AstroMommy’s Newsletter
Podcast of the AstroMommy Newsletter
Episode #198: What A Messy Next Couple Of Days! Be Grateful, Keep It Together, And Be Careful What You Wish For!

Episode #198: What A Messy Next Couple Of Days! Be Grateful, Keep It Together, And Be Careful What You Wish For!

Daily Horoscope for Wednesday and Thursday, July 5-6, 2023

Show Notes:      

Here are the timestamps for today's horoscope:

0:00 Welcome to the AstroMommy Newsletter Introduction

0:45 Title and Date                            

0:55 Good morning, friends!  

1:22 Wednesday, July 5, 2023

5:20 Thursday, July 6, 2023

10:40 The card for the day

11:39 End Remarks        

11:45 quick links, and resources, and “side effects.”


You’re listening to the AstroMommy daily horoscope,  a forecast that hopes to shine a light in the dark, helping us all see where we’ve been, where we are, and where we’re going.  Whether you’re a first-time listener or a long-time subscriber, thanks for being here! I truly appreciate you being in the AstroMommy community. I hope you enjoy today’s horoscope and card reading.

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Without further ado, here is the daily horoscope.

Good morning, friends!

Well, I hope you all had a nice celebration for the Fourth of July!  We spent the whole day in the kiddie pool; It was a very cool 91° with only 48% humidity—a “fall-asleep-in-the-hammock” kind of day!  I read Don Quixote and experienced maybe the world’s longest sentence1, while my kids played in the pool!

We had some fun lighting fireworks in the evening and then topped off the night by watching Independence Day with Will Smith and Jeff Goldblum—a tribute to our youths in the 90s!

Okay, let’s get into… the astrology

On Wednesday the Moon is in Aquarius and won’t ingress into Pisces until Thursday afternoon.

The Moon represents many things in astrology.  First, she symbolizes our feelings, the subconscious mind, our needs for security; our home, family, ancestry, and how we nurture ourselves and others.  Second, she may describe mothers, children, and groups.  Third, she represents anything that comes to be and passes away or fluctuates, like love, money, emotions, and health.  Fourth, she signifies the public as a whole, the common people; public opinion, and popularity.  She can represent important women in our lives, as well as describe our circumstances, fortune, and also marriage.  She has many faces and thus represents many things!

When we follow the Moon we are tapping into a very fluid representation of life, as the Moon has no light of her own, but reflects the light of the Sun, therefore she is a reflection of what is going on every day.  In ancient astrology, it was believed that since the Moon was the closest celestial body to the Earth, her orbit around the Earth created the sublunary sphere, and it was thought that all other planetary influences had to come through this sphere, making the Moon the filter for our daily experiences.

This is why I include the transit s of the Moon.  A lot of astrologers skip over these transits because there are so many and they are always changing, from hour to hour, yet cyclical and thus repetitive; but I feel that they are so important in getting in sync with the ebb and flow of nature and the symbolism within.  I have found, through careful observation of my own chart that the Moon’s signs and transits matter a great deal in my personal life and I expect this to be the case with most of you, too, depending upon your own natal chart, of course, and whether or not you have a day chart or a night chart like me.

The first aspect that the Moon in Aquarius makes on Wednesday is a square to Jupiter in Taurus.

Jupiter is the planet of abundance, expansion, wealth, and prosperity.  Jupiter brings good fortune, health, blessings, help, and wisdom and is associated with optimism, success, and redemption.  Jupiter also represents travel and foreigners, higher education in general, but also specifically law, religion, and philosophy; and the bigger picture.  Jupiter represents anything that is a long physical journey that expands your horizons, but also any mental quest that brings growth and expansion to the self through the mind.  He is also an omen of good luck!

When the Moon and Jupiter are in a square, a challenging aspect said to be the nature of Mars, we can expect some strife, struggle, and possibly wastefulness when it comes to our relationships, our spiritual life, or legal affairs.  People can seem over-optimistic or over-confident and come off as boastful, arrogant, or conceited.  Our judgment may feel off about a situation, or we may be a little bit too full of ourselves to think clearly.

Jupiter in Taurus is all about looking at what we already have of value and feeling gratitude for those things.  The Moon in Aquarius fixates on making sure that there’s enough to go around; that everyone who is in need of resources has access to them, so there could be some conflict in trying to stretch the resources possibly too thin with this transit.  Even so, the key here is to be grateful for the fact that you have something to stretch!  So, it’s a reminder to count your blessings.

AT 9:42 am ET the moon in Aquarius forms a semisquare to Neptune in Pisces, symbolizing that we want to relax and dream, but we have responsibilities to tend to first.

The Moon then makes a quincunx to the Sun in Cancer at 10:45 am ET which feels odd and we may feel out of sorts and just a little bit off.  The sun in Cancer is motivated by feelings and intuition and the Moon in Aquarius is motivated by thoughts—getting the two to work together in an integrated and harmonious way is sometimes hard.

By the evening on Wednesday, the Moon finishes by forming a quincunx to Mercury in Cancer and a sextile to Chiron in Aries.  It’s like she’s finding out some information that is a bit uncomfortable from Mercury and then delivering it to Chiron as an opportunity for growth and learning.  Symbolically we may feel like that in our personal lives like we have some more information that is a bit rough, but we can use it as a doorway to feel better if we change our perspective.

On Thursday…

Right after midnight, at 12:28 am ET, Mercury in Cancer perfects his square to Chiron, so whatever message the Moon picked up and then delivered to Chiron as an opportunity for healing, Mercury is coming in hard and strong with a punch to our vulnerabilities, it’s like pouring salt on a wound, or biting your tongue in the same spot over and over! This transit may sting a little!

Hopefully, we prepared ourselves with the Moon’s soft delivery yesterday and we aren’t completely caught off guard with this one!  It’s like finding out something terrible from a third party and then when you find out from the source it’s not as strong, because you’ve already had your initial shock when you first found out!  But, this is where our minds, our thought processes, and the ways in which we communicate can get a little screwy and we can give in to our egos and overreact to things in a fast, fiery way!  So, beware of hot tempers, cutting words, and miscommunications with this one! People may be triggered and need some time to think.

Literally one minute later, at 12:29 am ET, the Moon in Aquarius forms a square to Uranus in Taurus, so whatever news we are hearing, it is surprising, disruptive, and very disorienting!  We could feel like we are in the midst of an inner earthquake that has rattled us to our cores or there could be something shocking that happens on the world stage that affects us deeply, triggering our emotions.

At 3:37 am ET, the Moon in Aquarius opposes Venus in Leo, again a really hard aspect, but now with the planet of love, affection, values, money, and our relationships.  We have come to a crossroads about something and maybe it has to do with the news or messages we received earlier or maybe not, but we are now in a place where we have to make a decision.  There is a compromise to be made between what we love and hold dear and what we feel is right, just, and for our highest good.  This is not an easy transit, especially since Venus is slowing down about to station retrograde and she is just coming off the square to Uranus, so this is touchy, emotional stuff. Venus in Leo wants love, affection, and attention and the Moon is representing something that is detached and feels kind of cold, so how do we balance the two? That is the question, right?

By the morning the Moon in Aquarius opposes Mars in Leo at 9:41 am ET.  Whatever emotional stuff is being triggered and felt today, this opposition is symbolizing a possible blowup, angry outburst, or public display of emotions.  Mars and the Moon in an opposition can indicate tension, restlessness, extreme emotions, fights with your spouse, partner, or family members, and just trouble in general!  This could also manifest as having a lot of courage to take action on something that may not be specifically for the group but maybe something more for the individual.  This choice needs to be thoroughly worked through to avoid making rash decisions based on pure emotions.  So, do what you can to balance your heart and head with this one, which may be harder than it sounds.

This brings us to the next transit which is Mars forming a quincunx to Neptune in Pisces.  This is interesting because Mars is at the apex of an imperfect YOD2 formation.  Neptune and Pluto are in a sextile that is not perfect and has a 2°orb—Neptune is at 27° and Pluto is at 29°of their respective signs, Pisces and Capricorn--and they won’t perfect this sextile because of their retrograde motions.  So, there is a sort of subconscious opportunity that we feel about our deep inner workings wanting to cooperate with our spiritual consciousness, like we know that underneath all the drama there is divine guidance going on pointing our ship, like a spiritual compass, but it’s hard to put our finger on it exactly because with Neptune there is always some fog to contend with.

Mars forms a quincunx to Neptune on Thursday and then he forms another quincunx to Pluto, but it won’t be until Sunday, July 9th, 2023.  So, Mars is at the apex point of this configuration meaning that these energies will manifest in Martian ways, such as action-oriented, passionate, penetrating, outward expressions and they could be very flamboyant, dramatic, and full of machismo in Leo.

After this transit, at 12:30 pm ET on Thursday the Moon perfects a sesquiquadrate to Venus in Leo symbolizing that she knows what she wants to do and she’s already put the balls in motion, but it won’t be until their trine over the weekend when things will feel more harmonious and flow.

The Moon ingresses into the sign of Pisces at 1:32 pm ET.  The moon’s journey through Pisces actually looks rather peaceful and harmonious, since the Moon in Pisces is making many favorable aspects. She will, however, conjoin Saturn, right after midnight, technically on Friday, so we could feel this energy building up on Thursday night. The Moon and Saturn may feel melancholic, depressing, and heavy.

First, after her ingress into Pisces, she forms harmonious aspects to the North and South Nodes, a sextile and a trine respectively, indicating feeling on the right path emotionally and energetically.

She finishes Thursday with a semisquare to Chiron in Aries, symbolizing that great healing has taken place and there’s a greater feeling of peace.  There are still needs to be met and kinks to work out, but as long as we don’t push for things to go faster than they are going and we surrender to the natural flow of events, we will be okay.

This, of course, is followed by the Moon’s conjunction to Saturn at 12:14 am ET on July 7th, but we will feel this energy Thursday night creep in like a cold draft coming in through the crack under the door, reminding us of the harshness of life that is an unforgettable reality. My best advice is to wear socks. We all have our responsibilities and Saturn likes to come in and hit us with long, never-ending to-do lists, but it’s a test of faith, grit, and willpower and we pass, by coming from a place of love and gratitude…and socks.

Let’s move on to the card for the day:

What is the guidance for today?

Nine of Cups

In the Rolla Nordic Tarot, this card is a picture of nine decorated goblets, four on each side and one in the middle, just like a deck of playing cards.

In the upright position, the Nine of Cups represents wishes, dreams, success, and a hopeful outlook. This card is signified by Jupiter in Pisces.  Jupiter is the planet of expansion, luck, and prosperity, and Pisces is the sign of fluidity, dreams, and redemption. 

As the card for the day, I feel that this symbolizes that we may be feeling contentment, and satisfaction, and have a lot to be grateful for!  This card is literally the “wish card,” so it’s important to look around and recognize and acknowledge the wishes that have come true in your life and celebrate them!  It is also a good time to make a wish and this card indicates that your wish will be granted, so think carefully about this and be specific, as the Universe seems to be extremely literal when it comes to granting wishes. This wish may come true in 9 days, weeks, or months.

Let me know if this reading resonates with you, in the comments! 

Leave a comment

I hope this is helpful!

Until Friday,


Thank you for reading or listening to the daily horoscope!

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Today’s card was pulled from The Rolla Nordic Tarot Deck available on Amazon.

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I discovered, by the use of Google, that the sentence in Ch.3 of Don Quixote is NOT the longest sentence in the world, nor is it the longest sentence in the 942-page book!  So, there is more joy to come!  My sarcastic nature is feeling giddy at the thought, nonetheless, the sentence that I read was VERY long, in my opinion, although I guess I haven’t really been exposed to many long sentences as I have not read most of the books on the list of longest sentences in literature.  Oh, well, the epic quest continues!


A YOD is a special transit that involves at least three planets and forms a narrow triangle-shaped aspect between the three.  The base of the triangle is a sextile (a 60-degree angle) between two planets, a harmonious aspect, representing an opportunity-- and in this case, this is between the Neptune in Pisces and Pluto in Capricorn, both retrograde.  Then, those two planets each make a quincunx (a 150-degree angle), which is not a harmonious aspect, but one that represents change and separation-- with a third planet, forming the apex of the triangle, in this case, the apex planet is the Mars in Leo. The whole idea is that the Apex planet is how the energy manifests and is worked out. So, we can expect action, aggression, and machismo.

AstroMommy’s Newsletter
Podcast of the AstroMommy Newsletter
A read-aloud version of the daily horoscope newsletter that often incorporates motherhood, dreams, tarot cards, inspirational quotes, movies, and sometimes a story or two. Updates and news about AstroMommy and Metaphysical Flamingo, her family art studio on Etsy, as well. Enjoy!