AstroMommy’s Newsletter
Podcast of the AstroMommy Newsletter
Episode #264: Third Quarter Moon in Scorpio, Mercury Enters Aquarius, & The AstroMommy Newsletter’s Second Anniversary!

Episode #264: Third Quarter Moon in Scorpio, Mercury Enters Aquarius, & The AstroMommy Newsletter’s Second Anniversary!

Weekly Forecast for Tuesday, January 30, 2024, through Monday, February 5, 2024.

Show Notes:       

Here are the timestamps for the weekly forecast:

0:00 intro

0:33 title and date

0:47 Good morning, friends!  Updates

4:41 weekly overview & Happy Anniversary announcement!

5:10 Third Quarter Moon in Scorpio

8:07 Mercury Ingresses into Aquarius

10:13 Tarot cards for the week

13:17 In conclusion

13:45 End Remarks        


You’re reading or listening to the AstroMommy Weekly horoscope, a forecast that hopes to shine a light in the dark, helping us all see where we’ve been, where we are, and where we’re going.  Whether you’re a first-time listener or a long-time subscriber, thanks for being here! I truly appreciate you being in the AstroMommy community. I hope you enjoy this week’s horoscopes and card reading.Weekly Forecast for Tuesday, [January 23,] 2024 through Monday, [January 29, 2024.]

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Without further ado, here is the weekly horoscope.

To Listen to the weekly horoscope please check out the Podcast here.

To watch or listen on the AstroMommy YouTube Channel, or to utilize the timestamps for the video, go here. (The video is usually posted within an hour after the newsletter).

Good morning, friends!

Well, we have all planets moving direct now and that means that we can use this momentum to make decisions and big strides forward that will affect the rest of the year.  As my teacher, David Palmer, The Leo King, says, “It’s go, time!” 

Also, this next month, February, will reveal what Pluto in Aquarius may feel like going forward, at least for the next seven months before he dips back into Capricorn in September.  The reason for this is that all the personal planets, starting with Mercury, the Moon, Mars, and then Venus, will be ingressing into Aquarius and meeting up with Pluto! 

The first planet to do this, Mercury, will be on Monday of next week, February 5, the last day of this Weekly Forecast.  This is interesting because Mercury represents our minds, thoughts, and intellect; how we think about something and then express it in words, so, at first, we will try to understand Pluto in Aquarius mentally. 

Then the Moon will conjoin Pluto on February 8th during her balsamic phase, releasing and letting go of the old ways, to embrace the new ways with her next New Moon in Aquarius on February 9th!  This contact symbolizes trying to understand Pluto in Aquarius through our emotions and how it feels. 

After that, the next planet to ingress into Aquarius is Mars on February 13, 2024.  Mars will then conjoin Pluto on Valentine’s Day, February 14, which could make for a very physically intense, passionate, and possibly obsessive holiday!  Mars represents our motivations, actions, and desires—so, we will be exploring how we identify with this potent new energy on a physical level.  

Finally, we will try to understand Pluto in Aquarius via Venus, through our relationships, our values, and our finances when she ingresses into Aquarius on February 16 and meets up with Pluto on February 17, 2024. Our relationships may go through irrevocable shifts that dramatically change our trajectories.

There’s more to February than just these ingresses and subsequent conjunctions to Pluto, such as Venus and Mars finally conjoining in Aquarius on February 22, followed by Mercury’s cazimi and concurrent conjunction to Saturn on February 28, 2024.  It’s a busy month and this next week is just the beginning! 

Happy Anniversary, AstroMommy!

On a personal note, this week is special to me because it is the AstroMommy Newsletter’s second anniversary on Sunday, February 4, 2024!  Here are a few links to the very first newsletters I ever wrote:

First two blog posts: It’s Like Pulling Teeth & When the Lightning Strikes!

My First Horoscope Attempt for April 1, 2022

Healing New Moon in Aries Conjunct Chiron

My First Real Horoscope

Sunday, April 24, 2022

As you can see from the posts above, AstroMommy has come a LONG way!!

Here are a few of my favorite posts that I’m pretty proud of:

Check Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself—Moon in Leo Square Uranus and Opposite Saturn, The Sun and Venus Square Pluto

That Which We Love, Which We Draw, and Which We Manifest. The Moon's Ingress Into Leo; Venus Quincunx Saturn; and Mercury Retrograde Update, Pt. 1

Well, that was a fun little jaunt down memory lane! 

Now it’s time for the celebrations!

I would love to celebrate this milestone with all of you who have made this possible so here’s what I’m going to do: 

  • I am going to make (almost) everything available for ALL subscription TIERS for the next two weeks, from today, January 31, 2024, until February 12, 2024, you may post comments on new content, read the Daily Check-Ins, and enjoy the full archive of free posts!

  • For my PAID subscribers, reply to this email no later than February 12, 2024, with “Happy Anniversary!” and I will enter you into a contest to win a mug of your choice from the family Etsy shop, Metaphysical Flamingo!  I will select a winner at random from the entries and announce the winner via the newsletter on Friday, February 16, 2024!

Thank you for your support!  Thank you for believing in AstroMommy and thank you for being here! And to those who have been here from the beginning, seriously, thank you!

Okay, let’s get into… the astrology

 (All times are in Eastern Time (ET) unless mentioned otherwise)

The Weekly Overview

This week is like the calm before the storm, in that there is not too much going on this week.  We have a Third Quarter Moon in Scorpio on Friday, February 2, 2024, and then on Monday, February 5, 2024, Mercury ingresses into Aquarius and conjoins Pluto, kicking off a whole new personal world!

Let’s go over these two transits and then a tarot card spread for the week.

Third Quarter Moon in Scorpio

The Moon will reach her Third Quarter phase on Friday, February 2, 2024, at 6:17 pm ET.  If the sky is clear, you will be able to see the Moon between the early morning hours about 2 am ET until a little after noon the next day.  She will be a beautiful half-moon with her left side illuminated. 

The Third Quarter Moon phase marks a time of mindful action.  Whatever conscious actions you take could be due to a calamity in your life that you need to respond to or they could be because of the need to break away from a situation.  Whatever it is, it could feel really big and dramatic or it could be something mundane and easily forgotten, but the archetype is the same and no less divine in either manifestation.

Let’s take a look at the chart for this Third Quarter Moon in Scorpio.

Third Quarter Moon at 13°Scorpio 35’, at 6:17 pm ET, Washington, D.C., USA.  Chart generated using Solar Fire.

You can see the Moon in Scorpio at the bottom of the chart making a square to the Sun in Aquarius on the right side of the chart at about the 3 o’clock position. 

The Moon is said to be in her fall in Scorpio and at 13°Scorpio, she is also at the tail-end of the via combusta1, the area of the zodiac from 15°Libra to 15°Scorpio.  The ancients thought that this area of the sky was treacherous and uncomfortable for the Moon.

The Moon in Scorpio is intense and emotional.  We could feel more ambitious, more sensual, and more in touch with our deep feelings when the Moon is in Scorpio. Depending on whether or not you have any planets that are touched when the Moon moves through this sign may indicate how strongly you feel the energy.

When the Moon gets to the Third Quarter phase in her cycle it is a time when we are redefining the intentions that we set during the New Moon, three weeks prior.  It’s symbolic of a time in the month when you are taking stock of what you already have, re-imagining it, and turning it into something new and long-lasting.

So, what are you re-imagining?  What are you tidying up?  What are you digging deeper into?  What are you re-focusing on? these are the types of questions you may be asking yourself during this phase of the Moon.

Briefly, below you will find the house that this Third Quarter Moon in Scorpio is occurring in, according to your rising sign.  Find your rising and read the house topics associated with it.  You may notice a shift or a deeper focus involving one or more of those topics.

Aries — eighth house of shared resources, inheritance, debt, and death.

Taurus — seventh house of marriage, partnerships, and legal matters.

Gemini — sixth house of stress, health issues, employees or co-workers, and pets.

Cancer — fifth house of pregnancy, children, creativity, and recreational activities.

Leo — fourth house of family, roots, and property. 

Virgo — third house of siblings, communication, and local travel.

Libra — second house of money and possessions.

Scorpio — first house of self, health, and character.

Sagittarius — twelfth house of blind spots, large animals, hidden enemies, and mental health.

Capricorn — eleventh house of friends, allies, groups, and wishes

Aquarius — tenth house of career, praxis, and the mother.

Pisces — ninth house of foreign travel, higher education, and beliefs.

I wish you all a Happy Third Quarter Moon!

Mercury Ingresses into Aquarius and then conjoins Pluto

Mercury ingresses into Aquarius on February 5, 2024, at 12:10 am ET, Washington, D.C., USA. Chart generated using Solar Fire.

Looking at the chart of Mercury’s ingress above, you can see both Mercury and Pluto at the bottom in Aquarius.  They are not making any other aspects to any other planets.  The Moon is applying to a harmonious sextile to the Sun from Sagittarius to Aquarius and Venus is applying to square the Nodes from Capricorn.  So, clearly, things are happening all around Mercury and Pluto, but it’s almost like they are able to have a private little reunion with each other.  Mercury gets to hear the new plans from Pluto first-hand, before anyone else, except the Sun of course, who made his conjunction to Pluto the same day as their ingress into Aquarius on January 20, 2024.  But, now, Mercury gets the scoop.  Things could be revealed, deep truths exposed, and we could hear about it all in the news!

Mercury in Aquarius can represent progressive, innovative, and creative thoughts that spring forth enthusiastically with a zest for reform and a desire to make things better for all involved.  Aquarius is the humanitarian of the zodiac and so when Mercury enters this sign it is a time to communicate those sentiments through conversation, writing, or public speaking.  Mercury in Aquarius doesn’t mind being alone because it is often when he is alone that he comes up with his original thoughts for new ideas and solutions to the problems of the world.  Making the world a better place is on Mercury’s mind when in Aquarius and he may strive to do this through journalism, activism, patriotism, and any other way he can share his utopian ideas.

Mercury and Pluto in conjunction can represent a persuasive mind, the power of suggestion, a deep and penetrating intellect; a way of speaking, or writing that is thought-provoking, and plants seeds.  We may find something out in the news about fraud, criminal behavior, or corruption.  On the brighter side, we may hear news of great success, power, or someone being publicly recognized for their innovation, fearless leadership, or tenacity. 

A few well-known famous people with Mercury in Aquarius are Martin Luther King, Oprah Winfrey, and Jesus Christ (birth data is assumed of course, but this is one of the proposed charts), as well as Mozart, Chopin, and Bob Marley.

Okay, moving on to…

The Tarot Spread

Let’s move on to a 3-card spread for the week that will represent What You think, What You feel, and What You do. 

The first card representing What You Think is:

IX The Hermit—Noonian Soong

On this card, we see Dr. Noonian Soong, the man who created Data. 

IX The Hermit is the way-shower, the light in the dark, and represents a time when we are given a serious choice in life.  By taking time to be still and reflect, we can make better choices.  Sometimes we have to retreat and be a hermit, like Dr. Soong, to find this wisdom, but the knowledge is always there, deep within our eternal souls.  Our past experiences light the way not only for others but for ourselves as well.

As the card that represents What You Think, I feel this means that you are thinking like The Hermit, contemplating which way to go and perhaps you are receiving divine guidance. 

You are doing your best to guide others over the thresholds in life and through doing so you are gaining valuable experience and wisdom.  You may also think you need to take space to process all that you have learned.  Take the space and alone time if you need it and when you’re ready come back from the uninhabitable planet so that you may share with others your reflections.

The second card representing What you feel is:

XII The Hanged Man—Reginald Barclay

On this card, we see Reginald Barclay, in the Holodeck, looking fearfully and anxiously sideways.

This card has come up in every reading for the past three weeks!

XII The Hanged Man is about pausing and looking at your situation from a new perspective, surrendering to the natural flow of life events, letting go of how you thought your life would look or should look, and allowing the truth to be what it is. 

As the card for What You Feel, you may feel that you need to pause and take a break from your normal routine in order to see things from a different light.  There may be anxiety and fear coming up because of the imminent change.  Opportunities are coming to you, but you have to stop pushing or resisting the changes they ignite. Resistance and forcefulness create energetic blockages and backups and The Hanged Man is urging you to let those go to create flow.

And the third card representing  What You Do is:

6 of Latinum

On this card, we see six bars of liquid Latinum, suspended in gold.   

6 of Latinum is about giving and receiving.  Sometimes you are the one who can give generously to others and other times you are the one who needs assistance.  There’s a fluctuation and flow depicted within the meaning of this card that speaks to the natural ups and downs of life. 

As the card for What You Do, this card is saying that you are generous and trusting of others and because of this your generosity will be rewarded in the future.   

To recap:

You think that you need space and time alone to think and process things.  You may feel paralyzed by having to make a choice.  It may not be clear what you need to surrender to yet.  What you do is give or receive charity.  You may be stuck in an exchange bank or feel that when you receive you automatically need to give back or when you give back they automatically owe you.  Let go of whatever it is that you think should happen and allow life to unfold naturally.  Don’t keep tabs on people’s generosity.  Give freely from the heart and allow others to do the same.  Take time and space when you need them.

In conclusion for the weekly forecast…

I am excited about this upcoming month, but I am thankful for this calm week to prepare for what is to come.  Take this time to charge your batteries—February looks active!

Remember to check out all that the AstroMommy Newsletter has to offer over the next two weeks and if you’re a PAID subscriber, reply to this newsletter with, “Happy Anniversary!” to be entered to win a free mug of your choice from the family Etsy shop, Metaphysical Flamingo!  You can check out all of our mugs by clicking here.

Leave a comment

I would love to hear your thoughts, so please leave a comment. I hope this is helpful. Have a wonderful week!

Until tomorrow,


Thank you for reading or listening to the weekly horoscope!

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Today’s card was pulled from Star Trek: The Next Generation Tarot Deck available on Amazon.

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Full Disclosure announcement:  If you purchase anything through the affiliate links that I provide in the newsletters, I will make a very small commission. All profits from the Family Etsy shop, Metaphysical Flamingo, either go to the family member who made them or to purchasing homeschooling supplies for the AstroKids!


“The Origin of the Via Combusta (Burned Path)?” Anthony Louis - Astrology & Tarot Blog, 28 Aug. 2016,

AstroMommy’s Newsletter
Podcast of the AstroMommy Newsletter
A read-aloud version of the daily horoscope newsletter that often incorporates motherhood, dreams, tarot cards, inspirational quotes, movies, and sometimes a story or two. Updates and news about AstroMommy and Metaphysical Flamingo, her family art studio on Etsy, as well. Enjoy!