AstroMommy’s Newsletter
Podcast of the AstroMommy Newsletter
Episode #146: Mercury Square Pluto—Research, Obsession, And The Revelation Of Hidden Truths

Episode #146: Mercury Square Pluto—Research, Obsession, And The Revelation Of Hidden Truths

Daily Horoscope for Monday, April 3, 2023

Show Notes:

Here are the timestamps for today's horoscope:

0:00 Welcome to the AstroMommy Newsletter Introduction

0:45 Title and Date

0:53 Good morning, friends!  

1:25 Daily Horoscope for Monday & Tuesday, April 3-4, 2023

6:09 The card for the day

7:21 End Remarks          

7:27 quick links, and resources, and “side effects.”


You’re listening to the AstroMommy daily horoscope,  a forecast that hopes to shine a light in the dark, helping us all see where we’ve been, where we are, and where we’re going.  Whether you’re a first-time listener or a long-time subscriber, thanks for being here! I truly appreciate you being in the AstroMommy community. I hope you enjoy today’s horoscope and card reading.

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Without further ado, here is the daily horoscope.

Good morning, friends!

So, I have decided through much trial and testing that I am going to change my writing schedule from 6 days down to 4 days going forward.  After last month’s experimentation with taking a couple of days off per week when there weren’t any major transits, I decided that it would be better if you all knew which days you can expect a post instead of it changing from week to week, and 4 days per week of posting seems to be the sweet spot that feels right.  So, going forward I will be posting on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays. 

Thanks for understanding! 

Okay, let’s get into… the astrology

The biggest transit on Monday is Mercury’s ingress into the sign of Taurus and then squaring Pluto in Aquarius.  Once in Taurus, Mercury will be within the three degrees of engagement to forming a sextile to Saturn in Pisces as well, which will be exact on Wednesday. So, we are going to talk about these transits in today’s post, especially because the Moon is forming a YOD1, a finger of God, with Mercury and Saturn tomorrow evening.

Let’s first talk about Mercury square Pluto.  The last time that Mercury squared Pluto was when Mercury was in Libra on October 27, 2022, and Pluto was at 26° of Capricorn.  Mercury in Taurus will square Pluto in Aquarius at 2:55 pm ET at 0°10’ of their respective signs. I think this is really interesting because Pluto is in the bound2 of Mercury and so there’s yet another emphasis of things mercurial being activated by this square.

Mercury represents commerce, trade, communication, messages, and travel, and Pluto represents death, rebirth, transformation, and things that come out of the deep depths of the earth.

When Mercury and Pluto come together in a hard square aspect you can expect deep and penetrating conversations, impatience, and obsessive tendencies.  You may also experience a profound change in your environment.  In the news, you could read or hear about deaths, travel calamities, and near-death experiences. 

I am already feeling this obsessive urge to research things this morning, namely homeschooling techniques and curriculum plans. This is the biggest reason why my horoscope is just coming out now—I spent the majority of my morning pouring over a new book that I started reading about how to read the “Great Books!” I plan to apply the authors techniques not only for teaching my kids, but also to reading the endless list of astrology books, both modern and ancient, that I desire to read and absorb. I also had a great conversation with my husband about the book and it’s studying strategies. Very Mercury/Pluto!

The Moon is making several quincunxes to all the planets in Aries today, first to the Sun, then Chiron, and finally Jupiter, so there could be a serious desire to make lists and plans and be averse to impulsive, reckless, or hasty behavior.  We could feel like we want it all right now, but we know we have to be patient and wait for things.  There could also be hurt feelings or old baggage that we don’t really want to deal with that may come up and be annoying.  I feel like leaning into the Virgo Moon energy may be helpful here and focusing on organizing, planning, and counting up inventory. 

Again, I am feeling this and I’ve already made a list of great novels that I want to read and I have the desire to make more lists! Mostly I want to write out a list of what I would like to teach at each grade level and which curriculum I would like to use. I want this mapped out so that I know when and how I will teach everything and in what order. This “master list” will help me relax and know that my kids will receive a well-rounded education by the time they graduate high school. So far, I have tried to follow other people’s suggested sequences, but it hasn’t totally fit. Now that I’m in my seventh year of homeschooling, I feel like I know enough to be able to make this “master list,” and stick to it.

The Moon is also making a sesquiquadrate to Mercury in Taurus and to Pluto in Aquarius, right after Mercury ingresses into Taurus in the afternoon at 12:22 pm ET, so there’s the desire to get things going and make some changes to the environment, but there are setbacks due to resources.  These sesquiquadrates also heighten the Mercury/Pluto square that is forming at this time, so that makes whatever deep truths that are coming out even more contentious and uncomfortable.

The Moon does form a harmonious trine to Uranus in Taurus four hours after Mercury and Pluto perfect their square so this could indicate something surprising happening that we didn’t expect that may have to do with Taurean things like material wealth, possessions, or food.

Now, when I write the daily horoscope, I often talk about the transits like everything they are describing is going to happen today, but that is not how astrology works.  When the transit takes place it is like a domino that is knocked over in a domino design and the event that may happen in your life that reflects the archetypal influences may happen a few days before the transit, during, or a few days after the transit!  And it also depends on your natal chart placements as to how strong or significant a certain transit may be or not.  So just keep that in mind when you’re reading or listening to the daily horoscope.

What you need to know for Tuesday:

On Tuesday the Moon in Virgo will form a harmonious trine to Venus in Taurus representing good fortune, wealth, good health, and abundance.  And then she will oppose Neptune, which could represent feeling foggy, lost, or in chaos and needing to make a choice between reality and a dream or fantasy.

Then the Moon ingresses into the sign of Libra and forms a harmonious trine to Pluto in Aquarius, so this could mean intense feelings, radical changes, or some sort of emotional transformation. 

She is also forming two quincunxes to Mercury and Saturn in a YOD, a finger of God, which represents a point of destiny that could mean serious conversations, travel for serious reasons, or receiving serious news.  So, Tuesday could be a very uncomfortable and possibly serious day.

Let’s move on to the card for the day:

What is the guidance for today?

King of Pentacles

On this card we see a king sitting on a throne embellished with the heads of bulls.  His foot is resting on a Bull’s head.  In astrology, Taurus is depicted by the Bull and represents fertility, wealth, and a bountiful harvest.  The King of Pentacles has grape leaves adorning his robe and a flourishing grapevine grows around his throne symbolizing wealth and abundance, as well.  Behind him is a castle with three towers, again an indication of material success and esteem. 

The King of Pentacles represents someone who has mastered the material realm in the form of wealth, an abundance of resources, and power due to financial stature.  He is also a caretaker or fatherly type, who provides for others with his generosity and sound financial advice.  He is the kind of person who plans things out and then executes his plan in order to manifest his goals.

As the card for the day, I feel the King of Pentacles is reminding us that whatever ideas or goals we have right now, through the steady application of effort, will be very successful in a material way.  This card could also be representing someone you know who is skilled financially or whom you deem wise, coming into your life and sharing their knowledge with you.

Let me know if this reading resonates with you, in the comments! 

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I hope this is helpful!

Until Wednesday,


Thank you for reading or listening to the daily horoscope!

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Today’s card was pulled from The A.E. Waite Holographic Tarot available on Amazon.

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A YOD, also called, “the Finger of God” is “a peculiar astrological configuration in a chart. It is a triangle formed by two planets sixty degrees apart while both are a hundred and fifty degrees from a third planet. This creates a thin, pie-shaped aspect.” (Sheppard, 2019).

Sheppard, S. (2017). Black Moon Astrology Cards Guidebook. In S. Sheppard. Blue Angel Publishing.


Using the Egyptian Bounds system, the first 7° of Aquarius are in the bounds of Mercury. There are a few different bound systems in use today by astrologers. You can see the different systems here. According to my teacher, Adam Elenbaas, this rulership category breaks up the 30° allotted to each sign into five unequal parts and attributes each section to a certain planet, excluding the luminaries. The Bounds are traditionally used for timing and predicting certain events. The Egyptian Bounds are from Babylonian times and were actually discovered on cuneiform tablets! (Follow the previous link for a brief origin history of the Egyptian Bounds).

AstroMommy’s Newsletter
Podcast of the AstroMommy Newsletter
A read-aloud version of the daily horoscope newsletter that often incorporates motherhood, dreams, tarot cards, inspirational quotes, movies, and sometimes a story or two. Updates and news about AstroMommy and Metaphysical Flamingo, her family art studio on Etsy, as well. Enjoy!