AstroMommy’s Newsletter
Podcast of the AstroMommy Newsletter
Episode #189: Last Two Days Of Gemini Season! Jupiter Sextiles Saturn—Optimistic Pessimism

Episode #189: Last Two Days Of Gemini Season! Jupiter Sextiles Saturn—Optimistic Pessimism

Daily Horoscope for Monday and Tuesday, June 19-20, 2023

Show Notes:      

Here are the timestamps for today's horoscope:

0:00 Welcome to the AstroMommy Newsletter Introduction

0:45 Title and Date                            

0:55 Good morning, friends!  Little overview

3:32 Monday, June 19, 2023

4:56 Tuesday, June 20, 2023

7:15 The card for the day

9:27 End Remarks          

9:35 quick links, and resources, and “side effects.”


You’re listening to the AstroMommy daily horoscope,  a forecast that hopes to shine a light in the dark, helping us all see where we’ve been, where we are, and where we’re going.  Whether you’re a first-time listener or a long-time subscriber, thanks for being here! I truly appreciate you being in the AstroMommy community. I hope you enjoy today’s horoscope and card reading.

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Without further ado, here is the daily horoscope.

Good morning, friends!

Okay, let’s get into… the astrology 

So, this week we have the Summer solstice building up as the Sun is only two degrees away from entering the sign of Cancer on Wednesday.

The Moon is in Cancer on Monday and will ingress into Leo on Tuesday, so that means we have a Moon opposite Pluto transit building on Monday and perfecting on Tuesday right before the Moon changes signs.  Yay!  I love Moon/Pluto transits, and I mean that with total sarcasm!  We’ll get into this in a minute…

Venus entered the pre-retrograde shadow period on Monday.  Below is a handy graphic I made of Venus’s Retrograde in Leo cycle.

The pre-shadow period represents the time between the degree that Venus will retrograde back to, which is 12° Leo 13’, and the time that she starts her retrograde cycle on July 22, 2023, at 28°Leo 36’.  So, this next month will be a time when we see some of the themes of how this retrograde will play out in our lives show up.  These will be both Venusian themes like relationships, love, money, sensual natures, and beauty coupled with whatever topics are governed by the house that Leo rules in your chart.  You could also experience things related to the houses that Venus rules in your natal chart pop up as well.

I am preparing a horoscope special for all 12 signs about Venus’s retrograde in Leo which I will have out sometime over the next month.

The Sun and the Moon are now separating from their conjunction and square to Neptune, although we will most definitely feel the energies of this transit throughout the whole month until the New Moon in Cancer officially closes out this cycle.  So, we could be getting spiritual downloads and insights, dealing with karma around a solar figure or fatherly figure in our lives, and also trying to focus on the facts at hand rather than getting caught up in a fantasy world or idealized situation.  It could be really hard to focus on Monday and Tuesday as the Sun is still within the engagement range to Neptune.

It could also be a period of heightened intuitive awareness of our destinies and we could be experiencing a sort of spiritual evolution of our soul.  Remember to stick to the facts and not spin stories that are self-destructive with the New Moon square Neptune, though.

I feel like this whole month we may want to keep the saying, “When in doubt, write it out,” in our minds—keep a journal, write down your experiences and your dreams—it’s not a great time to make big decisions or start major things because there’s an element of confusion and chaos in the mix.  We have to learn to mentally let go and let the natural timing unfold in the way that it’s supposed to and not try to control everything or get stuck in the way we think life should be and how fast we want things to be proceeding.

With Saturn in Pisces, now retrograde, this is a time to reflect on our responsibilities, commitments, and boundaries and learn to trust and have faith.  This week is a big test of that.

Okay, so on Monday…

At 11:52 am ET, Jupiter in Taurus perfects his sextile to Saturn, now retrograde, in Pisces.  This feels like optimistic pessimism!  Jupiter is the planet of hope, good luck, and optimism and Saturn is the planet of restrictions, pessimism, and time, so this feels like realizing that we have some support and harmonious things going on, but we need to be realistic with it all and trust the divine signature of events.

In the afternoon on Monday, Mercury in Gemini forms a sesquiquadrate, a 135° angle, to Pluto in Capricorn and then three hours later at 4:35 pm ET Venus in Leo, now in shadow, makes a sesquiquadrate to Neptune in Pisces—the sesquiquadrate represents something that has already started but is experiencing delays.  So there’s some deep conversation or expression that has already begun, like a text message exchange, but then there’s a long delay before the next message.  There’s something regarding our relationships, love, pleasures, and what we find beautiful in life hitting a speed bump because of some fog or a temporary blockage in the flow of intuitive downloads.  Venus in Leo wants attention and Mercury in Gemini wants to talk and communicate and express itself, but we can’t for some reason—we are cosmically on hold this week.

By the late evening at 9:08 pm ET the Moon in Cancer perfects a square to Chiron in Aries so people may feel a little bit of an ego –bruise or hurt feelings tonight that makes them kind of moody and emotional.

On Tuesday…

The Moon in Cancer makes a sextile to Uranus in Taurus right after midnight at 12:33 am—this could be symbolic of a sudden desire for something fresh, novel, or unusual in the environment.  Maybe a streak of independence or an unexpected dose of popularity or a change in our circumstances supports us in feeling more comfortable and at home.

Before the Moon leaves her home sign of Cancer and enters Leo, she goes through a few aspects: first a sesquiquadrate to Saturn in Pisces, then a trine to Neptune in Pisces, and finally her opposition to Pluto in Capricorn, all between 2:32 am and 5:43 pm ET on Tuesday.

So the whole day on Tuesday is full of a combination of things getting started, but also experiencing delays that end in an opposition that feels really cathartic and like you have to make a decision, but I would caution about making an emotionally charged decision, especially with the square to Neptune from the Sun still in effect.  Just journal, “When in doubt, write it out!”

At 6:03 pm ET, the Moon ingresses into the sign of Leo.  The Moon is now co-present with Venus and Mars who are both in Leo and all of these three together are screaming, “Look at me!”

We may notice that people just want to be the center of attention! There is fun in the air and a spirit of joviality, but it could be really intense and possibly annoying.

In the evening on Tuesday at 7:14 pm ET, Mercury in Gemini forms a semisquare and a sesquiquadrate to the North and South Nodes and then just three hours later at 10:37 pm, the Moon perfects a square to the Nodes from the Northern bending, a place of manifestation.  Right after Mercury and the Moon make these contacts to the Nodes, the moon perfects a semisquare to Mercury—this little dance is indicating that there is something that people want to say or some sort of news that has come out and people are trying to assimilate it and make sense out of it. 

The Moon and Mercury in a semisquare symbolize speaking without thinking, putting your foot in your mouth, or gossiping too much.  There could also be travel delays or setbacks.  There could easily be misunderstandings so it is important to remember this energy for Tuesday night and practice thinking before speaking, writing, or communicating in any way.  We may all want attention, but demanding it in an entitled way may actually backfire and you may end up being blocked!  So, don’t do it.  Just chill out and wait.  As I have been saying, “When in doubt, write it out!”  On Tuesday your journal may get several entries!  And that’s okay, that’s what a journal is for, right?!

Let’s move on to the card for the day…

What is the guidance for today?

Warrior of Vessels

On this card, we see a brave mounted on a horse.  He is slumped forward a bit and holding his horse still while he looks out over an empty range.  A buzzard circles overhead. 

The Warriors in the Native American Tarot are akin to the Knights in the traditional tarot and symbolize a person or situation that has a mission and has some support from his environment, represented by the fact that he is assisted by a horse.

In the traditional tarot, the Knight of Cups represents someone on a mission motivated by love, emotions, intuition, and the desire for beauty. There is also usually an impression of action, symbolized by the horse slowly prancing forward, but we see some key differences on this card.

First, this warrior doesn’t seem to be motivated by love or a desire for beauty, but by his emotions and the darker ones at that like depression and feelings of emptiness.  It says in the little instructions booklet for this card that, “This brave took the option to get drunk and ride off to a ridge to survey an expanse of empty range.” (Gonzales, 1982)1  So, already this card feels apathetic like this person has given up on life and would rather just waste his days away doing nothing of importance.  This is a very different sentiment than the traditional meaning of this card—it’s almost like it’s the reverse meaning, the shadow-side if you will. 

And second, the horse is standing still indicating a period of rest, contemplation, or planning rather than slow forward movement.

In the traditional tarot, it represents taking action on something or making a decision about something that comes from an internal place of knowing it’s the right thing, but this card says something different—it says that there’s a person who is lacking the qualities of compassion, understanding, and caring, or that maybe you are feeling a lack of these things yourself.

I feel like the main message here is to not give up!  Don’t give in to a pessimistic outlook and become apathetic about your life!  I also think the duality of the traditional tarot meaning with the meaning from this particular deck is a lot like the Jupiter sextile Saturn that is perfecting today—on one hand, we have an optimistic, loving, and compassionate person and on the other hand, we have someone superficial, impressionable, and passive—it feels a lot like Eeyore from Winnie The Pooh! 

Don’t be an Eeyore!  It’s time to trust our inner mensch and do things with integrity, compassion, and from an open heart space.

What do you think?  Let me know what your take on this card is, in the comments!

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I hope this is helpful!

Until Wednesday,


Thank you for reading or listening to the daily horoscope!

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Today’s card was pulled from Native American Tarot Deck by Magda Weck Gonzalez available on Amazon.

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Gonzalez, Magda and J.A. (1982). Native American Tarot Deck Booklet. Stamford: U.S. Games Systems, Inc.

AstroMommy’s Newsletter
Podcast of the AstroMommy Newsletter
A read-aloud version of the daily horoscope newsletter that often incorporates motherhood, dreams, tarot cards, inspirational quotes, movies, and sometimes a story or two. Updates and news about AstroMommy and Metaphysical Flamingo, her family art studio on Etsy, as well. Enjoy!