Re-Imagining~Third Quarter Moon in Pisces & V of Pentacles-Reversed. Plus, Another dream!
Daily Horoscope Check-in for Thursday, May 30, 2024
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Good morning, friends!
Well, I had another vivid dream last night.
This time there was a one-room studio apartment and for some reason, I was house-sitting or something and there was a young boy’s bedroom to the right of the front door demarcated by an aquarium along the wall and a bed in that space. For some reason, I slept there, in the boy’s bed.
When I woke up in the morning, I tried to pull up the sheets to make the bed, which were tucked into the side of the mattress, and when I did, out of the folded and tucked fabric came a bunch of cockroaches! This totally freaked me out because I had slept all night next to these little creatures, and I am not a fan of cockroaches (just ask my mother)!
The next thing I saw was that out of this boy’s aquarium slithered an enormous snake! The snake pursued me and I fled around the studio apartment trying to find someplace to hide, but everywhere I looked there were cockroaches!
I was able to calm and appease the snake by talking to it about why I was there and that I was not a threat.
At some point, I tried to wash the sheets in the washing machine and when I took them out, thankfully they were clean. There was a filter on the washer, like that of a dryer, and I went to clean it and found all the cockroaches, huddled together and holding “hands” and I heard one of them say in a tiny high-pitched voice, “We did it! We survived the wash!”
What the heck was that all about? LOL! If you know anything about dream analysis, I am all ears…please, enlighten me, for I am at a loss!
Okay, let’s get into…the astrology
Today’s Transits
The biggest transit for the day is the Moon making her third quarter square to the Sun at 1:12 pm ET.
Before that, we have a few transits of the Moon to note:
In the morning, the Moon in Pisces makes semisquares to Chiron and Mars, both in Aries, between 8:49 am and 9:52 am ET. So, we may want to smooth things over if we hurt someone else’s feelings yesterday, or if we were on the receiving end, we may desire an apology, but right now is not the time. It doesn’t matter how much we want it, the semisquare will not deliver.
Then at 10:43 am ET, the Pisces Moon will square Venus in Gemini, meaning that conflict with the women in your life is possible, or a family member or friend. The square is of the nature of Mars and so it means aggressively trying to assert yourself, your point of view, or your desires, and it is hard not to ruffle feathers with that type of energy. It is the energy of action though, so often we get things done or concrete events happen that we remember easily with the square aspect. Mars pushes, penetrates, and struggles to live, fighting his way through life; without Mars we would all be limp noodles, doing nothing, so I am very thankful for the Mars energy and for the square aspects as they come along in the transits (and in natal charts).
With the Moon in Square to Venus, we could experience some discord in our love lives, a desire for dreamy romance thwarted by too much information, talking, flakiness, or literally having too many ideas and not being able to choose! On the positive side of this transit, the square could represent getting something done, a playful interaction with a lover, or a curious exploratory time with words, music, or fashion.
Venus in Gemini is playful, curious, and interested in trying everything at least once, so there could be a lot of different “styles in the closet,” so to speak, to try on and live in for a day, just to see what it is like to play that roll. It is hard to define Venus in Gemini because on one hand, she can be very minimalistic in the sense that she doesn’t have time to fuss over certain aesthetics and instead decides to focus her mind on socializing, talking, and visiting people, and on the other hand she could have so many interests and desires that she wants to do everything at once and ends up being a very creative dresser!
So, these aspects form the undercurrent of the Third Quarter Moon.
Third Quarter Moon in Pisces
The Moon will reach her Third Quarter phase on Thursday, May 30, 2024, at 1:12 pm ET, at 9°Pisces 46’. If the sky is clear, you will be able to see the Moon between the early morning hours about 2 am ET until a little after noon the next day. She will be a beautiful half-moon with her left side illuminated.
The Third Quarter Moon phase marks a time of purposeful action. Whatever conscious actions you take could be due to a crisis in your life that you need to respond to or they could be because of the need to break away from a situation, liberating yourself from an identity that no longer serves you, or embracing an identity. Whatever it is, it could feel really big and dramatic or it could be something mundane and easily forgotten.
Let’s take a look at the chart for this Third Quarter Moon in Pisces.
You can see the Moon in Pisces on the right-hand side of the chart at about the 3 o’clock position; forming a square to the Sun situated at the top of the chart between the 11 and 12 o’clock placements. The Sun is copresent with Venus and Jupiter, the two benefics. Of course, we cannot see Venus and Jupiter because they are engulfed in the Sun's powerful rays. In ancient astrology, this condition is called combustion and means that the planets are less able to deliver their good fortune because they are obscured. Jupiter has already had his conjunction with the Sun on May 18, 2024, but Venus is about to have hers on June 4, 2024, next week.
The annual conjunction of any planet with the Sun is a reset of their cycle (called a synodic cycle) and represents first a death, as the Sun overcomes the planet and, if visible by the naked eye, the planet will disappear in the sky, being swallowed up by the light of the Sun—and then a rebirth happens as the planet reappears as either the evening or morning star. Jupiter will soon be visible as a morning star and Venus will become the new evening star—they are switching places.
During this third quarter moon phase the Moon’s square to Venus is still in engagement and the semisquares from the Moon to Mars and Chiron are almost out of range, but not quite. So, there is an underlying tension present here with friends, lovers, or family members that could be fueling some of your decisions today.
Let’s zoom in on the Moon in Pisces a bit more.
The Moon governs our emotions, our circumstances, and our fortunes, and represents things that come to be and pass away in our lives like feelings, relationships, money, our bodies, and as my father, astrologer Dennis McNeel, eloquently put it in a recent email to me, “a person’s memory, home life, diet, health, daily routine, emotions, and subconscious and general sense of your personal life.”
The Moon in Pisces is adaptable, compassionate, and very intuitive. We could feel more dreamy, more imaginative, and more in touch with our spirituality when the Moon is in Pisces. Depending on whether or not you have any planets that are touched when the Moon moves through this sign may indicate how strongly you feel the energy.
When the Moon gets to the Third Quarter phase in her cycle it is a time when we are redefining the intentions that we set during the New Moon, three weeks prior, and perhaps something to do with the house topics where the moon phase is located. It’s symbolic of a time in the month when you are taking stock of what you already have, re-imagining it, and turning it into something new and long-lasting.
For example, this Third Quarter Moon in Pisces is in my tenth house of career and how I put myself out into the world, and just this morning I was looking at my YouTube channels (one for AstroMommy, where I would post the read-aloud version of the newsletter, back when I was doing that, and one for Mozey’s Whim, a mix of homeschooling, motherhood, and hair-braiding videos I started years ago) and re-imagining what to do in those spaces. I am also revising my astrology reading services and thinking a lot about how to improve my website. I suspect I may come to some conclusions and perhaps even take some actions during this phase of the Moon.
So, what are you re-imagining? What are you cleaning up? What are you digging deeper into? What are you re-focusing on? These are the types of questions you may be asking yourself during this phase of the Moon.
Briefly, below you will find the house that this Third Quarter Moon in Pisces is occurring in, according to your rising sign. Find your rising and read the house topics associated with it. You may notice a shift or a deeper focus involving one or more of those topics.
Aries — twelfth house of blind spots, large animals, hidden enemies, and mental health.
Taurus — eleventh house of friends, allies, groups, and wishes
Gemini — tenth house of career, praxis, and the mother.
Cancer — ninth house of foreign travel, higher education, and beliefs.
Leo — eighth house of shared resources, inheritance, debt, and death.
Virgo — seventh house of marriage, partnerships, and legal matters.
Libra — sixth house of stress, health issues, employees or co-workers, and pets.
Scorpio — fifth house of pregnancy, children, creativity, and recreational activities.
Sagittarius — fourth house of family, roots, and property.
Capricorn — third house of siblings, communication, and local travel.
Aquarius — second house of money and possessions.
Pisces — first house of self, health, and character.
I wish you all a Happy Third Quarter Moon!
A few more thoughts on the Pisces Moon energy before we pull the card for the day…
The Moon in Pisces feels everything, and unlike the other water signs, Cancer and Scorpio, symbolized by the crab and the scorpion, which have hard exoskeletons, Pisces: the fish, do not—they are as soft on the outside as they are on the inside.
The Pisces influence can spin a fantastic utopia in the mind, full of dreams, and what-if scenarios, and then one can feel sad when what they imagined would happen, does not match reality (especially with the Pisces Moon meeting up with Saturn tomorrow). So, let go of the outcome for today and try to go with the flow.
Whatever the case may be, do what you can to nurture your artistic side as you go about your day. Taking some time to draw, write, paint, dance, or sing may be exactly what you need to flow through the rocky terrain of life—like water flowing over the rocks of a beach.
The Tarot Card
Let’s see what the cards have to say…
What is the guidance for today?
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