMommy’s Newsletter
Podcast of the AstroMommy Newsletter
A read-aloud version of the daily horoscope newsletter that often incorporates motherhood, dreams, tarot cards, inspirational quotes, movies, and sometimes a story or two. Updates and news about AstroMommy and Metaphysical Flamingo, her family art studio on Etsy, as well. Enjoy!