AstroMommy’s Newsletter
Podcast of the AstroMommy Newsletter
Third Quarter Moon in Cancer & The Star-Reversed—Still Doubting Ourselves Even Though We Are Doing The Work

Third Quarter Moon in Cancer & The Star-Reversed—Still Doubting Ourselves Even Though We Are Doing The Work

Daily Horoscope Check-In for Tuesday, September 24, 2024

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You’re reading/listening to the AstroMommy daily horoscope,  a forecast that hopes to shine a light in the dark, helping us all see where we’ve been, where we are, and where we’re going; whether you’re a first-time reader/listener or a long-time subscriber, thanks for being here! I truly appreciate you being in the AstroMommy community. I hope you enjoy today’s horoscope and card reading.

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Without further ado, here is the daily horoscope.

Good Morning, friends!

Well, something crazy happened last night! My daughter was coloring in her bed during bedtime stories and all of a sudden she said she had a baby spider on her book, so I came over to her and then we saw that there wasn’t just one baby spider, but ten, then twenty, then even more! All over her comforter were these small baby spiderlings! Of course, she jumped up, screamed a little, and quickly exited her bed. While I was in awe of how many spiderlings were on her bed and just staring at them, she saw the mama spider. A large wolf-spider on the side of the mattress!

Wolf spider mamas are amazing mothers, carrying their young on their backs until they are old enough to survive on their own, so either all of these spiderlings were old enough to be on their own, or they got knocked off the mother and scattered all over the bed spread.

We watched them for a little while before finally, my husband caught the mother in a jar and put her outside. He also took all the bedding outside too, in hopes that the mother and babies would reunite so they could be on their way, living happy, healthy, spider lives once again.

I find this experience really interesting considering that the first transit of the day, was a square from the Moon in Gemini to Mercury in Virgo, Mercury being the planet associated with spiders for their cunning nature. The fact that it was a mother wolf spider and her hundreds of babies seems to tie in the upcoming Third Quarter Moon in Cancer, indicating a need to nurture and protect our own offspring.

Have any of you ever seen a mother spider carrying her young on her back? I would love to know!

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Okay, let’s get into….the astrology

(all times are in Eastern time unless mentioned otherwise)

Early in the morning at 4:13 am the Moon in Gemini formed a square (90° angle) to Mercury in Virgo indicating some trouble with communicating our feelings or having things go smoothly with family and friends. Maybe a mother spider released all her spiderlings on your daughter’s blanket and disrupted storytime, LOL!  There could be setbacks to travel or miscommunications so do your best to have patience.  It’s possible to hear about lying in the news, which evokes an emotional response today, with Mercury’s upcoming opposition to Neptune tomorrow, as well.

Then at 7:58 am the Gemini Moon made another square, but this time it was to Neptune in Pisces retrograde which means that we could feel like we are emotionally in a fog or like we are realizing that something we thought was true is actually a lie and we are having to come to terms with that, or maybe someone told us they would do something and then didn’t follow through. It could also manifest as feeling a little off your game this morning, kind of like you’re going through the motions but you're lost, late, or easily distracted.

In the mid-morning at 10:18 am the Moon in Gemini perfected a quincunx (150° angle) to Pluto in Capricorn retrograde symbolizing loathing the feelings that have come up lately and you really don’t want to explore them right now.  There are 1,000 other things you’d rather be doing than digging in the dirt of your subconscious, but you may have to do a little digging with this transit, so, pull up your sleeves and as Angeles Arrien says in her book, The Four-Fold Way, “Show up, pay attention, tell the truth, and be open to the outcome.”

A little more than half an hour later the Moon leaves the playful, curious, and mental sign of Gemini and enters the nurturing, comforting, and emotional sign of Cancer.  The Moon is at home in Cancer, which means that for the next couple of days, we may feel inspired to be more nurturing toward our families and our homes, as well.

In the afternoon at 1:27 pm Mercury in Virgo forms a trine (120° angle) to Uranus in Taurus retrograde and this is a really positive transit. The trine is of the nature of Jupiter and that means harmony, ease, and flow; then we have the very mental Mercury that governs our thoughts, intellect, and how we communicate, aspecting Uranus, the planet that represents surprises, revolution, and innovation, so the two together in a trine mean we may have innovative ideas, or “Ah-ha!” moments when we figure out the solution to a puzzle. It’s like a jolt of inspiration that may shock us but in a good way!  We may hear about inventions or unusual things in the news.  There could be new technology or experiments that create breakthroughs and surprising answers.

A little bit later, at 2:30 pm the Moon in Cancer will make a trine to Venus in Scorpio right before she makes her square to the Sun at 2:49 pm marking the Third Quarter Moon.

This is a really auspicious combination and means that this Moon phase carries with it a trine to the beautiful Venus.  Even though Venus in Scorpio is in her detriment, she will still bring harmony and beauty to the situation, but it may be on a very deep, emotional, intuitive, or psychic level.

This Third Quarter Moon is also happening just 8 hours before the Moon in Cancer squares the Nodes in Aries and Libra from the Northern Bending, so this means an actual event taking place in the public that could have to do with your family in some way—and this is right in the middle of eclipse season so this marks an important shift regarding what this eclipse is activating in your life!

Let’s take a look at the chart for this third quarter moon.

Third Quarter Moon in Cancer

The Moon will reach her Third Quarter phase on Tuesday, September 24, 2024, at 2:49 pm ET.  If the sky is clear, you will be able to see the Moon during the day, until she sets at 2:47 pm.  She will be a beautiful half-moon with her left side illuminated.  She will rise again after midnight tonight.

You can see the Moon in Cancer on the left-hand side of the chart at the 3 o’clock position and the Sun at the top of the chart at 12 o’clock. Mercury is also at the top of the chart applying to an opposition (180° angle) to Neptune retrograde at the bottom of the chart, and Venus is off to the left at about the 11 o’clock position. Venus is still in a trine with the Moon at the time of the Third Quarter so this lunar phase is greatly influenced by Venus and in a positive way!  Venus represents what we attract into our lives and since the Moon is in the superior position to Venus, I feel this may be about an emotional desire that we have, concerning what we’ve been working on attracting this month.  Right now, in Scorpio, Venus symbolizes attracting a deep nurturing, intensely intuitive, and passionately psychic energy.  It’s like, if what we wanted was a food, Venus symbolizes attracting a rich chocolate cake, with dark chocolate frosting, the kind of cake that elicits an ecstatic, sensual response.

Additionally, our familial and romantic relationships are being highlighted with this lunar phase in trine to Venus. This is really positive and means that we feel in harmony with our relationships and yet at the same time, we are taking action, with the Moon square the Sun, toward furthering our commitments to family, by providing security and emotional safety in some way, and this could also be by side-stepping around something too scary, too painful, or that we feel makes us too vulnerable—so we protect our family unit and ferry them around it.

When the Moon gets to the Third Quarter phase in her cycle it is a time when we are redefining the intentions that we set during the New Moon, three weeks prior.  It’s symbolic of a time in the month when you are taking stock of what you already have, re-imagining it, and turning it into something new and long-lasting.

So, what are you re-imagining?  What are you tidying up?  What are you nurturing?  What are you side-stepping?  These are the types of questions you may be asking yourself during this phase of the Moon.

Briefly, below you will find the house that this Third Quarter Moon in Cancer is occurring in, according to your rising sign.  Find your rising and read the house topics associated with it.  You may notice a shift or a deeper focus involving one or more of those topics.

Aries — fourth house of family, roots, and property. 

Taurus — third house of siblings, communication, and local travel.

Gemini — second house of money and possessions.

Cancer — first house of self, health, and character.

Leo — twelfth house of blind spots, large animals, hidden enemies, and mental health.

Virgo — eleventh house of friends, allies, groups, and wishes.

Libra — tenth house of career, praxis, and the mother.

Scorpio — ninth house of foreign travel, higher education, and beliefs.

Sagittarius — eighth house of shared resources, inheritance, debt, and death.

Capricorn — seventh house of marriage, partnerships, and legal matters.

Aquarius — sixth house of stress, health issues, employees or co-workers, and pets.

Pisces — fifth house of pregnancy, children, creativity, and recreational activities.

I wish you all a Happy Third Quarter Moon!

The Tarot Card

Let’s see what the cards have to say…

What is the guidance for today?

17 The Star-Reversed

On this card we see a woman kneeling on the ground beneath a beautiful starry sky.  She has lassoed a very bright star and looks up at it as she holds the shining rope of her lasso in her hands.  Her hair blows in the wind, for change is occurring.

17 The Star card is about picking yourself back up after a period of upheaval, mishap, or disruption.  It’s about making and receiving a wish, having hope, keeping the faith, and believing in yourself.

In the reversed position it can mean self-doubt, a lack of faith, and feeling despondent and disconnected from the divine energy.

I feel that this card really resonates with Mercury’s upcoming opposition to Neptune which can bring up doubts about your dreams and their practicality. We may be questioning everything right now and feeling very critical and “in our heads,” but it’s an opportunity for self-reflection and honest analysis. Find your strength by laying out the truths, maybe even writing them down so they don’t get lost in illusion, and understanding that clarity of thought is harder right now than normal and it’s okay to need some time to process things. Don’t give up sleeping in your bed forever because it once had a visit by a mama wolf-spider who released her spiderlings, your bed can once again be a safe haven, but you will have to face this fear so you can move on.

I would love to hear your thoughts, in the comments.

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I hope this is helpful!

Until tomorrow,


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Today’s card was pulled from The Light Seer’s Tarot available on Amazon.

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This sentiment is inspired by The Four-Fold Way by Angeles Arrien.

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AstroMommy’s Newsletter
Podcast of the AstroMommy Newsletter
A read-aloud version of the daily horoscope newsletter that often incorporates motherhood, dreams, tarot cards, inspirational quotes, movies, and sometimes a story or two. Updates and news about AstroMommy and Metaphysical Flamingo, her family art studio on Etsy, as well. Enjoy!