New Moon In Pisces--New Word List! Word List #23 Lunar Poetry Ritual
Poetry Prompt for the Pisces New Moon On March 10, 2024
Good morning, friends!
Woah, yesterday was the New Moon in Pisces and I forgot to post a new word list for the Lunar Poetry Ritual! Probably because I was busy teaching myself how to knit and eating yummy pizza, but it’s all good!
Okay, so here it is!
In the description below, you can find out the writing details of how to participate, but here are the logistical details: First, you need to wear pink socks when you write your poem, second, you must have a cup of MetaPower (yes, I am a doTERRA Wellness Advocate and will benefit if you purchase MetaPower with my link), preferably in an AstroMommy Mug from the family Etsy shop, on your table to sip while you’re writing, and third, Pagan Holiday music must be playing to get you in the “right” mindset for poetry.
Once you have the logistics1 in place, you may begin!
If you ever have any questions, please email me at or reply to this newsletter in the comments!
Word list #23
For the New Moon in Pisces
(due on the Lunar Eclipse in Libra, March 25, 2024)
How to play: Below you will find this lunar month’s word list—from it, you are to write a poem using the exact words listed in the order they are in.
For example, the opening to my poem might be:
“There was a comet” and then I would use the next word in the list in a line after the first word, “flying by my soul like a trifold at a science fair”….
…and so on until all 16 words have been used. There is no limit to the length of your poem or how many words are between the words in the list. There are no other rules, just use all 16 words as they are (do not change their tense or add suffixes to them) and in the order presented.
Next Full Moon, I will share the poem that I write here on Substack, and if you’d like you can share your poem with me! If you share on social media, please use the hashtag #astromommywordpoem so we can all read our poems in one place! Thanks for participating!
Word List #23 --New Moon in Pisces, March 10, 2024
Thank you so much for participating!
Until the Full Moon,
If this is your first time checking out the Lunar Poetry Ritual, please check out the pinned post to learn more!
To purchase pink socks from Amazon, click here. To purchase MetaPower from doTERRA, click here. To buy an AstroMommy Mug from the family Etsy shop, click here. I trust you know where to listen to Pagan Holiday music…but if you don’t know, please email me and I will send you a link!