AstroMommy’s Newsletter
Podcast of the AstroMommy Newsletter
Episode #182: Moon In Capricorn; Venus Enters Leo And Opposes Pluto--Business, Love, And Change

Episode #182: Moon In Capricorn; Venus Enters Leo And Opposes Pluto--Business, Love, And Change

Daily Horoscope for Monday and Tuesday, June 5-6, 2023

Show Notes:      

Here are the timestamps for today's horoscope:

0:00 Welcome to the AstroMommy Newsletter Introduction

0:45 Title and Date                            

0:55 Good morning, friends!  

1:07 Daily Horoscope for Monday and Tuesday, June 5-6, 2023

4:15 The card for the day

5:28 End Remarks          

5:34 quick links, and resources, and “side effects.”


You’re listening to the AstroMommy daily horoscope,  a forecast that hopes to shine a light in the dark, helping us all see where we’ve been, where we are, and where we’re going.  Whether you’re a first-time listener or a long-time subscriber, thanks for being here! I truly appreciate you being in the AstroMommy community. I hope you enjoy today’s horoscope and card reading.

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Without further ado, here is the daily horoscope.

Good morning, friends!

So, today we are doing our end-of-the-year tests for homeschooling.  That being said, today’s post is going to be more of a general overview of the energies for today and tomorrow, rather than a play-by-play.

Okay, let’s get into… the astrology

You know the Moon is in Capricorn when you wake up ready to do some business-like activity.  This morning I needed to write a tech support ticket for my astrology program which is having a very unfortunate glitch and I’d like to know if I can fix it before reverting to an image backup on my computer.  Then I needed to respond to some email correspondence and finally fix some things on my business profile.  All very Moon in Capricorn. 

The Moon doesn’t enjoy being in pragmatic Capricorn because it is the sign of her detriment and it is one of Saturn’s home signs; thus it feels more cold and detached, but in a receptive way, being the yin sign that Saturn rules.  Nevertheless, we can use this energy to get some important things done.  We just had the Full Moon which was a peak point in the cycle, like the moment of harvest in a garden and so now we are taking all the bounty we’ve gathered and we are putting it up, storing it, or eating it! 

Venus enters Leo today at 9:46 am ET and I think this will be a less emotional space than Venus in Cancer has been.  Venus will have to go through some hard aspects though, as just a few hours after her ingress she opposes Pluto in Aquarius. 

“Venus is the planet of “what I like” in astrology,” explains astrologer Christopher Renstrom in his book The Cosmic Calendar: Using Astrology to Get in Sync With Your Best Life.1  “Named after the Roman goddess of love and beauty, Venus rules over the power of attraction…Think of her as astrology’s version of perfume.”  I love this description of Venus being our astrological perfume and in Leo, we are wearing the most expensive, elegant, and royal perfume there is!  This “scent” that Venus is giving off now will attract those people into our lives that are of the royal court.  Venus will also be stationing retrograde in July in Leo and so we have some work to do in whatever house Leo falls in, in your natal chart.  This work will be about our relationships, and our values, and may also include things having to do with our finances.

When Venus perfects her opposition to Pluto at 12:04 pm ET, we could feel like what we value and love or what we are attracting into our lives is challenged by something potent.  Pluto is the potent little seed that holds all the code to become the amazing and mighty tree.

Pluto in Aquarius wants to make sure that whatever we are bringing into our lives is authentic, humanitarian, innovative, and ultimately for our highest good. 

Venus/Pluto oppositions could bring up tricky things like fatal attractions, disappointments, the death of something we value or the ending of a relationship, and/or a lowered resistance to temptation.  Pluto is the planet of death and transformation, so we can expect some sort of transformative thing to take place in a relationship or with something Venusian like our sensual or sexual natures, what we find pleasurable in life, and our aesthetic tastes. 

On Tuesday the Moon is still in Capricorn and will from trines to both Uranus and Mercury in Taurus and this means that whatever news you heard over the weekend that may have been shocking or whatever surprise conversation you had with someone is getting a boost of positive and harmonious energy.  You may have actually liked the surprising news you heard or you may have enjoyed the sudden and unexpected communications with someone, whatever the case, the words, and the surprises just keep on coming on Tuesday!

Let’s move on to the card for the day:

What is the guidance for today?

Two of pentacles

On this card, we see a young man juggling two pentacles that are linked by the infinity symbol.  In the background, there is a ship sailing on the ocean, sails full, symbolizing the winds of change and life’s possible ups and downs. 

The Two of Pentacles is about balancing your priorities, the hats you wear, and the responsibilities you have.  It represents a very busy time in your life where you are going from one thing to the next, working, cooking dinner, bathing the baby, driving someone to an appointment, balancing the bank account, etc…and right now you’re doing a great job! 

This card coming up as the guidance for the day is a reminder that although you are doing a fantastic job of juggling everything right now, remember to check in with yourself and schedule some downtime so you can recharge.  It’s hard to keep up a juggling act forever—the juggler needs to take breaks! 

This card is also an indication that our time management skills are really important right now.  Staying on top of things and not procrastinating is crucial to our success.  Staying flexible and adaptable to life’s ups and downs at the same time as keeping all those balls in the air is an amazing feat and one that you can do, just remember to take breaks, don’t procrastinate, manage your resources, and prioritize. 

Let me know if this reading resonates with you, in the comments! 

Leave a comment

I hope this is helpful!

Until Wednesday,


Thank you for reading or listening to the daily horoscope!

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Today’s card was pulled from The Morgan-Greer Deck available on Amazon.

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Renstrom, Christopher. The Cosmic Calendar: Using Astrology to Get in Sync with Your Best Life. TarcherPerigree, Penguin Random House, 2020.

AstroMommy’s Newsletter
Podcast of the AstroMommy Newsletter
A read-aloud version of the daily horoscope newsletter that often incorporates motherhood, dreams, tarot cards, inspirational quotes, movies, and sometimes a story or two. Updates and news about AstroMommy and Metaphysical Flamingo, her family art studio on Etsy, as well. Enjoy!