The Moon, Venus, and Mercury- all in Gemini now, are all about mental activity, thinking, gathering data about things we value, and looking at the truth of the matter. I was absolutely, “grabbed,” by these energies this morning and I am still finding it hard to pull myself away!
In Vedic astrology, the planetary archetypal influences are sometimes referred to as “Graha,” which is a Sanskrit word most often translated as, “grabber, or seizer.” This represents the archetypes metaphorically, “grabbing” people and motivating their behavior.
I woke up this morning having dreamed about a chart that astrologers often run for clients (and themselves), the Solar Return chart. I offer this chart for any subscriber who becomes a founding member. The Solar Return chart is basically the birthday for your Sun sign every year when the Sun returns to the same exact degree and minute that it was in your natal chart (the chart calculated for your exact time and date of birth).
This is a fascinating chart and gives you a snapshot of the themes for the upcoming year! First, on my mind this morning was the Solar Return of the United States since we are coming up on the Fourth of July, which is commonly used as the birth chart of the USA. The Solar Return is below:
Here are some simple basic themes we can expect over the next year in the USA (July 2022-July 2023):
The country (the Sun in the first house) and the people of the country (Moon in the fourth house) will be majorly focusing on themselves and their homes. The very foundation of this country will be a big topic. With Mercury on the Ascendant and Mercury ruling the fourth and first houses, there will be a lot of talk about these things. The very appearance of the country and its foundational structures could be a topic of interest, as well.
I also see an unexpected event happening that will involve our physical resources because of Uranus and the North Node being in the twelfth house in Taurus. With Venus in that house as well, but in Gemini, I feel like this represents some sort of gossip or language that may be hurting our country, or hurting the country’s resources in some way. This prediction can be further supported by the upcoming transit of Uranus, Mars, and the North Node all conjoining July 31 into August 1st. Stay tuned for more information about that transit in the newsletters and possibly a YouTube video in the coming weeks. This is a BIG one!
With Pluto (the planet of death, regeneration, and transformation) in the 8th house of death, birth, and financial markets, this is an ominous sign of the financial markets going through a major transformation over the year. I’m not an expert in the financial markets, so I’m just going to leave it at that. This year is also the USA’s Pluto return (Pluto will return to the exact degree and minute that it was on July 4, 1776 on July 11, 2022) and so it marks the end of an Era and the beginning of a new Era in America.
With Neptune in the tenth house and retrograde, there may be propaganda, deception, or illusion about the country’s status in the world.
Saturn in Aquarius and retrograde in the 9th indicates a time of needing to figure out how to responsibly re-integrate and re-structure our judicial system, education system, religious systems, and connection with foreign nations. It also represents the fact that our beliefs in these systems are being tested and need to be re-evaluated, re-structured, and re-integrated.
With Mars in the 11th, at zero degrees Taurus and forming a sextile with Mercury at zero degrees Cancer, I feel that this indicates a slowing down of the communication between the public and the self—not sure exactly if that means something will happen with the Internet/social media scene or if it just indicates more and more people will be more interested in home-life instead of social life? Yet, it is still Mars in the 11th (social life, friends, and networks), but Mars is in detriment in Taurus which means there’s not as much agency to take action…we’ll see how this plays out.
So, naturally, after looking at the USA’s Solar return, I headed to my own Solar return and geeked out on that for several hours…my point is that I was truly “grabbed” by the archetypal influences this morning to study, collect the data, and seek out the truth! All very mental, Geminian energies this morning.
Which has left me with little time to write the actual daily horoscope! So, I will break it down in a nutshell:
Today may not feel normal. The Moon is in the dark moon phase before the New Moon late tomorrow night. I feel that this next month is going to be very intense and pivotal for all of us. There may be extreme events that transpire during July, so just be prepared.
Neptune is station today, going retrograde tomorrow at 3:54 am, ET and the Moon is making a square to Neptune by late tonight. We could feel lost today. We may feel like the tower is about to fall, but since we can’t tell which direction it will make its descent, we are not sure which way to go to avoid being crushed. This is really heavy energy!
I’m not gonna lie, Neptune going retrograde could be intense, disorienting, and feel like the rug is being pulled out from under us. But, being prepared has its benefits. Now you know that this Summer could be full of hysterics. Sorry to be all doom and gloom, but I can’t just say it’s going to be all unicorns and rainbows when that is not what the astrology is showing.
Tomorrow the Sun in Cancer (with the New Moon) squares Jupiter in Aries—our best way forward through all this is to take action on things that will make us feel better. So, if there’s something that’s irritating, rather than complaining about it, be proactive and do something about it yourself.
Also, Mars is still in Aries for a few more days, but will move into Taurus, where Mars is in detriment, meaning that our drive and ambition will slow way down. I like to think of Mars in Taurus as the Warrior getting stuck in quicksand, like Wesley in the Princess Bride! So, take action now. Mars moves into Taurus on July 5th (which also happens to be the USA’s exact Solar return. You can’t make this stuff up! ). This means that we have from now until then to take action on things in our lives.
Okay, so, there are some beneficial aspects happening today and tomorrow that will bring a “silver lining,” feeling…so, it’s not all bad! Take those opportunities as they come. Keep your eyes and ears open for them, they will fall into your lap suddenly and it’s up to you to seize those moments!
How about a card for the day?
51 Mercury Retrograde~Reinvention
Wow, yes! This is definitely a time of reinvention! And Mercury retrogrades represent a time of reflection and review.
This card also brings up those classic things, like mechanical and technological glitches, screw-ups, and/or delays. So, we need to take this time to reflect and review on how well we are prepared for a Summer of potential craziness.
Take inventory of your emergency supplies and top off whichever categories you can. Be prepared for missed communications, missed flights, or mechanical failures, as best you can. Make sure you have emergency food, water, batteries, and important medical supplies, just in case. Never hurts to be prepared. I know we are all ready for the craziness to be over and life to return to normal…when the astrology shows that that is coming, I’ll let you know, LOL! Until then…be like a boy scout and always, “Be Prepared.”
I hope this horoscope was helpful!
Until tomorrow,
Today’s horoscope was brought to you by: a lot of astrology and the USA’s Solar return chart.
Today’s card was pulled from the Black Moon Astrology Cards available on Amazon via the affiliate link here.
Tomorrow is the New Moon and I will be posting Word Poem List #3! Due on the next Full Moon on July 13, 2022.
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Check out our Etsy shop, Metaphysical Flamingo! Take a look at our newest mugs, stickers, jewelry, and apparel! All designs are made by me, my father, my mother, my daughter, and my husband for your enjoyment—it’s an “Astro-family” thing! Thank you for visiting!