Relationships Pivot as Venus Stations Retrograde, Mini-Horoscopes & 3-Card Love Spreads with Charms!
Free special horoscope and card readings, plus weekend horoscope for Saturday and Sunday, March 1-2, 2025
You’re reading the AstroMommy daily horoscope, a forecast that hopes to shine a light in the dark, helping us all see where we’ve been, where we are, and where we’re going; whether you’re a first-time reader or a long-time subscriber, thanks for being here! I truly appreciate you being in the AstroMommy community. I hope you enjoy today’s horoscope and card reading.
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Without further ado, here is the weekend horoscope.
Good afternoon, friends!
Well, yesterday I said that something unexpected would happen in the evening when the Moon formed a sextile to Uranus, and something did and it was pretty comical. It also happened right when the Moon was conjoining Saturn, symbolizing being stopped or stuck, and I was.
My kids and I were enjoying an afternoon of doing some errands after school and we decided to stop at Trader Joe’s and get some snacks before heading home, but when I tried to get into my car after buying groceries, the key to my car got stuck in the keyhole of the driver’s side door of my mini-van! So, there I was in the parking lot, trying like an unworthy Knight to liberate Excalibur from the keyhole! I called my husband who came to my rescue, bringing me the spare key. He was unable to get the key out as well, so, using the spare, I drove the 15 minutes home with my other key jiggling outside the door, in the wind. With some lubricant and some advice from a locksmith friend of ours, my husband was able to remove the key and claim his rightful place as my hero.
What about you? Did anything unusual or unexpected happen? Did you experience being stopped, stuck, or inhibited in some way?
I also had a dream that I was getting my garden basement set up—I had a garden in a cement room in my basement and there was no sunlight, but there was a garden space. Anyway, I planted some flax seeds in the soil and then proceeded to weed the rest of the garden space. There was a kind of moss-covering that kind of looked like a green weed-blocking fabric but it was a plant that I was able to pull up, and it instantly weeded everything and was working really well. I came to a dead, large, black poisonous pokeweed in the center of the back wall and needed to pull that up. This is when I realized that there were workers, handymen, or something helping me ready the space and we pulled up the pokeweed together, but when we did a big hole was made in the dirt that led to a crawl space under my basement. In the crawl space, there were cement beams holding up the floor and one of the workers pointed out a dark crevice where the pokeweed taproot was coming from. He told me that I had to shine a powerful light beam on it to destroy the root so that it wouldn’t grow into my garden again. And then we noticed that to the left of this area, there were a lot of pigeons and pigeon nests and the pigeons started making bird noises and running toward us like chickens and I said, “Oh no! Run, the pigeons are coming!” and then I woke up.
Any dream interpreters out there? I’m all ears.
Tonight, Venus stations retrograde so, in today’s post I will go over the transits of the weekend, mini-horoscopes for the Venus retrograde, and then a fun Pick-A-Pile style 3-card “Love” spread, pulling a card each for You, Your Partner, and The Relationship. There are three piles to choose from, differentiated by charms.
Okay, let’s get into….the astrology
(all times are in Eastern time unless mentioned otherwise)
Saturday, March 1, 2025
The Moon started in dreamy Pisces and entered courageous Aries at 4:51 am, meaning that today is a transition day when we may go from the imaginative and faraway to a self-focused, mission-driven attitude.
Before the Moon made her ingress into Aries she formed a conjunction to the North Node and then Neptune, successively in Pisces. On a positive note, the Moon conjoined the North Node and Neptune in Pisces may indicate a heightened sense of intuition, dreams, and feeling in tune with nature and the divine. On the more challenging side, there could’ve been a feeling of being dissolved, lost in emotion, or swallowed up by fantasies and feelings. Something could’ve come up that left you feeling a bit lost, confused, or wanting to sort of check out, go to sleep, or somehow forget something.
After the Moon entered Aries, her first transit of the day at 9:34 am was a sextile to Pluto in Aquarius symbolizing an effort to incorporate and find solutions for the things that may have come up with the Moon’s conjunction with Neptune.
In the late morning at 11:34 am, Mercury in Pisces conjoined the North Node in Pisces increasing messages, news, or discussions involving other people, their support, and the collaboration of ideas. With Neptune so close to the North Node and Mercury about to conjoin Neptune tomorrow, our thinking may be cloudy or foggy, in fact, brain fog or headaches could be a thing. It may be harder than normal to think through your problems and find solutions. Thankfully, Mercury is still moving relatively quickly at 1°35’ of arc per day, which is half a degree faster than the Sun right now. He is slowing down, though, for him, but we won’t see Mercury get really slow until the week before he stations retrograde in mid-March. Anyway, Mercury still has his wits about him so he will be flying by Neptune pretty quickly and entering Aries on Monday, March 3, 2025. Feeling confused this weekend could be a thing, but by Monday your head may be more clear and you may be ready to take action.
This evening the Moon will make a semisquare to Uranus in Taurus at 6:54 pm, Venus will station retrograde in Aries at 7:36 pm, and then the Moon will conjoin Venus at 10:25 pm.
The Moon semisquare Uranus shows us that there are things we’d like to jump the gun on, but we can’t rush things. It is hard when the Moon is in the initiatory and sometimes hasty Aries to NOT do what we think, want, or desire, but there are speedbumps, slowing us down and making us think, feel, or process things a little bit more before we can take action, and with Uranus, these are mini-surprises or annoyances.
Let’s look at the chart for Venus’s retrograde and go over the mini-horoscopes.
Venus Retrograde in Aries/Pisces
You can see Venus on the right-hand side of the chart at 10°Aries 50’. She is co-present with the Moon at 09°Aries and Chiron at 20°Aries. So, Venus, the goddess of love is between our vulnerabilities, wounds, and need for healing and our feelings, circumstances, and behaviors.
We may experience a change of heart, a going back on agreements, a changing of our minds surrounding how we feel about a relationship, or a withdrawal of our love, affection, and resources. Venus is turning away from facing her vulnerabilities and wounds and approaching an immediate conjunction with her emotions and circumstances, and because this is happening in Aries, Venus’s detriment and a sign ruled by Mars and Mars is in sensitive Cancer, his fall, what happens next will be fueled by emotions and set on fire by a declaration of independent, fast, and egotistical behavior.
What’s more, is that this degree zone, 9-10°, in Aries, is getting some pretty significant hits this month. First, Venus stations retrograde at 10° Aries, then on March 15, 2025, Mercury stations retrograde at 09° Aries. The Solar Eclipse on March 29, 2025, is at 09° Aries, followed by Neptune’s ingress into Aries, the next day on March 30, with the Sun hitting 10° Aries during the ingress! So, this degree zone is highly charged up right now and it is highlighting communication, relationships, our soul’s purpose and identity, and a supernova new beginning.
Supernova is the right word because it is a massive explosion, but it is a death and this month we are having four planets conjoin the Sun, Saturn, Neptune, Venus, and Mercury. Anytime a planet conjoins the Sun it is like a death and rebirth for that planet. The planet disappears from view as it gets closer and closer to the Sun’s rays only to pop up on the Eastern or Western horizon being reborn.
The three visible planets, Saturn, Venus, and Mercury are all evening stars right now, setting after the Sun. Neptune is too but we cannot see him unaided. They are about to sink below the western horizon and go through a death since in ancient times the planet was seen to be entering the underworld when it set. The two inner planets, Venus and Mercury, are actually passing Earth, as they always do when they are retrograde, but Saturn and Neptune are actually on the other side of the Sun from Earth during their upcoming conjunctions to the Sun.
I find all of this fascinating and it just adds to the drama of March, it being an eclipse month, like a cherry on top of an ice cream sundae.
Venus Retrograde in Aries/Pisces Mini-Horoscopes
Briefly, below you will find the house that Venus Retrograde in Aries will start in according to your rising sign. Find your rising and read the house topics associated with that house. You may notice a change of heart, a going back to someone or something, a change of agreement in a relationship, a reconsideration of resources or financial commitments, or something simply having to do with love or important women in your life.
Aries — first house of self, health, and character.
Taurus — twelfth house of blind spots, large animals, hidden enemies, and mental health.
Gemini — eleventh house of friends, allies, groups, and wishes.
Cancer — tenth house of career, praxis, and the mother.
Leo — ninth house of foreign travel, higher education, and beliefs.
Virgo — eighth house of shared resources, inheritance, debt, and death.
Libra — seventh house of marriage, partnerships, and legal matters.
Scorpio — sixth house of stress, health issues, employees or co-workers, and pets.
Sagittarius — fifth house of pregnancy, children, creativity, and recreational activities.
Capricorn — fourth house of family, roots, and property.
Aquarius — third house of siblings, communication, and local travel.
Pisces — second house of money and possessions.
I would love to hear about your experience if you feel open to sharing! You can comment here or reply to the email newsletter, or send me an email to, if you’d like to share more privately. It is always so interesting to hear what people go through during retrogrades.
SUNDAY, March 2, 2025
The Moon will be in the me-first, pioneering Aries all day. This energy inspires us to start new things, take action, and focus on what matters most to ourselves. This can be great energy for accomplishing things and being brave, but do be mindful of the feelings of others around you because Aries energy has the tendency to blaze a trail while lighting everything on fire behind them and then like Steve Urkel, turn around and exclaim, “Did I do that?”
Early in the morning, the Aries Moon forms a sextile to Jupiter in Gemini showing us that there are many opportunities for blessings available to us right now. You may feel confident, jovial, and enthusiastic about your visions for the future, your philosophies about life, or your dreams. This is a really nice transit that will soften the energy of today.
At 8:51 am the Moon in Aries perfects a square to Mars in Cancer which always brings up challenges, tension, struggle, and possible arguments. People may be in grumpy moods or irritated easily. With the Jupitarian energy of the previous transit, I feel this may be more about taking action, getting things done, and having the energy to do it, than fights and arguments, but I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a sort of aggressive attitude while taking action that rubs some people in the wrong way.
By mid-morning, Mercury in Pisces will conjoin Neptune at 11:21 am. Astrologer Reinhold Ebertin describes Mercury and Neptune together as, “a lack of clarity, [and] self-deception” in his book The Combination of Stellar Influences (1972).
Biologically, Ebertin says the combination may manifest as a “paralysis of the nerves.” So, why is this?
Well, Mercury was called the Master of Arguments, the quick, winged messenger of the gods, and he brings rational thoughts, information, and news. Mercury rules over words, news, communication, language, mental processes, and our capacity to think and process information, and physically, Mercury represents the nervous system and the brain’s ability to send physical signals.
Neptune was named after the Roman god of the sea and signifies positive things like spirituality, intuition, dreams, and imagination, but can also represent negative things like confusion, mental fog, feeling lost, dishonesty, and fraud. Neptune has the tendency to wash away and dissolve the archetypal qualities of whichever planet it is interacting with and with Mercury this can be felt as confusion, mental chaos, and something affecting the nervous system. It could also manifest as just being “lost in thought” you know, like when you kind of space out because you are going on a long mental journey and then when you come back to the present moment you realize that a lot of time has passed. That sort of thing.
Do be careful operating heavy machinery, including cars, while this transit is in effect.
The last major transit of the weekend is the Sun in Pisces perfecting his square to Jupiter in Gemini at 1:18 pm.
The Sun is our vitality, our life force, our true identities, and our soul’s purpose, and Jupiter is the planet of luck, expansion, hopes, connections, visions, and worldviews. When the Sun squares Jupiter, twice a year, it represents a time when we may be feeling challenged by others or not in harmony with others due to our beliefs, dreams, goals, or ambitions. It can also be a time of great effort applied toward a long-term plan that includes teaching or learning something and then sharing that knowledge with others.
3-Card “Love” Readings
Let’s do a three-card relationship spread inspired by the Venus retrograde and pull a card for You, Your Partner, and the Relationship, but, to make it more interesting and fun, I have pulled three different readings, pictured below with a charm on top of each stack. Using your intuition, choose the reading that resonates with you: Fairy, Crab, or Dog.
Remember, with relationship readings, it is important to focus on a person before you read the cards for the best clarity.
Choose Your Charm Pile: Fairy, Crab, or Dog

The Fairy Pile
Fairies symbolize playfulness, magic, wonder, nature, and your inner child.
2 of Wands
You have a lot of ideas and inspirations and you may be feeling enthusiastic about them. You have the whole world at your fingertips right now and you may be focused on your visions for the future, your goals, or your career and how those things fit with your relationship. You are still in the dreaming and planning phase of things.
Your Partner
3 of Wands
Your partner also has many ideas and projects that they are working on right now. They are one step further than you, in that they have already started the ball rolling for one or all of them. They are about to set out on an adventure, or possibly take a business trip.
Before I read the next card, one interesting thing is that the people on these first two cards are not looking at each other, but both looking off into the distance to the right, i.e. the future.
Are you in a relationship where you are planning something with another person? Perhaps a trip, a goal, or a business project?
The Relationship
3 of Cups
The relationship is a positive one that has provided many shared experiences of love and joy. You truly appreciate and enjoy this person’s company. There may be children involved or friends that you and this person spend a lot of time with. All in all, this is a really positive card and shows that you think of this person as a great companion, with whom you share mutual respect and support.
The Fairy Pile Recap:
You are planning things for the future. Your partner is already doing things. You both are looking toward the future. The relationship has been built on mutual trust, respect, and friendship, and has had many fun times. As long as you two are planning these projects and adventures together, many more pleasant times are ahead.
The fairy charm tells me that it may be a good time to tap into your playfulness, creativity, and sense of adventure if issues arise during Venus’s retrograde. Travel by airplane may be included in your future.
The Crab Pile
Crabs symbolize protection, transformation, and resilience. The crab is the symbol for the zodiac sign Cancer which has mother, nurturing, and family-centered characteristics.

14. Temperance
This shows a need to slow down, do things in moderation, and take care of your body right now. It is important to stay grounded but also be in the flow of things with this relationship. Trust the process.
Your Partner
16. The Tower
Your partner may be doing something, proposing something, or avoiding something that feels very unstable, chaotic, and jarring. They are going through a rapid, irrevocable change and you are witnessing it, like the crab charm for this pile, they are shedding their old shell and may feel vulnerable. Your partner may be pulling out of a situation, relationship, or commitment and this is throwing you. What you thought was a stable, secure, and emotionally mature person has turned out to be an unpredictable mess.
Because your card, 14. Temperance, shows such strength, I think that you are doing a great job of holding space for your partner as they go through this “tower card” moment in their lives and they are really lucky to have you.
The Relationship
Page of Swords
The relationship is an infant, meaning that in the big picture, it is pretty new. The idea of having a relationship with this person was, or is, exciting and may have provided you with an initial zing of energy that made you ready to take this project on. The Page of Swords is also about effective communication, so this relationship requires great communication skills. The crab charm symbolizes indirect and gentle communication.
The Crab Pile Recap:
You are internally strong and you are doing your best to be balanced and grounded. This relationship requires a lot of energy on your part to maintain your composure. Your partner is a mess right now and is going through some heavy stuff. I find it interesting that there is no human on the artwork of the Tower card and what that says to me is that this person isn’t even really here in the present moment with you, but very overwhelmed by their own life and emotions. The relationship is young, possibly immature, but eager, ready, and willing to figure things out. There may be a lot of talking things out, processing thoughts, or coming up with solutions.
I think if this relationship is loving and fulfilling for you, then your partner is very lucky to have someone like you to help them through this tough time. The Venus retrograde may bring up questions about how much you are willing to give to this person with the exchange being so one-sided.
The Dog Pile
Dogs symbolize loyalty, friendship, and protection.

6. The Lovers
You are in love. You may feel totally enamored about this person and it could feel really great! You feel like you’ve found the person of your dreams. They light you up inside and you feel curious and excited about life!
There are two people on this card who are facing each other and are totally in the moment. The Lovers card also represents the possibility of a choice in the future.
Your Partner
They are feeling a bit indecisive and perhaps have more than one lover or interest. They are trying to choose between options that are available to them. This choice may dissolve their fantasies. Your partner’s honesty may be in question, for they may be showing you one side of themselves while hiding the other side. One thing is certain, they are about to make a choice between fantasy—or things they can’t have—and reality.
The Relationship
7. The Chariot
The relationship is feeling opposing forces. There is the desire to go in this direction or that direction and a choice will need to be made for the Chariot can only go down one path at a time. There will be obstacles that will need to be overcome with this relationship and it will take the self-discipline, willpower, and effort from you and your partner to guide this relationship where you want it to go.
The Dog Pile Recap:
You are in love and your partner is too, but there may be a lack of commitment or a clear relationship structure or agreements. Your partner is trying to make a choice as to what to focus on, the fantasy or the reality. The relationship has obstacles and opposing forces that need to be overcome and reigned in for success. You and your partner will need to be disciplined to guide the relationship where you want it to go.
The dog charm says that this is a question of loyalty to one another. During Venus’s retrograde, you may be deciding where this relationship is going.
What do you think? Do you resonate with your reading? I would love to know!
I hope this is helpful!
Until Monday
Thank you for reading the weekend horoscope!
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Today’s cards were pulled from the Light Seer’s Tarot available on Amazon.