You’re listening to the AstroMommy daily horoscope, a forecast that hopes to shine a light in the dark, helping us all see where we’ve been, where we are, and where we’re going. Whether you’re a first-time listener or a long-time subscriber, thanks for being here! I truly appreciate you being in the AstroMommy community. I hope you enjoy today’s horoscope and card reading.
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Without further ado, here is the daily horoscope.
Good morning, friends!
The last 24 hours have felt a little surreal. I received a text from my sister yesterday about my nephew, who was in an accident on Wednesday that landed him in the hospital. He and his girlfriend were driving in his truck to get some cat food during the storm on Wednesday in Northern California when a Eucalyptus tree, with a diameter of about a foot, fell on the driver’s side of his truck, crushing the exterior, knocking him unconscious—he sustained a small neck fracture and a concussion and is currently in the hospital! This news came as a shock! I knew that the energy right now with Mars in Gemini retrograde for the last week and Uranus being closely involved with the Full Moon of today as well as the eclipses of this past year, accidents were bound to happen. I expected to hear about them in the news, not in my own family. Mars in Gemini retrograde can mean accidents, especially involving a vehicle, since Mercury is the ruler of Gemini and rules cars, trucks, buses, bikes, etc…
It is the kind of accident that you hear about happening, but seems too wild to happen to you or anyone you know!
I had a dream about my nephew last night—he was standing there, smiling, not wearing his neck brace, which he has to wear during his recovery time, which is estimated to be about 6-8 weeks. I said to him in my dream, “you need to wear your neck brace,” and he said either, “I will,” or “I know,” I can’t remember which. Then I made him up a blend of essential oils containing Lemongrass for connective tissue and bone repair and I gently put it on his neck. The rest of my dream is cloudy and disjointed, but that part was still vivid when I woke up.
He is a strong man, full of optimism and a hearty spirit which will help him heal.
And, Saile, if you are reading this, I love you! keep resting and wearing your brace!
All that to say…I am going to publish this first without the audio and hopefully get a moment to record it, but I am not sure that I will have time…
Let’s get into… the astrology
Today is the Full Moon in Cancer, which means the Moon is going to be forming an opposition to the Sun in Capricorn. The Full Moon phase is when the intentions of the New Moon have culminated and come to a peak. It is the time in the life cycle of a plant when the plant bears its fruit. This is a very potent and powerful time and the energy surrounding a full moon can be very intense and exalted.
I have pictured the Full Moon chart below using Solar Fire.
The Moon in Cancer is an empowered Moon, being in her home sign. This Full Moon is happening at 6:07 pm ET when the Sun in Capricorn and the Moon in Cancer reach 16° 21’ of their respective signs. The Sun is peregrine at this degree in Capricorn and feels out of place and lost. Capricorn season is about making plans, forming strategies, and lists that take you up the mountain, so this Full Moon marks a time during this season when the Sun may second-guess their trajectory and possibly need to course correct.
Another interesting thing about this Full Moon is that Mercury in Capricorn retrograde will be conjoining the Sun tomorrow and be cazimi, which means he will be in the heart of the Sun and empowered—it’s like the message of this Full Moon will become crystal clear by tomorrow.
At the exact time of this Full Moon in Cancer, the Ascendant is opposing Pluto in Capricorn in the seventh house of relationships, partnerships, and open enemies. This feels like at the heart of this Full Moon is a transformation or change that has to do with our relationships and even may include some legal matters for some. There is the feeling that it’s young Cancerian types vs. old Capricornian types…children vs. adults…. mothers vs. fathers…the self vs. partnerships. There is always a polarization and dualistic nature to a Full Moon because it is an opposition between the archetypes of the Sun and Moon. The Sun at its core represents vitality, spirit, constancy, the eternal, and the Moon represents the constant cycle of change, fluctuation, fertility, that which comes to be and then passes away, the ebb and flow of life…
Uranus in Taurus is making harmonious aspects to the Sun and the Moon, a sextile from the Moon in Cancer and a trine from the Sun in Capricorn—this feels like innovative thinking, feeling, and creating, it’s like there’s a need to come together and build something communal, nurturing, and long-lasting and Uranus will provide the flashes of insights needed to do it.
Chiron in Aries is squaring this Full Moon, which indicates there may be a “pain in the neck” type of situation where our egos are feeling entitled to something that is creating much strife, conflict, and turmoil. Chiron’s symbol literally looks like a “key” so letting go of whatever our egos feel entitled to may be the “key” to unlocking the next level of spiritual growth.
Like I said in the introduction, this last week of Mars retrograde in Gemini could be crazy with accidents involving cars, trucks, buses, all forms of local travel, as well as thieves, so please be cautious this week in regards to all of that, as well as medical flare-ups, inflammations, head, and heart injuries, and accidental cuts.
Let’s move on to the card for the day:
What is the guidance for today’s Full Moon in Cancer?
Queen of Swords—reversed
Speak kindly to one another during this Full Moon. The Queen of Swords represents someone who has mastered the art of communication, but she is cunning and to the point. In the reversed position, I think this is a reminder to soften our speech—people may be more easily triggered or have very thin skin during this Full Moon so I feel this is indicating that we need to speak from the heart, softly, and with kindness, love, and compassion.
I would love to hear your thoughts, so please leave a comment!
I hope this is helpful!
Until tomorrow,
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Today’s card was pulled from the Morgan-Greer Deck available on Amazon.