Venus Square Uranus & a Past, Present, and Future Tarot Reading. Plus, an Update for the Newsletter and Overview of the Last Week of the Year!
Weekly Check-In for December 27-31, 2024--The Last Week of December!
You’re reading the AstroMommy daily horoscope, a forecast that hopes to shine a light in the dark, helping us all see where we’ve been, where we are, and where we’re going; whether you’re a first-time reader or a long-time subscriber, thanks for being here! I truly appreciate you being in the AstroMommy community. I hope you enjoy today’s horoscope and card reading.
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Without further ado, here is the daily horoscope.
Good morning, friends!
Well, Christmas day went off, basically without a hitch. We did have a visit from AstroDaddy’s brother, whom he has not spent Christmas with for the last 15-ish years, so that was a surprise and fit all the quincunx and sesquiquadrate energy that was going on Christmas Eve/Day. I predicted that Christmas would possibly be hard emotionally because of the Moon in Scorpio squaring Pluto and Mars, but for me that moodiness actually hit yesterday, the day after Christmas, when the Moon made a trine to Saturn, moving over my natal Mercury in Scorpio and I was just kind of in a fog of weird melancholic energy and couldn’t do much, so I decided to clean, which is one of my emotional medicines when I am going through feelings I can’t explain or make sense of—I clean. Cleaning helps me feel in control of my environment and it does do some good decluttering of the mind and heart and makes things easier to deal with.
Today I feel completely different, as I expected I would. I have a Pisces Moon and one of the things I’ve noticed about myself and others with this placement is that you can feel one way one day and completely different the next day, or hour! It is a very turbulent sign and therefore very changeable.
Newsletter Update
I have made some decisions about my plans for the Newsletter for 2025 and I have decided to re-launch the daily horoscopes and card readings because I miss them; and honestly feel lost without them! I am leaning strongly toward the daily horoscopes being only available for paid subscribers. I think I will have a sale for subscriptions starting on the New Moon in Capricorn on December 30, 2024, and ending on January 6th, with the re-launch of the daily horoscopes, January 6, 2025, the day Mars retrograde re-enters Cancer.
I am also leaning toward a weekly free newsletter surrounding the major lunar phases, New, First Quarter, Full, and Third Quarter Moons with mini-horoscopes for those as well as any big posts I do about the eclipses and major planetary ingresses with horoscopes, etc.
I will not be re-launching the podcast read-aloud/audio of the daily horoscopes as I didn’t get the support I had hoped for last fall when I did so. The podcast adds an additional 20+ hours of work to my week and there was no growth to the newsletter when I re-launched the audio, so, despite the audio being requested, it didn’t generate any tangible support, therefore it just doesn’t make financial sense for me to offer an audio read-aloud of the daily horoscopes.
I will be discontinuing the Lunar Poetry ritual following the final Pisces New Moon cycle in 2025. I am sad to let that go, but there was just no interest in it and I feel that this next year is going to be a lot about how “less is more.”
I am still figuring out where YouTube falls into all of this and what I can realistically produce, video-wise. I enjoy making Horary example videos, but there is no market for daily horoscopes on YouTube, only monthly Sun-Sign horoscopes, which I am not sure if I have the time to make. I’ll keep you updated!
So, watch for a subscription price changes and a sale to begin on December 30, 2024! And do let me know if you have any objections to these ideas or other ideas for the newsletter in 2025. I would love to hear from you!
Okay, let’s get into….the astrology
(all times are in Eastern time unless mentioned otherwise)
Well, this weekend we have Venus perfecting her square to Uranus on Saturday which can bring a lot of chaotic, disruptive, or exciting energy to our relationships and financial situations, so let’s dive into the transits of today and then we’ll go over Venus’s square to Uranus for the weekend.
FRIDAY, December 27, 2024
Late last night, at 12:08 am, the Moon in Scorpio formed a square to Venus in Aquarius which could have brought up some relationship tensions or the release of any tensions that had been building the previous few days.
Then at 2:28 am ET Mercury in Sagittarius made his square to Saturn in Pisces bringing up a lot of serious thoughts and focused thinking. This energy could be used for good to make serious decisions about things, paring down to the essentials as it were—my newsletter updates in the opening paragraph are a great example of these archetypes at work. You may be thinking about what is important to you to keep and what you are ready to discard. There could be some narrow-mindedness with this transit so do try to keep an open mind to suggestions that may be good for you in the long run.
Still early in the morning at 2:34 am the Moon perfected her opposition to Uranus in Taurus retrograde stirring up some unexpected emotions or circumstances that place you in a sort of dilemma. Should you do this or that? What do you do with these or those emotions? How do you interact with this family member or that family member? Questions and feelings could be swirling around in your head and heart today and you grapple with these dilemmas. What you choose to do will probably reflect the Mercury square Saturn sentiment and you could find yourself behaving in a very stoic manner.
By this morning, at 9:23 am, the Moon in Scorpio formed a trine to Neptune in Pisces which could’ve brought a serene feeling to your psyche or dreams of doing art or music. I woke up this morning having dreamed about watercolor painting, a hobby I have recently picked up while painting Christmas cards with my kids and I am totally enamored with it. So, there could be something today that just makes you feel at peace that you have to partake in. If it is good for you, I suggest you do it! If it is an escape that has some shadow sides, then it may be better to use the Mercury square Saturn energy to curb your longings and direct your urges to healthier outlets.
The Moon will ingress into Sagittarius at 2:46 pm ET. The Moon in Sagittarius is jolly, hopeful, and humorous! You may feel your heart space expand and your willingness and desire for adventure may be ignited. You may find yourself aiming for new heights, dreaming up futures that are brighter than today, or seeking out the truth of your feelings. It’s a time of joyousness, spontaneity, and vision.
In the late afternoon at 4:36 pm the Moon in Sagittarius will make a sextile to Pluto in Aquarius, bringing opportunities for healing and meaningful connections. Your truths may emerge within you and have an enterprising effect on your mood.
In the evening, the Moon in Sagittarius will form harmonious transits to the Nodes, still in Aries and Libra, but only about two weeks away from their ingress into Pisces and Virgo which will happen on January 11, 2025, activating a whole new pair of houses in your natal charts. This is big and happens every 18 months and represents a new focus in your life where things will change and take on new forms.
At 8:49 pm the Sagittarius Moon will trine Mars in Leo retrograde fueling us with a lot of fiery, creative energy! This is good, really good, if you have things in your life that have lost flame, this energy will re-ignite them for you and you may feel a lot of new inspiration and zest coming back. You may make quick decisions, acting from you gut instincts and impulses.
What is coming up for the rest of December 2024:
Saturday, December 28, 2024:
The Moon is in Sagittarius all day—Balsamic Moon Phase Begins—time to release and let go of whatever did not work out during this last lunar cycle. The Moon will also oppose Jupiter and square Saturn today and that means you could have some challenging conversations with family, friends, or loved ones about your beliefs or your plans for the future and how you intend to implement them. Be ready to defend your position or be ready to open your heart to suggestions. Perhaps take note of what people are presenting to you and make your final decision once this transit passes and you can be objective rather than reactive.
· Venus in Aquarius Squares Uranus in Taurus retrograde—a surprising relationship or financial dynamic that could indicate a change or a bit of chaotic energy that acts as a catalyst to either invigorate things or throw things off.
Let’s take a closer look at the chart of this transit:
Venus Square Uranus retrograde
On the chart above you can see Venus at the bottom of the chart between 5 and 6 o’clock in Aquarius in square to Uranus in Taurus retrograde who is on the right-hand side of the chart between 2 and 3 o’clock. Venus in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus are in each other’s signs since Uranus is one of the two rulers of Aquarius, the other being Saturn in traditional astrology, and Venus rules Taurus. For me, this counts as a mutual reception and it could mean that whatever surprising disruption or chaotic situation arises from this transit has some good effects as well that act as sort of an energizing boost to our relationships or to our financial situations. Maybe some surprising money comes your way or maybe your relationship gets enlivened by something new and exciting, reigniting the spark, or maybe you meet someone who kind of zaps you into a romantic space.
With the Moon in Sagittarius during this transit, very close to conjoining Mercury in Sagittarius, I think some surprising messages or exchanges could be in store. I am excited to hear from you all about what happens over the weekend or what has already happened as we have been gearing up for this transit, or what happens next week.
Remember, the transits act like waveforms and their archetypes could be observed leading up to, during, and after the transit. Sometimes this waveform lasts for months, as in the Jupiter/Saturn square or the Mars Opposite Pluto dynamic that we are all experiencing right now, but when we are talking about the swifter planets, Venus, Mercury, or the Moon, the period of engagement is much faster, so I would say for this transit’s effects it could be anything that fits this archetype that happened this last week, over this coming weekend, or next week—that is the time-frame to watch.
Here is a list of seven possible manifestations of a Venus square Uranus retrograde when they are in mutual reception (of course there are infinite possibilities!):
1. Unexpected money coming back to you or an unexpected expense
2. An old friend or lover reaching out to you out of the blue or you having the urge to reach out to someone
3. Surprising relationship twist that seems beneficial or adds excitement
4. Finding something Venusian that you lost in an unexpected place (like a lost earring turning up or money you misplaced)
5. Sudden independence in love (this could be breakups or turning points in relationships, but since it is a mutual reception situation, it may be mutual)
6. An adventure in love that kind of disrupts your day-to-day
7. A birth of a baby that has some unexpected qualities to it
I would love to know if you notice this archetypal combination, in the comments.
Sunday, December 29, 2024:
The Moon starts in Sagittarius and ingresses into Capricorn at 11:37 pm ET. Before she changes signs, the Sagittarius Moon will sextile Venus, which is great for opportunities in love and money, and then square Neptune which could be hard because it brings up disillusionment and deception, so just be careful what opportunities you take and make sure they are real and not mirages. Once in Capricorn, the focus will be about implementation.
· Chiron in Aries stations direct—the hurts or wounds you’ve been mulling over this year may take a new direction or you may receive signs from the Universe that offer healing.
Monday, December 30, 2024:
The Moon is in Capricorn all day—make your plans and then take action on them. It’s time to get things done. The Moon will square the Nodes from the Southern bending representing an inner point of release or event that takes place that you experience on a personal level.
· New Moon at 9° Capricorn 43’ at 5:26 pm ET—A new, fresh start in the house that Capricorn rules in your chart. Mini-Horoscopes for all 12 signs will be out on Monday.
Tuesday, December 31, 2024:
Happy New Year’s Eve!
The Moon is in Capricorn all day.
· Pluto will make favorable aspects to the nodes. This represents rapid transformations.
· The Moon in Capricorn will sextile Saturn in Pisces indicating opportunities for serious feelings and focusing on spiritual mastery.
· Mercury makes a trine to Chiron, now direct, so conversations about our healing journeys may be abundant and reflections on this last year seem to be fitting.
· The Moon in Capricorn also squares Chiron and trines Uranus in Taurus retrograde, so emotions and healing are very likely and may come in surprising ways.
The Tarot
Let’s see what the cards have to say for this last week of December. Let’s pull a Past, Present, and Future card from my new deck, The Forest of Enchantment Tarot, which AstroDaddy gifted me for Christmas (Thank you, AstroDaddy, I love it!).
The Past
Three of Visions (Cups)
On this card, we see three enchanted bears dancing together in the forest. In the accompanying book, Your Path Through the Enchanted Forest, the author, Lunaea Weatherstone, says that the Three of Visions means to “find kindred spirits” (2023). This means that in the past we have found others with whom we had things in common, we resonated, and we had shared experiences that were joyous and loving.
The Present
Ten of Challenges (Swords)
On this card we see an old knight, battered and beaten from life, sitting at the base of a tree next to his bent sword and helmet. His horse grazes in the background.
The Ten of Challenges speaks to feeling like you’ve been battling something for a long time and now you are done. You are done fighting and you are done losing. Something in your life is ending and it is time to move on from it. Now, since this reading is literally about the end of the year, this could pertain to things you were trying to make happen this year that you are done trying to manifest and it is now time to cut your losses and move on to something else next year. Usually, this is a painful card about endings, but since we are on the threshold of the new year, I feel this is a hopeful card about new beginnings; new dawns on the horizon, so to speak. It’s perfectly fine to let things that are not working go and it is mature to do so as well.
The Future
Two of Challenges (Swords)
On this card we see a traveler in the woods, wearing a backpack. He has stumbled upon a magic mirror, hanging in thin air and blocking his path forward. He has nothing to do but look at his own reflection. In the book Weatherstone states, that the Two of Challenges says, “know thyself.”
In the future, it is a must that we get to know ourselves and reflect on how we want to move forward in our lives, what strategies we want to implement, and how we want to communicate. The Two of Challenges has to do with the decisions that you make that affect yourself and others and you may have already made those choices or you may be contemplating what you are going to do about x, y, or z. The important thing here is to stay true to yourself and make the best decisions you can make that honor who you really are. This may come with some letting go of who you once were but this next year has many opportunities for growth and expansion to those who commit to their individuality, and their authenticity, especially because who you are and what you stand for will be tested in 2025.
To Recap:
In the past, you had some really pleasant experiences with friends or loved ones. In the present moment, you may be feeling defeated and at the end of a long journey or battle for something and the pleasant experiences are no longer fueling your energy. In the future, there will be a decision to make that needs to be based on your truth and who you are and it will affect you and those around you, so choose wisely.
What do you see? I would love to know your thoughts. Please leave a comment.
I hope this is helpful.
Until next year :),
Quick Links and Resources
AstroMommy’s One-Year Tarot Journal
Glossary of Astrological Terms
Today’s cards were pulled from the Forest of Enchantment Tarot available on Amazon.
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