Welcome to AstroMommy’s “5-Day Weekly Forecast.”
This new weekly forecast is to give you an overview of the 5-day work week. It is a little bit more to the point and less story-like, but I hope that you find it helpful as you prepare for the week ahead.
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This week looks hot, with a mid-week rain shower, ending with blue skies!
The big theme for this week is: Stable Independence
5-Day Weekly Forecast: Monday-Friday, July 18-22, 2022
Monday 7/18/22- Sunny and Hot
The theme for Monday is: Independence & Mental Tension
Monday the Moon enters Aries early in the morning. You may wake up full of new and refreshed energy and be ready to tackle the day, head-on! Today, and tomorrow are great days to start new projects and take advantage of new opportunities. As always, with the Aries energy, it’s important to practice patience and selflessness when you can, as the shadow side of this energy can be a little impulsive, impatient, and narcissistic.
Mercury in Cancer and Pluto in Capricorn are in an opposition right off the bat today! This could cause a dilemma for you between what you think you want to do for your family and home life, and what you are currently obsessing over when it comes to your career and business ambitions. Someone or something may be getting involved that is forcing you to make a choice between the two priorities. These energies can bring up issues like passive-aggressiveness, paranoia, and coercion. This opposition could feel very mentally intense!
Astrology is a symbolic divinatory tool, so this opposition is not only a sign of the types of situations we all may be dealing with outside of ourselves, but also a representation of the opposing energies we may be feeling internally. Look within to figure out how to proceed.
The transits: Moon enters Aries; Mercury in Cancer opposes Pluto in Capricorn.
Tuesday 7/19/22- Sunny and Scorching Hot!
The theme for Tuesday is: Independence, Survival, and Humor!
The Moon is still in Aries today and we may still feel full of lively energy! By the time we all wake up on Tuesday, the Moon will have conjoined Jupiter in Aries, pumping up our feelings of righteousness and independence, even more. We could wake up feeling supercharged!
By mid-day, the Sun will oppose Pluto, and Mercury enters Leo— look out world! The Moon will also be conjoining Chiron in Aries at this same time. We may all be feeling a little vulnerable about who we are and our independence— but ultimately who we are is our greatest asset.
This opposition could be really challenging. Yesterday, the energy was really mental, today the energy is vital! The Sun represents that essential, constant, spirit energy that is eternal within us, and when it opposes the profound, dark, extremely heavy energy of Pluto, it is normal to feel a bit threatened.
But, we do have Mercury moving into Leo and that is really fun energy, so there is a chance that this heavy opposition could be made lighter with humor, fun, and creativity! Leo is a very creative, boisterous, and joyful sign, so try to tap into that energy to handle whatever life-challenging situation comes up for you or the ones you love, this week.
The transits: Moon in Aries; Mercury enters Leo; Sun in Cancer opposes Pluto in Capricorn.
Wednesday 7/20/22- Partly Cloudy, Chance of Scattered Showers
The theme for Wednesday is: Transition
This is really and truly a “hump” day this week as we start off the day with the Moon in Aries making a T-square with the Sun and Pluto opposition and then by the afternoon the Moon moves into stable, earthy Taurus.
This morning could be really intense, with tempers flaring, leaving us in a bit of a daze for most of the day.
We may have the desire to try and make something happen in our favor, but it won’t result in anything. Like when you call the bank to get a fee reversed and they tell you “no.” It’s aggravating, but the best thing to do is to just let it go and move on.
By the afternoon we may start to feel more grounded and stable. And by the evening, some creative spark or creative person may enter our lives that ignites a warm, yet unpredictable feeling. Go with the flow and enjoy this little repose after such a hard day.
The transits: Moon reaches its third quarter phase in Aries and squares the Sun in Cancer and Pluto in Capricorn; Moon enters Taurus at 2:22 PM ET; Mars in Taurus semisquares Neptune in Pisces; and Venus semisquares Uranus in Taurus.
Thursday 7/21/22- Overcast
The theme for Thursday is: stability
The Moon in Taurus is giving us the fortitude and strength to feel grounded and stable. It’s not a time to start new things, but a time to tend to the things we’ve already started. It’s also a time when we can be more sensual and enjoy the finer things in life.
Jupiter in Aries makes a semisquare to Saturn in Aquarius, requiring us to find the balance between the responsibilities to ourselves and to others. We could feel some frustration at the slowness of the day, but with tolerance and patience, we are able to get through it.
Rest today and don’t try to push your own personal agenda through, you will only feel restrictions. Stay present in the moment today and enjoy the little things.
The transits: Moon in Taurus; Jupiter in Aries semisquare Saturn in Aquarius.
Friday 7/22/22- The Clouds Part, Revealing, Sunny Blue Skies
The theme for Friday is: stability
The Moon in Taurus is helping us establish routines that make us feel stable and secure. We may want to consolidate our existing projects so that they are more manageable. Today is a great day for that.
Early Friday morning, the Moon will meet up with the North Node in Taurus and make a semisquare to Venus in Cancer. This could bring up feelings regarding our love lives, relationships, the aesthetics of our homes, or even our finances. If we are dealing with matters of the heart, then we could be feeling like something’s got to change, but now is not the time. Wait until things settle a bit more, before bringing things up.
The Sun enters into the sign of Leo today! Happy Leo Season!
Leo season can be a fun and exciting time, representing the peak days of summer, full of life, vitality, and fun in the sun! We could all feel more artistic and creative, joyous and carefree, courageous and brave during this time.
There are some dramatic transits coming over the next month, but I feel that the Leo energy will help us to brave-heartedly face whatever obstacles, challenges, or limitations we feel this summer. It’s like the King has come and brought the brightest light there is with him—the Sun. The dark doesn’t stand a chance.
The transits: Moon in Taurus; Moon goes void of course at 7:43 PM ET; Venus in Cancer semisquares the North Node in Taurus; Sun enters Leo, marking the beginning of Leo season! Leo season is from July 22, 2022- August 22, 2022, this year.
I hope this weekly forecast is helpful!
See you all Monday, for the regular daily horoscope.
This weekly report is a work in progress. I am figuring out the format and would love some feedback! Please feel free to leave a comment or reply to this newsletter! Thanks!