Mar 24Liked by AstroMommy

It isn't a knock on you or your voice but I don't listen to audio posts generally - it takes too long and the comprehension isn't as good. (There was a big deal when substack put automated audio up for posts and it's good to have that for readers with disabilities or whomever but I never utilise it.)

So. 🫂


fyi, i would totally dig it if you did the card pull on video for yt, but i can understand why not - c'est une manière différente

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Thank you everyone who cast a vote! It looks like it is a tie between, "Yes, do it when you can," and "No, I only read it." So, I will be making a decision soon and let y'all know! If you didn't cast a vote and have an opinion, please reply to any of the newsletters, I would love to hear your thoughts! Thanks, again!

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