Today, We Begin To “Work Around It”—First Quarter Moon in Gemini, 16 The Tower-Reversed & a Giving Hand
Daily Horoscope for Thursday, March 6, 2025
You’re reading the AstroMommy daily horoscope, a forecast that hopes to shine a light in the dark, helping us all see where we’ve been, where we are, and where we’re going; whether you’re a first-time reader or a long-time subscriber, thanks for being here! I truly appreciate you being in the AstroMommy community. I hope you enjoy today’s horoscope and card reading.
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Without further ado, here is the daily horoscope.
Good afternoon, friends!
Today is the first quarter Moon in Gemini. Tonight, if the sky is clear where you are, you may see the crescent moon high in the evening sky, just past Jupiter. The Pleiades, Aldebaran, and Capella (all fixed stars) will also be near the Moon and Jupiter. You can see a picture of these celestial bodies here on
Interestingly, I just read an Australian aboriginal creation story about the Pleiades, which I assigned to my son to read today.
In this story, a man leaves his people to find new companions and after some strange experiences, finds a group of seven sisters, the Meamei, who give him food and let him camp for the night with them. The next day, he tricks two of the sisters and takes them captive, to be his companions. Eventually, these two sisters escape with the help of a pine tree, raising them to the heavens, where their five sisters await them and eagerly welcome them back to the group, thus becoming the “Seven Sisters,” or “The Pleiades.”

This is not the only story of how these seven stars came to be, of course, but I found the coincidence entertaining since this star cluster is so close to the First Quarter Moon.
In Brady’s Book of Fixed Stars (1998)1, astrologer Bernadette Brady says that the Pleiades star cluster has to do with vision, both “physical and mystical;” that the fixed star Aldebaran symbolizes “strong integrity,” and that Capella means, “The need for independence.” These sentiments may prove to be key players in this first quarter, Moon, so keep them in mind when reflecting on your own experiences.
Okay, let’s get into….the astrology
(all times are in Eastern time unless mentioned otherwise)
Thursday, March 6, 2025
The Moon is in Gemini all day so communication, travel, language, and learning may all be front and center in your mind.
Before the First Quarter phase, the Moon made a harmonious sextile to Venus in Aries retrograde and then conjoined Jupiter in Gemini by 5:16 am.
The Moon and Venus together in a sextile represent the willingness of people to work together, good moods, pleasant feelings exchanged, love, affection, and a general sense of ease and flow between friends, family, and loved ones.
When the Moon conjoins Jupiter every month it means happiness, blessings, prosperity, and people coming together on the same page.
I love that this First Quarter Moon has these two positive aspects with both benefics, Venus and Jupiter, because the upcoming Lunar Eclipse on March 13-14 (depending on your time zone), looks very challenging and I think we are going to need these blessings.
We may also feel a love of learning, teaching, and collaborating with others today and may feel optimistic, enthusiastic, and jovial.
Laughter and good times exchanging ideas and socializing are shown with these two transits!
At 11:31 am ET, the Moon in Gemini perfected her square to the Sun in Pisces, which symbolizes a crisis moment when we have to individuate, break free in some regard, and take those first steps toward whatever we started two weeks prior on the New Moon.
Let’s take a look at the chart.
First Quarter Moon at 16°Gemini 21’
You can see the Moon and Jupiter on the left-hand side of the chart right before the 9 o’clock position. The Sun is high above, close to noon, and is approaching Saturn in Pisces. Mars in Cancer, between 7 and 8 o’clock, is applying to trine Saturn.
After the First Quarter square, the Gemini Moon will make three transits:
A semisquare to Pluto in Aquarius, representing delays and setbacks to something we are trying to change or transform in our lives, and this could be a habit, an emotional response, or a solution we found to a problem, but there are speedbumps on the road today.
A sextile to Chiron in Aries, indicating omens, dreams, and synchronicities that emerge that feel destined in some way.
Lastly, a square to Saturn in Pisces, symbolizing a reality check moment when you are faced with your limitations, either from rules, laws, or inhibiting structures, people, or emotional blocks that may prevent you from moving forward as quickly as you’d like.
These boundaries set by Saturn are meant to strengthen you and cause you to grow and mature as you figure out ways to move around them.
It’s like when a new little seedling tries to emerge from the soil but finds a rock in its path and has to turn and curve its stem around it, eventually it does find a way, and breaks free of the confines of the earth, with perhaps a stronger root, than if it didn’t have to find a way around the challenging stone.
So, that is where we are with this First Quarter Moon--we are trying to emerge like little seedlings and there is a stone in our way that we have to find a path around. We will find a path and push through the soil, stronger for it.
I know that for myself, this first quarter Moon is in my first house of self with the Sun in my tenth house of career and praxis. Since I am a homeschool mom I am seeing this transit show up as a teacher. A week ago I decided on the curriculum for the rest of the year for my son who is in 8th grade. My husband got a construction job out of state and wants to take our son with him which will be a great learning experience, but it means that I have to adjust the learning plan, so—what I am teaching my children (Moon in Gemini conjunct Jupiter) is beginning the next phase (square to the Sun) and I am met with some challenges because of the work trip coming up so quickly (Mars trine Saturn) so I have to pivot how this unit of study will be implemented and there are certain limitations that I have to work around (Moon square Saturn).
Whatever seeds you planted a week ago with the New Moon in Pisces, now it is time for the next step. You may be taking action today or you may be realizing the ball that started rolling a week ago. You may also be making plans, coordinating people, or organizing your thoughts. Mercurial and Jupitarian themes may be noticeable and include travel, communication, writing, learning, teaching, philosophies, and big-picture ideas. You may also notice the limitations, boundaries, rules, or regulations that you have to work around being a prominent feature.
Here are some questions to ask yourself during this lunar phase:
What are you taking action toward today? What are you noticing taking shape? What are you strategizing, planning, or coordinating? What are you having to work around?
Briefly, below you will find the house that this First Quarter Moon is occurring in according to your rising sign. Find your rising and read the house topics associated with this First Quarter Moon. You may notice action, movement, strategizing, or an event involving one or more of those topics.
Aries — third house of siblings, communication, and local travel.
Taurus — second house of money and possessions.
Gemini — first house of self, health, and character.
Cancer — twelfth house of blind spots, large animals, hidden enemies, and mental health.
Leo — eleventh house of friends, allies, groups, and wishes.
Virgo — tenth house of career, praxis, and the mother.
Libra — ninth house of foreign travel, higher education, and beliefs.
Scorpio — eighth house of shared resources, inheritance, debt, and death.
Sagittarius — seventh house of marriage, partnerships, and legal matters.
Capricorn — sixth house of stress, health issues, employees or co-workers, and pets.
Aquarius — fifth house of pregnancy, children, creativity, and recreational activities.
Pisces — fourth house of family, roots, and property.
I wish you all a happy First Quarter Moon!
The Tarot Card & Charm
What is the guidance for today?
16. The Tower-Reversed & a Giving Hand Charm
The Tower reversed could mean that you yourself created a shocking disruption or destabilization of a foundational element in your life, or maybe someone else tried to zap you with information meant to “wake you up!” This could be about self-sabotage or something from the unconscious that created chaos.
It could also indicate that a storm came and now you are dealing with the aftermath—the power may be out, the internet down; the electrical devices are doing weird things, but you are handling it. Additionally, maybe this card is clueing you into the fact that you avoided some sort of calamity, or perhaps, you are currently avoiding something that needs to be torn down, changed, and let go because you don’t want to go through the painful process.
The giving hand charm symbolizes something coming your way that is meant to provide support, sustenance, or happiness, such as a gift, offering, or helping hand. This charm is clearly handing you a piece of something or a token of something…advice, affection, wisdom? Only you will know when it happens.
Seeing these two omens together makes me think that someone is giving you something that is meant to clue you into the fact that—change—is upon us.
I also find this reading interesting because I have been warning my husband not to take this work trip during a Mercury retrograde, but he’s an Aries and is going to do it anyway. “Tsk tsk,” says his astrologer wife! Hopefully, whatever he ends up having to “work around” will make for some comical stories. But, as an astrologer, I highly advise NOT traveling during this Mercury retrograde, if you can avoid it. The combination of Venus and Mercury retrograde together plus eclipse season at the same time, is just not favorable for an easy trip.
What do you think? I would love to hear your thoughts, so please leave a comment!
I hope this is helpful!
Until tomorrow,
Thank you for reading the daily horoscope!
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Glossary of Astrological Terms
Today’s cards were pulled from The Native American Tarot Deck by Magda Weck Gonzalez available on Amazon.
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Brady, B. (1998). Brady's Book of Fixed Stars. In B. Brady, Brady's Book of Fixed Stars. Boston, MA: Red Wheel/Weiser, LLC.