AstroMommy’s Newsletter
Podcast of the AstroMommy Newsletter
Episode #179: Feeling A Little Sensitive And Dramatic? Moon Enters Scorpio & Jupiter Conjoins The North Node

Episode #179: Feeling A Little Sensitive And Dramatic? Moon Enters Scorpio & Jupiter Conjoins The North Node

Daily Horoscope for Wednesday and Thursday, May 31-June 1, 2023

Show Notes:     

0:00 Welcome to the AstroMommy Newsletter Introduction

0:45 Daily Horoscope Title and Date

0:56 Good morning, friends!  Updates

1:36 Overview

4:13 Daily Horoscope for Wednesday, May 31, 2023

6:35 Daily Horoscope for Thursday, June 1, 2023

9:43 The card for the day

10:45 End Remarks

10:52 Thank you, quick links, and resources


You’re listening to the AstroMommy daily horoscope,  a forecast that hopes to shine a light in the dark, helping us all see where we’ve been, where we are, and where we’re going.  Whether you’re a first-time listener or a long-time subscriber, thanks for being here! I truly appreciate you being in the AstroMommy community. I hope you enjoy today’s horoscope and card reading.

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Without further ado, here is the daily horoscope.

Good morning, friends!

Well, My Summer Reading Special, the Hellenistic “Five-Points” Reading is on sale right now for donation only, which means you can pay $5 or $50, it’s up to you!  This is a quick 25-30 minute reading where we will go over your Big Three, your Sun, Moon, and Rising sign, and the TWO most notable transits that you are in or that are coming up for you this year, using Hellenistic techniques. 

If you’d like to book a “Five-Point” Reading please email me at or you can click on the link, Book A Reading, and it will take you to my Square site for booking.

Then we can schedule your reading via Zoom or over the phone.  These readings will start in mid-June and go until mid-August, 2023, so please reach out to me now to get a time slot that works best for you! 

Okay, let’s get into… the astrology

Well, it is the last day of May today.  The Sun is at 9°Gemini 44’ and will hit the tenth degree today, entering the second decan of Gemini—which is associated with the Nine of Swords in the tarot and is also ruled by Mars in Gemini.  The Nine of Swords is about negative self-talk, worry, and our fears of the future and Mars in Gemini is like our mental processes on steroids, so the next ten days that the Sun is moving through this space should be interesting.  These, of course, are very subtle influences that are more in the subconscious background.

The Moon today is in Libra for most of the day until she ingresses into Scorpio, the sign of her fall, on tonight at 7:44 pm ET.

Mercury is leaving shadow today—and what that means is that he will be advancing past the degree to which he started his last retrograde cycle which was 15°Taurus 36’ back on April 21, 2023, when he stationed retrograde.  So, we could be feeling a bit of closure when it comes to the retrograde stuff that we’ve been experiencing.

Venus is now at 25° of Cancer and is within 2 degrees of forming a trine to Neptune in Pisces which is now at 27° Pisces 26’.  This means that we may be putting on some rose-colored glasses or want to in our lives to make things easier as Venus approaches her ingress into Leo and subsequent opposition to Pluto at 0°Aquarius 09’ retrograde where there will be a stand-off between the planet of love, relationships, and beauty and the Planet of transformation, death and rebirth.  Plus, Venus will be going retrograde this year in Leo in July so, relationship stuff will be coming up big time, if it hasn’t started to shift already.

Uranus has entered the last decan of Taurus and is now at 20° and 10’ of arc—this is the decan associated with the Seven of Pentacles in the tarot and is ruled by Saturn, so it is a time to look at how far you’ve come and then keep working—no rest for the weary.  With Uranus in this space, it feels very unstable, like the garden we’ve been tending to and working on may go through some unexpected events—just the other day I realized that some deer had eaten a bunch of my snap peas, which is all that seems to be thriving in my garden this year, so I’m not surprised, but at the same time, I was surprised!  The deer left my garden alone last year and so I guess I got a little too comfortable and assumptive.  It’s not time to give up on my garden, but I do need to do better—and that’s the energy of this last decan in Taurus—don’t give up when things get hard, just do better.

Jupiter is now in a partile conjunction with the North Node in Taurus and that simply means that he is in the same degree—tomorrow he will perfect this conjunction down to the minute at 03°Taurus 37’minutes of arc. 

So, that is the overview of where we are at, now let’s go over the specific transits of Wednesday and Thursday…

On Wednesday…

The Moon is in Libra until her ingress into Scorpio at 7:44 pm ET.

The Moon in Libra wants connection, social experiences, and to keep the peace.  Sometimes this is to her detriment as she can be a bit of a people pleaser, even a liar to try to keep things in harmony. 

In the early morning on Wednesday, the Moon formed a quincunx to Uranus and a sesquiquadrate to Saturn—which just means that there is tension to start the day with.

Then at 10:18 am ET, the Moon forms a sesquiquadrate to the Sun in Gemini representing tension, possible conflict, and a start/stop scenario.  The Moon just had her trine to the sun yesterday and things were flowing smoothly in some regard and now today they are hitting some friction, like a part of the road where the concrete is cracking and so it’s a bumpy ride. 

At 10:53 am ET, the Moon in Libra squares Venus in Cancer—both cardinal energies that want to start and initiate things and the square aspect in traditional astrology is said to be the energy of Mars, which is aggressive, assertive, and impatient, so there could be an energy or drive to get things done today that make us feel better, more secure, and more at peace with our surroundings, in our relationships, or with our finances.

In the afternoon, a few hours before the Moon transitions into Scorpio, she forms a quincunx to Neptune in Pisces—so we could just feel off, out of sorts, and totally over it, whatever IT is.  With Venus’s upcoming trine to Neptune, this is a little like feeling reluctant to let the good feelings back in—it’s like when a child wants to do something but they want to do it their way and they dig in their heels a bit, even though you are doing what they want but maybe in a different way.  So, again, it’s friction on the path.

The Moon ingresses into the sign of her fall, Scorpio, at 7:44 pm ET and then at 8:02 pm ET perfects a square to Pluto in Aquarius. The Moon in Scorpio is emotional, fixated, and obsessed, and even though it hurts, wants to always dive deeper into the nooks and crannies of the heart or the mind, probing every dark corner. 

Pluto in Aquarius is curious about what is inside too, but from a more detached scientific space—let’s bring it all out of the dark and look at it, study it, analyze it, and then see if we can use it for the greater good.  How can we use these deep emotions to further humanity?  Well, those are the types of questions that may come up on Wednesday night with whatever feelings reveal themselves with this transit—how can I use this information to better my life?  Do I need to let it go or incorporate it?  Is it good for the soil in my soul garden or toxic? 

On Thursday, June first…

The Moon in Scorpio conjoins the South Node and thus opposes Jupiter and the North Node in Taurus.  We start out our day on Thursday with this configuration and then end our day on Thursday with Jupiter perfecting his conjunction to the North Node in Taurus and so this energy is permeating the whole day.

The Moon with the South Node in Scorpio has a tendency to want to give in to temptation and do what she can to feel better—so this could be how we are feeling on Thursday and with the opposition to Jupiter and the North Node in Taurus, we would be better off focusing on what we have rather than what we desire—it may be easy to think that it would be better somewhere else or with someone else or doing something else, but these decisions need to be made later, when the Moon is not in Scorpio and feeling vulnerable, wounded, and impressionable.

So, whatever you may be thinking about, just don’t quit on a bad day, as the saying goes!  Wait till the Moon is in a better space to make your changes.  Today may be a good day to journal, work out, or take a walk instead of taking action.

This may be hard since at 8:11 am ET on Thursday the Moon in Scorpio forms a square to Mars in Leo, so it is possible that people won’t sit on things and wait for a better time, but rather they will go ahead and make decisions based off of their emotions.   The Moon and Mars in a square can bring up conflicts, fights, and aggressive tendencies.  People may be more emotional and reactive on Thursday, a.k.a. moody as hell! 

Right after at 8:29 am ET, the Moon forms a trine to Saturn in Pisces—so whatever you feel you need to do will be easy to implement, sign the papers, make it so.  The Moon and Saturn in a trine are about stable emotions, which is like the opposite of Moon and Mars in a square, so this feels like to me, on Thursday, we are going to be taking severe action on something and it may be from an emotional space, but we are serious about whatever it is.

At 3:30 pm ET Mars in Leo forms a quincunx to Saturn in Pisces, so whatever actions we want to do are not in alignment with the structures that are in place in our lives or our responsibilities, but this seems like Mars is saying, to hell with the boundaries, I’m doing this!

Right after at 3:49 pm ET, the Moon forms a quincunx to the Sun in Gemini and this feels a little bit like regret, like maybe there was a big fight or blowout and some decision was made that now you are regretting.

In the evening on Thursday, the Moon forms a sesquiquadrate to Neptune in Pisces at 6:18 pm and then Jupiter perfects his conjunction to the North Node in Taurus at 8:42 pm ET.

So, there is major tension and a desire to feel good, to put on rose-colored glasses and pretend that everything is just fine, but it’s not fine.

Jupiter and the North Node in Taurus is an amplification of possibly good things like wealth, abundance, fertility, joy, and happiness, but it could also represent doing something too much, like over-eating, over-consumption, over-spending, or over-sharing in some way.  I think with all the other transits the possibility of freaking out emotionally is really high and then doing something to try and feel better like binge-eating a tub of ice cream or going out shopping and spending a ton of money that you really shouldn’t or just lying on the couch and watching movies all day because you’re wallowing, is extremely high on Thursday—and since we are building up to this, this could manifest on Wednesday through the weekend.  So, just be aware that the energy is dramatic, moody, and may be over-inflated.

Let’s move on to the card for the day:

What is the guidance for today?

34  Tenth House ~ The World—reversed

The Tenth House is all about how you put yourself out there in the world, your career, your public recognition, and your fame.

 In the reversed position, this could indicate a period of solitude and wanting to stay in rather than go out.  It may be a better idea to do some self-reflection, journaling, or therapy work.  It could also be helpful to work on your house and make improvements to your living spaces instead of working outside the home. 

The corresponding tarot card, The World, in the upright position represents completion; feeling like you’ve accomplished a goal, but in the reversed position it could feel like a lack of completion or you are looking for some sort of closure to something and haven’t found it yet. It also represents just feeling out of sync with nature, your path, or your destiny.

XXI The World*

So, this card could also indicate having some delays or setbacks in terms of your career, goals, or what you are trying to be publically known for, or you may just feel off energetically. Whatever the case, I stand by my first suggestion in saying that it is time to work on yourself and your home environment.

I would love to know if this reading resonates with you or not!  Please leave a comment.

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I hope this is helpful!

Until Friday,


Thank you for reading or listening to the daily horoscope!

Quick Links and Resources

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AstroMommy YouTube Channel

Today’s card was pulled from The Black Moon Astrology Cards available on Amazon.

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*XXI The World card from:

“The Illustrated Key to the Tarot, the Veil of Divination, Illustrating the Greater and Lesser Arcana, Embracing: The Veil and Its Symbols. Secret Tradition under the Veil of Divination. Art of Tarot Divination. Outer Method of the Oracles. the Tarot in History. Inner Symbolism. the Greater Keys : De Laurence, L. W. (Lauron William), b. 1868 : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming.” Internet Archive, Chicago, Ill., De Laurence Co., 1 Jan. 1970,

AstroMommy’s Newsletter
Podcast of the AstroMommy Newsletter
A read-aloud version of the daily horoscope newsletter that often incorporates motherhood, dreams, tarot cards, inspirational quotes, movies, and sometimes a story or two. Updates and news about AstroMommy and Metaphysical Flamingo, her family art studio on Etsy, as well. Enjoy!