AstroMommy's "Terrible Poem." Total Lunar Eclipse In Taurus/Full Moon Poetry Slam!
November 8, 2022
Good morning, friends!
The words in this list felt very Venus in Scorpio to me and I wrote about 3 poems after freewriting to try to get the wheels turning…this one was my favorite, but honestly, I felt like they were all terrible, hence the title.
I hope you enjoy this full-moon poem. Please reply with yours or send me a private email, either is fine. If you want to share on social media, please use the hashtag #astromommywordpoem, thanks!
Terrible Poem
by AstroMommy
I write terrible poetry
Broken lines, hardly anything rhymes
I have no hope whatsoever to be noted as a poet in my obituary
The slim fact that I write at all will probably not even make it in
It will be something they denature out of my bio
Or will it? Will my children one day discover all my writing and be like, “Wow, Mom’s writing was so enthralling!”
Probably not.
They will probably mistake the boxes of notebooks for grocery lists and chore lists and toss them out without a second thought.
The gnarled metal spirals, twisting around each page like a curly fry
It will most likely be passed by
The damaged journals with coffee stains full of teenage angst and love pains—so very painful I cannot even read them myself—the torture I put myself through in the name of love
Let them decompose! Let them get tossed out! Only an excavator looking for hidden treasure would care at all
Brush them off, with a gentle cloth
Open them slowly with steady hands
And enter into the realm of my imagination, my dreams, my love-making fantasies
Modern children do not care about Mother’s poems, unfinished stories, or diary entries
The cold reality of the North pole of my writing is that it will be tossed out, along with my unpaired socks
But, then again, maybe someone will care
Someone who finds a home in my words
Someone who, by escaping into broken lines and gnarled conversations escapes the gaff of their own life
By some miracle maybe my fate to be a nobody, forgotten by all, is not fixed, but double-bodied, like an open doorway—leaves blowing in and leaves blowing out
for a doorway is not ‘nothing,’ it serves a very distinct purpose.
I hope to find that purpose in this life, to discover my true nature
And then be it proudly and to the best of my ability, so that I may assist people to walk through me to find themselves.
(Wait…I am a mother and souls come through me)
Oh, and I write a little too…
(what a terrible way to end a poem)
Like I said, I write terrible poetry
Broken lines, hardly anything rhymes
gnarled conversations inside my head
only understood by my higher self
Until tomorrow,
Previous word lists can be found on this master post.
Previous Word Poems by AstroMommy:
You Are A Mirror (Word Poem #1—1st poem-New Moon in Taurus/Full in Scorpio)
My Eggs Are Perfect (Word Poem #1—2nd poem-New Moon in Taurus/Full in Scorpio)
The Biggest Hill (Word Poem #2—New Moon in Gemini/Full in Sag)
You, Up? (Word Poem #3-New Moon in Cancer/Full in Capricorn)
How Do The Stars Speak? (Word Poem #4-New Moon in Leo/Full in Aquarius)
On The Beach In Fall (Word poem #5—New Moon in Virgo/Full in Pisces)
I Smell Like Peppermint (poetry/free write in place of a word poem for New Moon in Libra/Full Moon in Aries)
Hmm. Very...lamenty?