I’ve been thinking a lot about Pluto’s ingress into Aquarius.1 Some people may call it meditating, but when I am deep in thought about a subject, I just call it thinking.
So, I’ve been deeply thinking about what this will mean when Pluto goes into Aquarius. I’ve done a little research about the last time that Pluto was in Aquarius which spanned the years 1778-1799. During this time many things happened in the United States.
One of the most “Pluto in Aquarius” things that I noticed while researching the history of the USA2 during that timespan was the new government’s desire to obtain land. This was not always done peacefully and there were many conflicts between the Native Americans and the American settlers. It was not always pretty and many people died in the fight—and I know that’s putting it lightly.
“Land” would give the newly formed America many resources that were needed for survival such as water, access to game and farmland, and lumber. The survival of the newly formed America was greatly tested and over that 21 years, a couple of the most notable things that were achieved were that the Constitution was written3 and The Bank of North America4 was established as the country’s first bank.
I believe that during Pluto’s journey through Aquarius over the next 20 years we will see another period where our very survival is tested as a nation and there will be a fight for essential resources of this country, like land, water, farms, and power.
I also feel that our banking system and what we use as money are going to change. We have already been seeing this shift. I barely use cash anymore these days because everything is done electronically. I don’t have enough information at this time to comment too heavily on the changes in the financial sector, but I don’t live under a rock and I see them happening, from Cryptocurrency to Bank failures, things are obviously changing, you don’t have to be a rocket scientist to notice.
When I first started having these thoughts, I came upon a news article in my feed about the Navajo nation needing more water for the 175,000 residents of the Navajo reservation.5 I feel that this is a perfect example of Pluto in Aquarius—Pluto being “survival” and Aquarius, the water-bearer representing equal distribution to all—This court battle is literally a fight over water! It will be interesting to see what happens because it seems that the best thing to do would be to equally supply the states that are already dependent on the Colorado River and the Navajo Nation with water from the river, but I am not sure what will happen in this case. I think that we will see many more legal cases and battles over the resources of America in the years to come.
Another hallmark of Pluto in Aquarius is the use of artificial intelligence. Aquarius is associated with advances in technology and Pluto is about great power and control so it seems very natural that some sort of A.I. revolution should take place.
What’s interesting is that for many years I have heard the narrative being parroted about the population expanding too quickly and being out of control, but recently I came across an article on PopularMechanics.com talking about the global birth rate declining6 and how that is a bad thing because eventually there won’t be enough people to run the world efficiently (Newcomb, 2023). Enter A.I. to save the day, right? That’s what they would like you to believe.
I am not a fan of the A.I. revolution and fear what will become of the human race if such a revolution were to occur, but it seems that this narrative about the population declining is grooming the population to accept that A.I. computers will have to take over a lot of the jobs since there literally won’t be enough people to do them. It also seems to play into the World Economic Forum’s agenda 2030, but I’ll leave that for another day.
So, my general predictions of what Pluto in Aquarius will bring over the next 20 years are fights over the needed resources for survival like land, water, food, and power, a new form of money, and an A.I. revolution fueled by a global decline in the birth rate. I’m sure these will evolve and grow as time goes on.
I would love to hear your thoughts about Pluto in Aquarius, so feel free to leave a comment!
Until next time,
Pluto will ingress into Aquarius for the first time in 2023 on March 23. Click here to read my post about Pluto in Aquarius and the Sun/Rising sign horoscopes.
“History of the United States (1776–1789).” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 21 Mar. 2023, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_United_States_(1776%E2%80%931789).
“Constitution of the United States.” U.S. Senate: Constitution of the United States, 21 July 2021, https://www.senate.gov/civics/constitution_item/constitution.htm.
Smith, Robert F. “Bank of North America.” Encyclopedia of Greater Philadelphia, 12 Mar. 2022, https://philadelphiaencyclopedia.org/essays/bank-of-north-america/.
Phillis, Michael. “Feds Want Justices to End Navajo Fight for Colo.. River Water.” AP NEWS, Associated Press, 17 Mar. 2023, https://apnews.com/article/navajo-water-supreme-court-justices-colorado-river-8f6b84e02da151473a6828494d4c5d2e.
Newcomb, Tim. “Earth Is Kinda Running out of People.” Popular Mechanics, Popular Mechanics, 17 Mar. 2023, https://www.popularmechanics.com/science/environment/a43351160/global-population-shortage/.