I Smell Like Peppermint
Full Moon in Aries Poetry/Free Write--October 9, 2022
I smell like peppermint
Because my head is pounding
If you lived on my head it would feel like an arctic afternoon
It would be very cold, but warm inside your igloo
My neck hurts too
But whatever
That’s nothing new
Aches and pains in the neck, shoulders, wrists, and knees
Seem to be the new normal
As I ride this aging body across the sea of life
Aging is not just a number, but also a consciousness
I try to expand my mind every day
Through my thoughts, philosophies, and ideas
About life, love, happiness, and motherhood
And also through my mental capacities
To do math, learn new words, define things
I suck at defining words
New vocabulary is particularly fun
But I don’t often remember to use those new words
The most recent one that I can remember that I learned
Was Obliquity
Which I thought meant to crunch or stretch, but it actually means to slant
“Diverging from a given straight line or course”
Well, I would say that my head feels oblique right now
Full of pressure that hurts and kinks my neck
I don’t even know how I am writing this poem, or free write or whatever
With my oblique mind right now?
I don’t even know if I’m using that word correctly or not, but I’m sure if you know, you’ll tell me right?
The Aries moon will give you the courage to speak up and say what’s right, true, and correct
In your opinion
Happy Full Moon in Aries!
I saw the Moon last night
Super bright with Jupiter up and to the right, equally as bright, but a small pin-prick compared to the glorious moon!
My camera couldn’t capture any of the subtleties of the moon’s face, only the hyper brightness
The subtleties were obliterated by the reflection of the Sun’s light
Almost like the Sun has somethin’ to prove right now, being on the descent towards the lowest point that he can reach, 23.5° of obliquity to the earth’s equator
Hold on, dear Sun! You’ll never descend further for as you hold us (the Earth) in your lap, we hold you too, in ours—for our constancy and inconstancies are but two sides of the same coin. We travel together in a never-ending dance for all time—an eternal waltz
And so does our heart…beat to the tempo of the Sun, and our chest rises and falls, to the melody of the Moon
We are the same you and I
As within, so without
As above, so below
I hope this headache passes soon—
descends into the underworld,
like you do, dear Sun,
each and every day
But, I’d like to leave it down there…
Drop it off and never pick it back up again
At least the peppermint oil on my forehead makes me smell like a yummy candy cane
There’s always a silver lining, right?
I hope this poetry/free write was at least entertaining?
Until tomorrow,
This is a poetry/free write in place of the Full Moon word poem that I have been doing because that didn’t happen this month. Rather than feeling bad about it, I’m just going to let it go and keep on keeping on…Very Aries Moon of me, I know, LOL!
Happy Aries Moon everyone!
Dear Monica ❤️ lovely newsletter 🌺 ❤️💕 hope your pains have subsided by now ❤️