Hello, everyone!
Well, here we are, today is a Full Moon! And two weeks ago I shared word poem list #2. As promised here is my poem. I would love to hear your poems! You can either send them to me to read in private by replying to this newsletter or if you’d like to share your poem publically, go for it! I have started a hashtag on Instagram if you would like to share there, #astromommywordpoem. I even had the idea, if there are enough of us, that we could meet in Pelli’s Cafe on Discord and share them there. Please let me know if you are interested in something like that.
And without further ado…
The Biggest Hill
by AstroMommy a.k.a. Monica Mozey Sakellaridis
There was only one thing she felt she needed
If only she could be paid for fulfilling her domestic duties then she wouldn’t need it
But that is not the case, as you know…
She was trying to summon her inner Capricorn and climb the proverbial mountain and get to the ‘top’
But it seemed she would never make it
But it seemed she would never be allowed to rest
The truth was too much to face
Her failure lurked behind every step
Each hill in the mountainside that she conquered
Only bequeathed another hill
Leading her to realize that the more energy she expended
The harder the hills seemed to be to climb
“Do I not deserve a good life?” she asked the Universe
“You have a good life,” replied the Universe
“That is not the real question.”
“Well, then, what is it that I should be asking?” She replied.
“You must learn to measure your life by a different method. Money isn’t real, in the sense that it is a made up game that you humans play. You have a good life because you have love and joy and those can not be bought.”
“I know, but I was thinking of like, food, shelter, clothes, and all that…I meant, ‘Do I not deserve a good financial life?’”
“ah…” Said the Universe
But the Universe already knew what she had meant
“You must exile the thoughts that do not make the life you crave,”
“When you dwell on lack, you receive lack…When you dwell on abundance, you will receive abundance…When you dwell on pain and suffering, you will get more pain and suffering…when you dwell on gratitude, you will receive more to be grateful for.”
“As the saying goes, ‘You are what you eat,’ so too is, ‘You are what you think,’
“You can only expect miracles if you are rejoicing in all the miracles you have already recieved.”
“Like is attracted to Like.”
And just like that she had her answer…
she went around her house
rejoicing in
all the money that she had
lying around in plain sight
put it in a bowl
on her desk
to remind her of the abundance that was all around her
would it attract more?
She wasn’t certain
But she was willing to try
For she had bills to pay
Food to buy
And shoes to put on the little feet of her children
She had tried everything else
What was one more small hill?
But in actuality
It was the biggest hill she had to climb… Thank you for reading. The horoscope for today will be coming shortly. Until then, AstroMommy